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City Layers

City layers

City Layers

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Featuring versatile and adaptable styles that meets the demands of living, working, and playing - all inspired by the influences close to your heart.

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AKINN 4.2: A City Layered in Modernity

AKINN 4.2: A City Layered in Modernity

AKINN 4.2: City Layers Fashion label AKINN by renowned Singapore fashion designer Wykidd Song returns home, to the city with its latest capsule collection, City Layers — an assured line-up of extra...

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A year of resolute, resilience and giving back

A year of resolute, resilience and giving back

This year-end, or what is left of 2022, started off as I’ve always imagined it to be every year - us trying to get the last bit of work and deliveries from the factory before they closed for their ...

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AKINN 3.2 inspirations: Alicia Pan

AKINN 3.2 inspirations: Alicia Pan

  INTRODUCING ATHLESTYLE Redefining athleisure. Rethinking sophistication. Reclaiming comfort. Conventional athleisure is defined by athletic wear with an aesthetic touch - looking and feeling go...

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