A farmer has 3 sons, one day he decides to give them each a duck to go sell.

The first son goes into a local market, and after much barganing and hassling gets 5 dollars for the duck. He returns back and tells his Dad, who says "Great job son, lets have a beer"

The second son takes his duck and goes all the way to the city market and manages to get 10 dollars for his duck, he goes back and tells his Dad, and the Dad says "Great show son, lets have 2 beers"

So stalin was giving a speech to a few hundred thousand soldiers... One soldier then sneezes in the middle of stalin's speech. Stalin stops, looks around and asks: "who sneezed?" there was no answer.... he asks again and sure enough no one answered - Stalin is now pissed, he doesn't like being ignored so he gets the first row executed. He asks again, and no one answers... "execute the second row" and