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Article Information — Haiti

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Title Volume Issue Article Type Year Month
Mosquitoborne Infections after Hurricane Jeanne, Haiti, 2004 13 2 Dispatch 2007 2
Plasmodium malariae in Haitian Refugees, Jamaica 13 6 Dispatch 2007 6
Prevalence of Plasmodium falciparum Infection in Rainy Season, Artibonite Valley, Haiti, 2006 13 10 Dispatch 2007 10
Age as a Risk Factor for Cutaneous Human Anthrax: Evidence from Haiti, 1973–1974 8 8 Letter 2002 8
Chloroquine-Resistant Haplotype Plasmodium falciparum Parasites, Haiti 15 5 Research 2009 5
Recent Clonal Origin of Cholera in Haiti 17 4 Dispatch 2011 4
Vibrio cholerae in Traveler from Haiti to Canada 17 6 Letter 2011 6
Implications of the Introduction of Cholera to Haiti 17 7 Commentary 2011 7
Lessons Learned during Public Health Response to Cholera Epidemic in Haiti and the Dominican Republic 17 11 Synopsis 2011 11
Rapid Development and Use of a Nationwide Training Program for Cholera Management, Haiti, 2010 17 11 Synopsis 2011 11
Characterization of Toxigenic Vibrio cholerae from Haiti, 2010–2011 17 11 Research 2011 11
Cholera in Haiti and Other Caribbean Regions, 19th Century 17 11 Historical Review 2011 11
Risk Factors Early in the 2010 Cholera Epidemic, Haiti 17 11 Dispatch 2011 11
Rapid Assessment of Cholera-related Deaths, Artibonite Department, Haiti, 2010 17 11 Dispatch 2011 11
Epidemic Cholera in a Crowded Urban Environment, Port-au-Prince, Haiti 17 11 Dispatch 2011 11
Drug-Resistance Mechanisms in Vibrio cholerae O1 Outbreak Strain, Haiti, 2010 17 11 Dispatch 2011 11
Cholera Management and Prevention at Hôpital Albert Schweitzer, Haiti 17 11 Dispatch 2011 11
Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Related to Treatment and Prevention of Cholera, Haiti, 2010 17 11 Dispatch 2011 11
Cholera Prevention Training Materials for Community Health Workers, Haiti, 2010–2011 17 11 Dispatch 2011 11
Cholera in United States Associated with Epidemic in Hispaniola 17 11 Dispatch 2011 11
Academic Consortia: Untapped Resources for Preparedness, Response, and Recovery—Examining the Cholera Outbreak in Haiti 17 11 Conference Summary 2011 11
Understanding the Cholera Epidemic, Haiti 17 11 Letter 2011 11
Haiti in the Context of the Current Global Cholera Pandemic 17 11 Commentary 2011 11
Travel Health Alert Notices and Haiti Cholera Outbreak, Florida, USA, 2011 17 11 Dispatch 2011 11
Considerations for Oral Cholera Vaccine Use during Outbreak after Earthquake in Haiti, 2010−2011 17 11 Synopsis 2011 11
Comparative Genomics of Vibrio cholerae from Haiti, Asia, and Africa 17 11 Research 2011 11
Persistence of Memory and the Comma Bacillus 17 11 About the Cover 2011 11
Considerations for Oral Cholera Vaccine Use during Outbreak after Earthquake in Haiti, 2010–2011 18 7 Letter 2012 7
Chloroquine-Resistant Malaria in Travelers Returning from Haiti after 2010 Earthquake 18 8 Dispatch 2012 8
Lack of Evidence for Chloroquine-Resistant Plasmodium falciparum Malaria, Leogane, Haiti 18 9 Dispatch 2012 9
Preventing Maritime Transfer of Toxigenic Vibrio cholerae 18 10 Dispatch 2012 10
Slave Trade and Hepatitis B Virus Genotypes and Subgenotypes in Haiti and Africa 15 8 Research 2009 8
Peritoneal Tuberculosis in a Pregnant Woman from Haiti, United States 19 3 Letter 2013 3
Monitoring Water Sources for Environmental Reservoirs of Toxigenic Vibrio cholerae O1, Haiti 20 3 Research 2014 3
Household-Level Spatiotemporal Patterns of Incidence of Cholera, Haiti, 2011 20 9 Dispatch 2014 9
Multidrug-Resistant IncA/C Plasmid in Vibrio cholerae from Haiti 20 11 Letter 2014 11
Monitoring Water Sources for Environmental Reservoirs of Toxigenic Vibrio cholerae O1, Haiti 21 1 Letter 2015 1
Oral Cholera Vaccine Coverage, Barriers to Vaccination, and Adverse Events following Vaccination, Haiti, 2013 21 6 Research 2015 6
Factors Related to Fetal Death in Pregnant Women with Cholera, Haiti, 2011–2014 22 1 Dispatch 2016 1
Mortality Rates during Cholera Epidemic, Haiti, 2010–2011 22 3 Research 2016 3
Plasmodium falciparum K76T pfcrt Gene Mutations and Parasite Population Structure, Haiti, 2006–2009 22 5 Research 2016 5
Mayaro Virus in Child with Acute Febrile Illness, Haiti, 2015 22 11 Dispatch 2016 11
Travel-Associated Vibrio cholerae O1 El Tor, Russia 22 11 Letter 2016 11
Deadly River: Cholera and Cover-Up in Post-Earthquake Haiti 22 11 Books and Media 2016 11
Dog-Mediated Human Rabies Death, Haiti, 2016 22 11 Dispatch 2016 11
An Increase in Hookworm Infection Temporally Associated With Ecologic Change 3 3 Dispatch 1997 9
Investigation of Canine-Mediated Human Rabies Death, Haiti, 2015 24 1 Research Letter 2018 1
Ethical and Legal Issues in Infectious Disease Research and Control 7 7 Conference Summary 2001 6
Institutional Review Boards: Developing Countries Consideration 7 7 Conference Summary 2001 6
Epidemic Anthrax in the Eighteenth Century, the Americas 8 10 Perspective 2002 10
Epidemiologic Responses to Anthrax Outbreaks: A Review of Field Investigations, 1950–2001 8 10 Perspective 2002 10
Global Distribution of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Spoligotypes 8 11 Dispatch 2002 11
Histopathologic Improvement with Lymphedema Management, Léogâne, Haiti 10 11 Research 2004 11
Understanding the Cholera Epidemic, Haiti 17 7 Synopsis 2011 7
Toxigenic Vibrio cholerae O1 in Water and Seafood, Haiti 17 11 Dispatch 2011 11
Use of Bead-Based Serologic Assay to Evaluate Chikungunya Virus Epidemic, Haiti 24 6 Research 2018 6
Spondweni Virus in Field-Caught Culex quinquefasciatus Mosquitoes, Haiti, 2016 24 9 Research Letter 2018 9
VisiEAU 2018—A Vision for Water in Haiti, 2018 24 10 Conference Summary 2018 10
Human Challenge Pilot Study with Cyclospora cayetanensis 10 4 Dispatch 2004 4
Stigma: Lessons from Women 10 11 Conference Summary 2004 11
Endpoints for Lymphatic Filariasis Programs 13 4 Dispatch 2007 4
Novel Extended-spectrum β-Lactamase in Shigella sonnei 13 4 Letter 2007 4
Rabies Update for Latin America and the Caribbean 19 4 Letter 2013 4
No Plasmodium falciparum Chloroquine Resistance Transporter and Artemisinin Resistance Mutations, Haiti 24 11 Research Letter 2018 11
Nationwide Monitoring for Plasmodium falciparum Drug-Resistance Alleles to Chloroquine, Sulfadoxine, and Pyrimethamine, Haiti, 2016–2017 26 5 Research 2020 5
Delineating and Analyzing Locality-Level Determinants of Cholera, Haiti 27 1 Research 2021 1
Toward Cholera Elimination, Haiti 27 11 Dispatch 2021 11
Leveraging PEPFAR-Supported Health Information Systems for COVID-19 Pandemic Response 28 13 Surveillance 2022 12
Population-Based Serologic Survey of Vibrio cholerae Antibody Titers before Cholera Outbreak, Haiti, 2022 29 9 Dispatch 2023 9
Ancestral Origin and Dissemination Dynamics of Reemerging Toxigenic Vibrio cholerae, Haiti 29 10 Research 2023 10
Seroprevalence of Vibrio cholerae in Adults, Haiti, 2017 29 9 Dispatch 2023 9
Costs of Digital Adherence Technologies for Tuberculosis Treatment Support, 2018–2021 30 1 Research 2024 1

The conclusions, findings, and opinions expressed by authors contributing to this journal do not necessarily reflect the official position of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the Public Health Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the authors' affiliated institutions. Use of trade names is for identification only and does not imply endorsement by any of the groups named above.
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