Did you miss this event? Key takeaways:

  • Plan ahead!  This will increase your odds of getting funding and help you get the courses you want to take abroad accepted towards your degree
  • Don’t leave money on the table.  Several panelists were able to get most or all of their expenses covered by researching scholarship options through their departments, colleges, and local and national organizations. Essay questions are often so similar that personal statements can be recycled with minimal tweaking.
  • Reach out to advisors!  Find the experts on study abroad and specialists on scholarships on your campus. If you’re also a CUNY Baccalaureate or Macaulay Honors student, check in with their advisors on global opportunities too!

Study abroad is back!


We are pleased to report that CUNY study abroad programs are back! Stay tuned for updates on the students, faculty and programs that have led the way for CUNY to reconnect with the world.

In the meantime:  get started on your own plan to study abroad! Search for a program, discuss your global goals with your academic advisor, and reach out to your study abroad office!