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其他名稱開埠日(Foundation Day)、首次登陸日(First Landing Day)、週年日(Anniversary Day)、哀悼日(Day of Mourning)、入侵日(Invasion Day)、幸存日(Survival Day)

澳洲日英文Australia Day)(舊稱:開埠日[1]英文Foundation Day[2][3])係澳洲國慶日。喺每年嘅1月26號,官方紀念1788年英國皇家海軍上將亞瑟.菲臘踏足澳洲後一個禮拜之後,終於喺雪梨搵到合適定居地點開闢殖民地,並喺當年1月26號舉行升旗儀式宣佈澳洲東岸為英國屬地[4][5][6]。但澳洲日最初並唔係指1月26號,而係1915年7月30號全國為第一次世界大戰舉行嘅籌款日嘅稱呼[7][8],而將每年嘅1月26號定名為澳洲日嘅過程漫長[9],去到1946年至全國各地統一稱為澳洲日[10][11],更要到1994年至定為公眾假期[12],而去到近年仍然係充滿爭議[13]




早喺古代嘅希臘同羅馬,已經有人估計有一片神秘嘅未知南方大陸(Terra Australis)等待被人發現[14]。1606年,荷蘭航海家威廉.揚松抵達依家嘅澳洲昆士蘭約角半島,係史上首次有歐洲人登陸澳洲[15]。之後,相繼有唔同嘅荷蘭人去澳洲探險,佢哋稱為「新荷蘭」[16]。佢哋探索北岸、西岸同南岸[15],但普遍都認為澳洲嘅環境貧瘠險惡唔適合歐洲人長期定居[17]。一直去到1770年4月,英國航海探險家兼皇家海軍上尉占士曲船長去到澳洲雪梨植物灣登陸,隨後沿住海岸線北上,發現東岸土地肥沃同其他地方唔同[18][17]。但其實喺兩年前,佢離開英國出發探險之前,佢收到海軍部嘅密令,指示佢一旦發現合適開闢商埠嘅地點,要以英國國王之名宣告為屬地[19][20]。但如果當地有土著,就要得到土著同意嘅前題下先好咁做[20]。而當佢去完澳洲返到英國之後,佢表示自己喺1770年8月依家昆士蘭嘅一個島上面舉行升旗屬領儀式,宣佈成個東岸成為英國屬地[19][21]。佢命名依個島為「屬領島 (Possession Island)」,而成個澳洲東岸就叫「新南威爾士[19][21]。但佢對成件事情嘅經過描述,同船員嘅講法有所出入,令人懷疑[21]








1914年,當時澳洲作為大英帝國嘅自治領,喺英國8月4號對德國宣戰嘅一刻 (澳洲時間8月5號),就意味住澳洲自動加入戰爭[25],而澳洲政府亦旋即徵召志願軍參加作戰[26],民間更自發唔同嘅籌款活動支持[27]。隨住戰事延長同發展,民間開始發起大型特定籌款主題日。第一次主題日係1915年5月15號為比利時國家救濟基金籌款嘅「比利時日」[27]。之後,一位有四個仔參戰來自新南威爾士嘅婦女有見及此,就向州長建議發起「澳洲日」[28]。同年嘅7月30號就定為澳洲日為紅十字會籌款[27],亦係首次全國舉辦嘅澳洲日[28]。當日籌得嘅善款非常可觀,而往後嘅好幾年,每年嘅7月底都會有一日定為澳洲日為戰事籌款[29]


雪梨市議會喺1967年去到原來位置豎立旗杆座紀念澳洲開埠(Foundation of Australia)

早年官方係完全唔重視1月26號,而且澳洲歷史上唯一一次軍事政變成功推翻政府又咁啱係喺1808年1月26號開埠20週年發起[30]。最初慶祝1月26號就基本上只限於新南威爾士民間,尤其係新移民同釋囚,而且當時唔叫「澳洲日」,而係叫「開埠日[1](Foundation Day)[3]」或者「首次登陸日(First Landing Day)」[7]



而喺1938年,即係各州首次共同慶祝1月26號之後嘅第三年,澳洲原住民第一次聯合喺1月26號舉行「哀悼日(Day of Mourning)」抗議[35]。自此之後,要求更改澳洲日慶祝日期嘅呼籲亦越來越大,部份縣市區議會近年更拒絕慶祝澳洲日[36],而「入侵日」、「幸存日」等名稱亦先繼出現[10][13]。而有鑑於澳洲日嘅爭議,近年亦越來越多僱主同大型企業批准員工選擇1月26號當日放假或者返工後補假期[37][38]

日期 事件
17世紀 1606年,荷蘭航海家威廉.揚松到達昆士蘭,係首次有歐洲人踏足澳洲。之後陸續有荷蘭人到澳洲探險[15]。當時佢哋稱澳洲做「新荷蘭」[16]
1770年4月29號 占士曲船長首次登陸新荷蘭東岸,並命名個海灣做「魔鬼魚港(Sting Ray Harbour)」[39]
1770年5月6號 占士曲船長將魔鬼魚港改名,首先改叫「植物學家灣(Botanist's Bay)」,之後再改叫「植物灣(Botany Bay)」[39]
1770年8月22號 占士曲船長登上現今昆士蘭北面一個島舉行屬領升旗儀式,宣告整個新荷蘭東岸為國王佐治三世屬地,並命名為「新南威爾士」,而個島就叫「屬領島」[21]
1787年5月13號 菲臘船長帶領由11首船隻組成嘅艦隊離開英國前往植物灣[22]
1788年1月18號 菲臘船長帶領嘅船隊抵達植物灣[22]
1788年1月26號 船隊由植物灣遷移到積臣港。菲臘船長主持升旗儀式[23],後來稱為「澳洲開埠」[1]
1802年7月22號 皇家海軍上將馬修.福林達斯(Captain Matthew Flinders)坐船喺雪梨出發,沿新南威爾士海岸北上探索[40][41]
1803年6月9號 福林達斯船長坐船返到雪梨,首次有人成功圍繞澳洲航行一圈,確立新荷蘭同新南威爾士係一個相連嘅大洲,並首個人認為應該叫做「澳洲」,而唔係當時其他人用「澳洲」一詞嚟籠統泛指整片海域地區[40][41][42]
1804年 當時民間嘅年曆及報刊開始尊稱1月26號為「開埠日」或者「首次登陸日」[43]
1808年1月26號 冧酒政變(Rum Rebellion)發動[30]。澳洲開埠20週年。
1817年1月26 號 一名身份顯赫嘅釋囚去信總督麥覺理(Governor Macquarie)申請批准佢舉辦「週年日」嚟慶祝1月26號並且獲得同意。係澳洲開埠首次獲官方認可[44]
1817年12月21號 總督麥覺理認同以「澳洲」取代「新荷蘭」為成個大洲嘅名[45]
1818年1月26號 開埠30週年,總督麥覺理下令發射30響禮炮,仲邀請文武官員到總督府參加舞會晚宴[44]係首次官方舉辦慶祝活動[46]
1838年 開埠金禧50週年,自此成為新南威爾士每年嘅公眾假期[46]
1871年4月24號 澳洲土生土長人士協會(Australian Natives' Association)喺維多利亞成立,簡稱ANA協會。早期為救濟性質慈善組織,但之後演變成喺澳洲文化同政治上非常有影響力嘅組織。協會開首就推動消除民間認為澳洲較英國次一第嘅殖民地心態,其後倡議打破英式階級限制,並積極鼓吹民間對澳洲嘅國族認同[47]。協會更係令民間支持澳洲走向聯邦立國嘅重大推手之一[47]
1888年1月26號 維多利亞、塔斯曼尼亞、昆士蘭、西澳州、南澳洲同紐西蘭都有派代表到雪梨慶祝開埠一百週年,反映1月26號越來越受澳洲各地官方認同,但名稱仍然叫「開埠日」或者「週年日」[43]
1888年11月26號 西澳洲議會通過立法,定明每年1月26號為公眾假期紀念「澳洲開埠(Foundation of Australia)」[48]
1901年1月1號 澳洲聯邦成立,意味澳洲立國[49]
1910年 南澳洲官方以慶祝1月26號「開埠日」取代慶祝1月22號國王愛德華七世「登基日」[50]
1912年12月5號 昆士蘭議會通過修改法律,清楚列明1月26號公眾假期名為「開埠日」[2]
1915年7月30號 第一屆全國「澳洲日」大型募捐主題日,為第一次世界大戰戰事籌款[28]
1916年7月28號 第二屆全國「澳洲日」大型募捐主題日,繼續為第一次世界大戰戰事籌款[8]
1917年7月25號 第三屆全國「澳洲日」大型募捐主題日,繼續為第一次世界大戰戰事籌款[51]
1918年7月27號 第四屆全國「澳洲日」大型募捐主題日,繼續為第一次世界大戰戰事籌款[52]
1930年3月 ANA協會年度大會通過動議案,倡議1月26號當日或緊接嘅首個禮拜一應該定為公眾假期嚟確保可以有一個長週末,並應該命名為「澳洲日」[34][32]
1931年1月26號 維珍尼亞州成為首個州份採納ANA協會嘅倡議慶祝「澳洲日」[34]
1935年1月26號 除咗新南威爾士維持使用「週年日」名稱之外,其餘州份都採納ANA協會嘅倡議慶祝「澳洲日」[34]
1938年1月26號 各地州長齊集雪梨慶祝開埠150週年,而各地嘅原住民組織亦首次齊集雪梨召開大會,並宣佈定命1月26號為「哀悼日」,抗議白種澳洲人並要求獲得平等嘅公民待遇[43][35]
1946年1月26號 全國各州都統一使用「澳洲日」名稱,並繼續使用最接近1月26號嘅禮拜一作為公眾假期[10][11],但民間繼續叫「開埠日」[3]
1988年1月26號 開埠200週年,原住民喺雪梨發起大型抗議活動,「入侵日」、「幸存日」等名稱亦已經喺原住民同佢哋嘅支持者之間確立[10][13]
1994年1月26號 全國統一喺正日26號慶祝,而唔係之後最近嘅禮拜一[10]



  • 入籍儀式
  • 澳洲榮譽勳章及獎項頒發
  • 運動比賽
  • 煙花匯演
  • 音樂會
  • 社區燒烤聚會
  • 原住民組織集會抗議



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 新加坡國家圖書館管理局 (1938年1月26號). . . 今日為澳洲開埠一百五十週年紀念{{cite news}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 昆士蘭州議會, Australasian Legal Information Institute. The Holidays Act of 1912 1912年假期法令 (英文). p. 4. 原先內容歸檔喺2023年1月11號. The twenty-sixth day of January, (Foundation Day)
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 澳洲戰爭紀念館. "Fund raising ribbon : Australia Day, 30 July 1915". 原先內容歸檔喺2023年1月8號. Note that the Australia Day as we now know it, celebrated on 26 January, was known as Foundation Day until the 1950s.
  4. "Settlement Guide: Everything you need to know about Australia Day, Invasion Day or Survival Day". Special Broadcasting Service (英文). 2017年1月20號. 原先內容歸檔喺2023年1月8號. Captain Arthur Phillip raises flag to declare British possession at Sydney Cove, Australia, 26 Jan 1788
  5. "CONVICTS: BOUND FOR AUSTRALIA". NSW State Library (新南威爾士州立圖書館) (英文). 原先內容歸檔喺2022年12月29號. The First Fleet sailed from England on 13 May 1787 and arrived at Botany Bay eight months later, on 18 January 1788. Governor Arthur Phillip rejected Botany Bay choosing instead Port Jackson, to the north, as the site for the new colony; they arrived there on 26 January 1788.
  6. "No matter which day the country chooses to host its Australia Day, I will not be participating". Special Broadcasting Service (英文). 2019年1月24號. 原先內容歸檔喺2023年1月8號. several date changes of the national public day, with the chosen selection to be 26 January (because this is the day land on the eastern seaboard was declared British)
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 "The many different dates we've celebrated Australia Day". Special Broadcasting Service (英文). 2022年1月25號. 原先內容歸檔喺2022年12月29號. The first ever official national day that was actually named 'Australia Day'! On July 30 in 1915, the first official Australia Day was held, which was actually to raise funds for the World War I effort...In early colonial times, the 26th was also called 'First Landing Day' or 'Foundation Day' by some, and would be celebrated by European immigrants (particularly ex-convicts) by holding anniversary dinners...All of the states and territories of Australia were celebrating the national day together by 1935, 83 years ago - although it was still known as Anniversary Day in NSW, and Foundation Day in other areas.
  8. 8.0 8.1 澳洲戰爭紀念館 (2013年1月22號). "For Australia's Heroes – the other 'Australia Day', 30 July 1915" (英文). 原先內容歸檔喺2022年12月20號.
  9. "Australia Day in question". The Age (英文). 2008年1月26號. 原先內容歸檔喺2022年4月8號. AUSTRALIA Day has to have a council to promote it. That makes it unusual among national holidays. The trouble with this national holiday is that the event it celebrates has very little to do with the nation. The Australia Day Council's efforts at promotion are now closer to success, an outcome achieved by forgetting the event and promoting celebration...Strangely the move to make January 26 a national holiday came from Victoria. In that colony young men born here formed the Australian Natives Association, which flourished in the 1880s. They defended the people and products of Australia that outsiders and British-born colonists were very ready to sneer at and they were keen to see Australia become a nation, in preparation for which they wanted to establish a national holiday. They fixed on January 26 and because of their lobbying this day was celebrated in all the colonies in 1888, the hundredth anniversary of Phillip's landing.
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 美國國會圖書館. "Australia's National Day" (英文). 原先內容歸檔喺2022年11月29號. The Commonwealth and state governments agreed to all celebrate Australia Day in 1946, although the holiday was to be observed on the closest Monday to January 26. It was not until 1994 that all jurisdictions celebrated Australia Day as a public holiday on January 26 itself...In 1988, the bicentenary of the landing, major protests took place to mark what was called a "Year of Mourning," as well as being a celebration of survival. By then, other terms for January 26 had come to be used by Aborigines and their supporters, including "Invasion Day" and "Survival Day," and rallies, protests, and other events continue to be held throughout the country on this date.
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 Margaret Harrison-Smith Law and Government Group 12 December 1991. "Australia Day (Parliamentary Research Service , Background Paper Number 31)" (英文). 原先內容歸檔喺2022年9月27號. In 1931, Victoria led the way in adopting the name 'Australia Day': a similar decision in the same year by NSW was reversed however, and in that State, it was not till 1946 that 'Anniversary Day' was again designated 'Australia Day'. In that year, the Australia Day Council was formed in Melbourne to foster national appreciation of the significance of the day. Since 1946, 26 January has been recognised throughout Australia as Australia Day and a public holiday taken on or around that date.
  12. 12.0 12.1 澳洲國立圖書館. "Australia Day" (英文). 原先內容歸檔喺2022年12月19號. Prior to 1935, 26 January was known as First Landing Day or Foundation Day in Australian states and territories...Australia Day was not consistently celebrated as a public holiday across Australia until 1994.
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 . Special Broadcasting Service (澳洲SBS中文). 2017年1月24號. 原先內容歸檔喺2023年1月8號.
  14. 新南威爾士州立圖書館. "Captain Cook's voyages of exploration" (英文). 原先內容歸檔喺2023年1月9號. Terra Australis Incognita - the unknown southern land. The existence (or not) of this mysterious, mythical place has intrigued philosophers, explorers and map-makers since it was first hypothesised by the ancient Greeks and Romans. The empire-builders of 18th century Britain were just as obsessed with investigating territories below the Equator.
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 澳洲國立圖書館. "Who was the first European to land on Australia?" (英文). 原先內容歸檔喺2022年12月4號. While Indigenous Australians have inhabited the continent for tens of thousands of years, and traded with nearby islanders, the first documented landing on Australia by a European was in 1606. The Dutch explorer Willem Janszoon landed on the western side of Cape York Peninsula and charted about 300 km of coastline...After Janszoon many Dutch explorers sailed along the northern, western and southern coastline. James Cook was the first recorded explorer to land on the east coast in 1770. He had with him maps showing the north, west and south coasts based on the earlier Dutch exploration.
  16. 16.0 16.1 澳洲國立圖書館. "How was Australia named?" (英文). 原先內容歸檔喺2022年9月28號. For many centuries Europeans believed there must be a vast land in the southern hemisphere, variously called 'Terra Australis Incognita' or 'Unknown South Land'. After Dutch navigators charted the northern, western and southern coasts of Australia during the 17th Century this newly found continent became known as 'New Holland'.
  17. 17.0 17.1 Special Broadcasting Service (2021年1月12號). "What if Australia had not been colonised by the British?" (英文). 原先內容歸檔喺2021年12月29號. The fertile eastern fringe and the bottom corner of Western Australia could have attracted the mercantile Dutch to stay permanently
  18. 大英圖書館. "Timeline of James Cook's voyages". 原先內容歸檔喺2022年10月7號.
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 The Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House. "Secret Instructions to Lieutenant Cook 30 July 1768 (UK)" (英文). 原先內容歸檔喺2022年11月29號. The Secret Instructions provided that, in the event that he found the Continent, he should chart its coasts, obtain information about its people, cultivate their friendship and alliance, and annex any convenient trading posts in the King's name.
  20. 20.0 20.1 Victoria University of Wellington Library. "CAPTAIN COOK'S SECRET INSTRUCTIONS" (英文). 原先內容歸檔喺2021年1月26號. In case you find those islands, you are to examine them thoroughly for a good harbour, and upon discovering one make the necessary observations to facilitate the finding it again, as a good port in that situation may here-after prove very useful, altho' it should afford little or nothing more than shelter, wood, and water. You are also, with the consent of the natives, to take possession in the name of the King of Great Britain, of convenient situations in such countries as you may discover, that have not already been discovered or visited by any other European Power, and to distribute among the inhabitants such things as will remain as traces and testimonies of your having been there; but if you find the countries so discovered are uninhabited, you are to take possession of them for his Majesty by setting up proper marks and inscriptions as first discoverers and possessors.
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 Naval Historical Society of Australia. "Possession Island" (英文). 原先內容歸檔喺2022年11月21號. Later scholars have questioned if indeed, Cook ever landed on Possession Island and that this was but an interpretation from his journals made by Dr. John Hawkesworth.
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 22.3 22.4 22.5 22.6 The Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House. "Governor Phillip's Instructions 25 April 1787 (UK)" (英文). 原先內容歸檔喺2022年10月24號. Six years after James Cook landed at Botany Bay and gave the territory its English name of 'New South Wales', the American colonies declared their independence and war with Britain began. Access to America for the transportation of convicts ceased, and overcrowding in British gaols soon raised official concerns. In 1779, Joseph Banks, the botanist who had travelled with Cook to New South Wales, suggested Australia as an alternative place for transportation. The proposal was repeated later by James Matra, who had also sailed on the Endeavour. The advantages of trade with Asia and the Pacific were also raised, alongside the opportunity New South Wales offered as a new home for the American Loyalists who had supported Britain in the War of Independence. Eventually the Government settled (although not without criticism) on Botany Bay as the site for a colony. Secretary of State, Lord Sydney, chose Captain Arthur Phillip of the Royal Navy to lead the fleet there and to be the first governor...Although they were instructed to establish themselves at Botany Bay, Phillip was separately authorised to choose any other appropriate neighbouring territory. The First Fleet set out from Portsmouth on 13 May 1787 and arrived at Botany Bay on 18 January 1788. They quickly found the location unsuitable (fresh water was inadequate and the anchorages were too open in the wide bays); they moved on to the waters of Port Jackson. The First Fleet settled at Sydney Cove on the day that would become 'Australia Day', 26 January 1788.
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3 23.4 23.5 23.6 23.7 23.8 Arthur Phillip. "The Voyage of Governor Phillip to Botany Bay:" (PDF). University of Sydney Library (英文). pp. 47–50, 51, 53. 原先內容歸檔 (PDF)喺2022年10月26號.
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 The National Gallery of Victoria. "Exploration & Discovery La Pérouse: Botany Bay, January 1788" (英文). 原先內容歸檔喺2022年11月2號. On the 24th we beheld an English fleet at anchor inside Botany Bay, of which we could see the flags and pennants. Europeans are all compatriots at such a great distance and we were most impatient to reach the anchorage, but the weather was so foggy the next day that we were unable to see the land, and we only reached the anchorage on the 26th at nine o'clock in the morning --- Journal of La Pérouse, 1788
  25. 澳洲戰爭紀念館. "First World War 1914–18" (英文). 原先內容歸檔喺2023年1月2號. When Britain declared war against Germany in August 1914, Australia, as a dominion of the British Empire, was automatically also at war
  26. 澳洲戰爭紀念館. "Conscription during the First World War, 1914–1918" (英文). 原先內容歸檔喺2022年10月25號. At the outbreak of the First World War, the number of people volunteering to enlist for the Australian Imperial Force (AIF) was so high that recruitment officers were forced to turn people away....Australia, South Africa, and India were the only participating countries not to introduce conscription during the First World War.
  27. 27.0 27.1 27.2 Museums of History NSW. "Patriotic fundraising" (英文). 原先內容歸檔喺2023年1月10號. 喺2023年1月10號搵到. Within days of the declaration of war in August 1914 a vast civilian 'army' of voluntary workers began to mobilise to support the war effort...At first, money for patriotic funds was donated directly to an organising committee, but as the war progressed the greater part was raised by nominating special 'days' for street collections. Belgian Day, held on 15 May 1915, was the first of these special days, raising £100,000 in NSW alone. It was quickly followed by Australia Day ('For our wounded heroes' – not to be confused with the current Australia Day held on 26 January), fixed for 30 July 1915...Australia Day 1915 was a national appeal on behalf of the Australian Red Cross, organised as a patriotic response to the catastrophic losses at Gallipoli and the reports of Australia's heroic actions in that campaign.
  28. 28.0 28.1 28.2 Sir John Monash Centre, Australian National Memorial, France. "AUSTRALIA DAY DURING THE FIRST WORLD WAR" (英文). 原先內容歸檔喺2022年10月28號. It was the mother of four Australian soldiers, Mrs Ellen Wharton-Kirke, who suggested the organisation of a national patriotic fundraising day to celebrate Australia's military achievements in the conflict and help improve the lives of Australians serving on the front line. The idea was taken up by the government and the date of the first 'Australia Day' was set for 30 July 1915.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: 作者名單 (link)
  29. 澳洲戰爭紀念館 (2013年1月22號). "For Australia's Heroes – the other 'Australia Day', 30 July 1915" (英文). 原先內容歸檔喺2023年1月8號. The success of 'Australia Day' in 1915 saw a repeat of similar events the following year, this time on 28 July, and in the subsequent years of the war.
  30. 30.0 30.1 新南威爾士州立圖書館. "From Terra Australis to Australia: The 1808 'Rum' Rebellion" (英文). 原先內容歸檔喺2022年9月26號. On 26th January 1808, officers and men of the New South Wales Corps marched to Government House in Sydney in an act of rebellion against Governor William Bligh. Bligh was arrested and the colony was placed under military rule. This was the only time in Australian history that a government was overthrown by a military coup.
  31. "Beware the temptation of the four-day week". The Sydney Morning Herald (英文). 2009年1月27號. 原先內容歸檔喺2023年1月11號. "Australia Day" is little more than foundation day for the colony of NSW. Other states have their own foundation days and have historically ignored ours.
  32. 32.0 32.1 澳洲國會. "A short history of Australia Day, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander reactions to it" (英文). 原先內容歸檔喺2022年11月13號. 26 January was first gazetted as a public holiday for New South Wales by Governor Macquarie in 1818, when it was referred to as First Landing Day or Foundation Day. The other colonies had different founding day holidays: Regatta Day on 1 December marked Abel Tasman's claiming of Van Diemen's Land for Holland in 1642, and the proclamation of its separation from New South Wales in 1825. Foundation Day, on 1 June, in Western Australia, commemorated the arrival of settlers in 1829, and Proclamation Day on 28 December, the beginnings of British government in South Australia...In March 1930, the ANA annual conference resolved to name the day 'Australia Day' and persuaded all states to rename the day by 1935. The ANA’s preferred policy was that the public holiday was placed on the following Monday, to ensure a long weekend.
  33. "History - Celebrating Australia: A History of Australia Day essay" (英文). 原先內容歸檔喺2010年1月4號. Native-born children of the immigrants, both convict and free, though known as Australians or natives, retained their British sentiment. Those who had hailed 'The land, boys, we live in' at their anniversary dinners, still considered themselves Britons.
  34. 34.0 34.1 34.2 34.3 "Change a date that divides Australians instead of uniting them". Australian Financial Review (英文). 2022年1月24號. 原先內容歸檔喺2022年1月30號. In 1930, the ANA held a smoke social, a male-only formal event that centred around smoking tobacco. At this uniquely Australian smoking ceremony, its members resolved that a public holiday, to be known as "Australia Day", be held on the first Monday on or after January 26...The ANA heartland of Victoria, which was already celebrating January 26 as ANA Day, embraced the smokers' vision and celebrated the first official "Australia Day" in 1931. The other states and territories followed by 1935, although NSW continued to call it "Anniversary Day" until 1946. It took another 48 years for all the states and territories to abandon their "Mad Monday" celebrations for January 26.
  35. 35.0 35.1 National Museum Australia. "Day of Mourning - 1938: Sesquicentenary and Aboriginal Day of Mourning" (英文). 原先內容歸檔喺2022年12月29號. This moment commemorates the Aboriginal Day of Mourning – the Indigenous response to Australia's sesquicentenary in 1938. It was the first national gathering of Indigenous people protesting against the prejudice and discrimination that was a daily part of their lives, and marked the beginning of the modern Aboriginal political movement.
  36. "Labor scraps rule that forced local councils to hold citizenship ceremonies on Australia Day". Special Broadcasting Service (英文). 2022年12月16號. 原先內容歸檔喺2023年1月10號. Merri-bek this month became the third Melbourne council to announce it would cease holding ceremonies on Australia Day, with councillor James Conlan describing celebrations on the date as "pretty shameful".
  37. ABC News. "University of Wollongong gives staff option to work on Australia Day" (英文). 原先內容歸檔喺2023年1月9號. In late December, Telstra and Woodside announced they were offering the option of working on January 26, following similar moves by other major companies including Deloitte, KPMG, Spotify and Channel 10.
  38. 洲日爭議Woolworths讓員工選擇國慶日假期. 2023年1月20號. 原先內容歸檔喺2023年1月20號. 早前澳洲多間大企業和跨國公司,包括Telstra、Woodside、十號台,普華永道會計師樓(PwC)也有類似的計劃,允許員工在1月26日的公眾假期上班,然後選擇另一天休息。Woolworths這家超市巨頭表示,作為澳洲最大的僱主,承認許多人對這一日期心情感到複雜,公司很自豪能夠向其員工提供有關選擇。
  39. 39.0 39.1 National Museum Australia. "Settling on a name" (英文). 原先內容歸檔喺2022年11月14號. Botany Bay wasn't James Cook's first choice of name for the bay. He first named it 'Sting Ray Harbour'. On 6 May 1770, Cook changed the name in his journal. First to 'Botanist's Bay', before settling on 'Botany Bay' because of the 'great quantity of new plants … collected by Mr Banks and Dr Solander'.
  40. 40.0 40.1 National Museum Australia. "Flinders circumnavigates Australia". 原先內容歸檔喺2022年12月26號. Flinders overhauled the Investigator and let his crew recuperate before heading north on 22 July 1802...Flinders arrived in the colony on 9 June 1803, nearly a year after leaving Port Jackson.
  41. 41.0 41.1 The Australian National Botanic Gardens. "Flinders, Matthew (1774 - 1814)" (英文). 原先內容歸檔喺2022年11月7號. Flinders wasted no time and on 22nd July he sailed north along the eastern coast of New South Wales and Queensland. He made a detailed survey of the Queensland coast up to the Gulf of Carpentaria. He explored Keppel Bay and Capricorn Coast between 9th August and 20th October 1802, landing at Curtis Island, Port Clinton, Shoalwater Bay and Percy Islands. Soon after passing through Torres Strait, the Investigator was found to be not only leaking badly but also the timbers were rotten. He eventually circumnavigated Australia arriving at Port Jackson on 9th June 1803.
  42. 澳洲國立圖書館. "How was Australia named?" (英文). 原先內容歸檔喺2022年10月27號. It was the English explorer Matthew Flinders who made the suggestion of the name we use today. He was the first to circumnavigate the continent in 1803, and used the name 'Australia' to describe the continent on a hand drawn map in 1804...The name Australia had appeared in print before, but only broadly applied to the legendary southern land mass. The earliest printing of this name is in an astronomical treatise published in 1545. With south at the top of the map a small wind head map names the imagined southern land mass 'Australia'.
  43. 43.0 43.1 43.2 Kwan, Elizabeth. "Celebrating Australia: A History of Australia Day" (PDF). pp. 16–17. 原先內容歸檔 (PDF)喺2009年10月26號.
  44. 44.0 44.1 City of Canada Bay Heritage Society. "First formal celebration of Australia Day" (英文). 原先內容歸檔喺2021年7月28號. On January 23, 1817, Isaac Nichols wrote to Governor Macquarie asking permission to officially celebrate Anniversary Day at his home in The Rocks. Governor Macquarie replied on Sunday, 26 January "highly approving" the celebration...In the following year Official Celebrations were conducted on a larger scale. Governor Macquarie ordered a salute of 30 guns to be fired from the battery at Dawes Point and in the evening gave a dinner at Government House for civil and military officers. A ball followed, hosted by Mrs. Macquarie. During the early years the day was called Foundation Day.
  45. Crestwood High School. "Crestwood Infoline" (PDF). 原先內容歸檔 (PDF)喺2022年10月25號. 21 December 1817 - Lachlan Macquarie recommends the adoption of the name Australia for the continent instead of New Holland.
  46. 46.0 46.1 "The evolution of Australia Day controversy" (英文). 2018年1月25號. 原先內容歸檔喺2022年9月22號. In 1818, New South Wales (NSW) formally marked 30 years as a colony with a triumphant 30-gun salute, the first official celebration of the date...It became an annual public holiday there in 1838 and remained a NSW-centric commemoration for many years.
  47. 47.0 47.1 National Museum Australia. "Australian Natives' Association" (英文). 原先內容歸檔喺2022年12月10號. From its beginning the ANA wanted to influence public thinking and policy-makers. A unifying goal was members’ determination to eliminate from Australian society any sense of cultural inferiority associated with being an Australian-born 'colonial' and to create a society free of British class restrictions...ANA branches throughout the country were mobilised to educate the public and urge support for a 'yes' vote at the Constitution Bill referendums in 1898 and 1899. The ANA's mission had been to stoke nationalist sentiment for federation and leaders of the time largely credited the successful outcome to the Association's efforts.
  48. 西澳洲議會. "An Act for the purpose of establishing a Holiday to commemorate the Foundation of Australia" (PDF). 原先內容歸檔 (PDF)喺2023年1月11號.
  49. National Museum Australia. "Federation" (英文). 原先內容歸檔喺2023年1月5號. Australia became a nation on 1 January 1901, when the British Parliament passed legislation enabling the six Australian colonies to collectively govern in their own right as the Commonwealth of Australia.
  50. 南澳州立圖書館. "AUSTRALIA DAY IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA" (英文). 原先內容歸檔喺2022年11月5號. By 1888, the centenary of the landing, the rest of the colonies had joined with New South Wales to celebrate the holiday – all except South Australia. In 1910, South Australia adopted 26 January as 'Foundation Day' replacing 'Accession Day' which had been held on 22 January to mark the accession to the throne of King Edward VII. On that day in 1910 a public gathering was held at the Exhibition Building, to which everyone was cordially invited.
  51. 澳洲國立圖書館Trove資料庫 (1917年7月25號). "Australia Day". The Advertiser (英文). 喺2023年1月12號搵到.{{cite news}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  52. 澳洲國立圖書館Trove資料庫 (1918年7月27號). "Australia Day". The Advertiser (英文). 喺2023年1月12號搵到.{{cite news}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)