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Reviews and Press


Winner of CiteFest 2008, Northwestern University’s Library and Academic Technologies group reference manager contest.

For the second year running, one of PC Magazine's "Best Free Software," PC Magazine 8 February 2008.

Chosen as the Best Instructional Software of 2007 by the Information Technology and Politics section of the American Political Science Association.

Chosen by PC Magazine as part of their feature on “The Best Free Software” Tony Hoffman, "The Best Free Software," PC Magazine 20 February 2007: 68.

Recognized by AI3 as a Jewels & Doubloon Winner


Richard Wallis of Talking With Talis interviews Trevor Owens about Zotero.

Dan Chudnov of Library Geeks interviews Dan Cohen, Josh Greenberg, and Dan Stillman about Zotero.

Matt Pasiewicz of EDUCAUSE interviews Roy Rosenzweig and Josh Greenberg at the Fall 2006 Task Force Meeting of the Coalition for Networked Information.

Interview with Trevor Owens from the Institute of Library and Museum Services project profile on Zotero.

Press Notices and Mentions

“Zotero does for research what word-processing software did for writing. After a short while, you start to wonder how anyone ever did without it.” Scott McLemee of Inside Higher Education

“Zotero is as slick as any commercial product, the documentation is deep and tasty with lots of nicely done screencasts and the developer info is some of the best Open Source project docs I’ve seen.” Bob Walsh of

Zotero is a “powerful tool for capturing the expert analysis and retrieval essential to health sciences librarianship.” Expert Searching, Zotero: A New Bread of Search Tool. Submitted by Mark Desierto and edited by Revecca N. Jerome. Medical Library Association Newsletter April 2007

“The Web browser has become an essential tool for many academics, a versatile window into books, journal articles, blogs, and other research materials. Why not create a customized browser with professors' needs in mind?” The Chronicle of Higher Education

“A godsend for anyone doing research online.” Mark Stachiew in The Ottawa Citizen Nov 16 2006

“Zotero is a valuable product” The Hindu

“If you spend most of your time doing research on the Web, you need Zotero”

“A most welcome find.” The Scout Report


“Zotero is as slick as any commercial product, the documentation is deep and tasty with lots of nicely done screencasts and the developer info is some of the best Open Source project docs I’ve seen.”

“in a word, WOW.” Professor Cathy Davidson at Haystac

“Zotero is the most useful tool ever created. I am not exaggerating.” Maha Abdo a relationship counselor with the Australian Muslim Women’s Association

“I was definitely impressed with the layout and usability of the configuration options. Very well thought out and intuitive.” Jonathan Danylko of DCS Media

“It is a polished piece of work, another instance of quality programming in the free – libre – open-source software arena….This is going to save a lot of people a lot of time.” Psychiatrist at a community hospital posting at Corpus Callosum

“I like the light-weight approach (compared to software solutions such as Endnote), the browser integration and thus platform independence. It’s free, of course. Felix at Language Lab Unleashed

“Zotero is free, and it runs right on your browser. It works both as an online backpack and a personal library, first capturing the references that you find on the Internet, and then organizing them into a file system.” Librarian Kelly Near

“The user interface is a joy! No need to enter editing mode or save changes! It downloads in a few seconds (if you are using Firefox, which you should)…This is how software should work. Go get it!”Gustaf Brandberg, a Digital Business Managament Consultant at TietoEnator Digital Innovations

“Zotero, a break-through project out of George Mason University, promises to make digital metadata much more a part of the daily lives of scholars. Zotero is a free, open source, citation tool that plugs into the Firefox browser. It scans every webpage you view, ranging from weblog posts to articles in JSTOR, and looks for metadata. It uses this metadata to automatically capture bibliographic reference information. That saves researchers a great deal of tedium and reduces annoying typographic errors in building up their reference databases.” Archaeologist Eric Kansa

“But speaking of peace, I have discovered the solution to world peace. It is called Zotero. This little Firefox plugin will streamline the management of research like never before. I have been looking for a tool like this for ages now, and it beats renaming PDF documents to somehow reflect the year, title and authors in one foul swoop. The ability to tag documents also takes away the limitations imposed by dropping said document into a single directory, where it should actually appear at three different spots in your research category hierarchy. I bet that the people who pushed so hard for multi-disciplinary research hardly took into account the impact of ordering references by mere mortals (i.e. post-graduate students).” Mass Mentality

“What could be hotter than Johnny Depp, you ask? The answer is: the sexiest, awesomest citation manager ever…. It not only solves the problem of having to switch between Word, a reference manager, and your browser, and cut-and-paste and retype things manually, and it lets you keep track of lots and lots of information and organize it in ways that let you make better use of it. In short, leaps and bounds better than anything that existed before. Big step forward in helping us do better research, and helping humanity, and all that warm fuzzy stuff that I sincerely believe in, and the kind of thing that I want to (after I’m finally out of school) help make happen.” Human-computer interaction student blogging at empirical insanity

“Zotero is making me super happy this week. It's a plugin for Firefox that acts as a super-awesome research assistant, sort of like on crack. Rumor has it that once you're done researching, it can even build you a bibliography, which is freaking awesome. Highly recommended.” Author Ariel Meadow Stallings

“If you write and use citations and references in your writing (lawyers, that would be you), you need Zotero… It’s totally free, open source, and completely awesome… I expect that Zotero will be the new standard in research/reference management” Brandy Karl, an independent copyright, trademark and business attorney in Boston.

“Zotero's strength is its congruency with the academic work flow. I continue to be impressed with Zotero and I still highly recommend it as a bibliography tool. If you haven't tried it yet, what are you waiting for?” Laura Blankenship, Senior Instructional Technologist at Bryn Mawr College

“Algunos de las clásicas aplicaciones están avanzando hacia aplicaciones web (Ejemplo de ello Endnote). No tienen todavía integrado entornos sociales y de filosofía Web 2.0. La aplicación a seguir es Zotero como punta de lanza en las investigaciones de las aplicaciones futuras en la gestión de documentos web. Puedes echarle un vistazo a “cómo se lo hace” Zotero para integrar registros en este screencast que he preparado para la ocasión.Seguiremos hablando de todas estas herramientas. Agradezco comentarios para enriquecer la información que dejo en este post.” Librarian Fernando S.

“From what I’ve seen thus far, it’s just awesome … So if you don’t have Endnotes yet, or hate Endnotes, or don’t have any sort of bibliography manager thing, go get Zotero … If that doesn’t rock your world then I don’t know what would.” Michelle, a graduate student studying ancient philosophy at the University of Arizona

“Zotero is best experienced though I hope your curiosity is whetted by reading about its capabilities. If you do any kind of research I recommend that you give Zotero a try.” Mack Lundy Librarian at the. College of William and Mary

“I have to say it made me as happy as my morning cup of coffee, which is basically ecstatic. The software was not only a snap to install, but so amazingly smooth in terms of user interface and functionality. While I wish this existed years ago, well, I am just happy it does now.” E. Gabriella Coleman Assistant Professor of Culture and Communication at New York University

Youth services librarian Erin Downey says of Zotero “I can't tell you … how much time the Zotero extension saves me … Compiling a “proper” bib *used to be* my most time-consuming task. Now it's the easiest.”

Zotero “is perhaps the best Firefox extension that most users have never heard of, unless you are an academic historian or social scientist, in which case Zotero is becoming quite the rage. It is also percolating into other academic fields, including law, math and science.” AI3

Zotero “is a revolution in how to approach collecting references and even more importantly it is free. This means that more people that ever before can access these essential tools and in the long run information will flow more freely and accurately between people.” Organic Researcher

“I have been using Zotero for a number of months and I can safely say it’s one of my most favorite research tools…I don’t do this often, but I highly recommend Zotero.” Home Office Voice: Bringing you the best of the home office on the web

Librarian Amanda Watson notices “it completely lacks the annoyances that plague RefWorks, and it makes the whole citation process so quick and intuitive that I wish it had appeared on the scene years ago. And it's also free. Which is no small consideration, either!” Householdopera

Jay S. Fleischman a New York bankruptcy lawyer says of Zotero “Every lawyer wants this” Bankruptcy Practice Pro

Building Consultant Engineer Khaled Abou Alfa is “amazed by the quality of the Zotero plugin for Firefox….Easily one of the best plugins for Firefox I’ve stumbled on in a long time” Brokenkode

Comparing Zotero to EndNote. “Zotero is better. First off, its free. EndNote costs well over $100 I think. Let's say I go to the Washington Post website and read today's news. Dum-dee-dee, I'm clicking along until I find something interesting. Since I've already downloaded Zotero, all I have to do is click on a little icon, and boom! it creates a bibliographic citation and saves a copy of the article for future reference” Aldeman a graduate student in Virginia

A Graduate Student notes, “I've been going nuts over Zotero” Sophistpundit

Chris a graduate student in New York says “THIS “ZOTERO” has to be the coolest thing ever. It's better than EndNote, and it's FREE!!!” Radio Free Blogerica

“Its simple to learn, not bloated with features and intuitive.” Bala Chandar, a graduate student in Germany working on RNA interference in Dictyostelium, on her blog, “ Efficent Academic

“It's the ultimate in digital note card technology.” Dan Rosenberry, a student in Pittsburgh

“The way we do research has changed so much, but I just don’t think the research management tools have really kept pace. It’s nice to see that people are actually working to develop tools that are designed to be integrated into our online life rather than requiring us to totally change the way we do things. It sounds like Dan Cohen and his colleagues are really interested in making this a flexible tool that works well with other online tools and meets the needs of its user population.” Librarian Meredith Farkas on her blog, Information Wants to be Free

“Researchers, students and librarians everywhere wondering how they ever did without it.” “Zotero should leapfrog EndNote in total functionality, and allow the user to remain entirely within the browser while conducting research.” Deadreckoning

“Zotero is already an amazing piece of software that could change the way we do history.” William J. Turkel, Assistant Professor University of Western Ontario, on his blog (Digital History Hacks: Methodology for the infinite archive)

“Groundbreaking. A glimpse of the 21st century scholarly information landscape.” Matthew G Kirschenbaum, Assistant Professor of English at University of Maryland, College Parkkelly

what_are_people_saying_about_zotero.txt · Last modified: 2017/11/12 19:58 by