Tajikistan Folk Dance

Logo and Patronage

The name, acronym and logo of UNESCO are the intellectual property of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. No individual or organization can use them without prior written authorization from UNESCO.

If you need to use the UNESCO name and logo in your capacity as a UNESCO World Heritage site, a Biosphere Reserve, a Global Geopark, a University Twinning and Networking chair, a school of the Associated Schools Network, or an official partner of UNESCO in other capacities, we invite you to contact the concerned Programme Sectors directly to obtain information and permission.

If you are not a member of a UNESCO network but wish to obtain UNESCO’s permission to use its name and logo for your activity, you may apply for UNESCO’s patronage if your activity is eligible.

Patronage does not involve any financial or in-kind contribution from UNESCO.

Eligibility for UNESCO’s patronage

Activities under UNESCO’s patronage must be aligned with UNESCO’s mandate and mission to deepen international cooperation, dialogue and understanding to build lasting peace. On this basis, activities should contribute to UNESCO’s work in education, culture, natural sciences, social and human sciences, and communication and information, with a view to build inclusive and resilient communities, achieve sustainable development and greener society, and promote freedom of expression and access to digital technologies.

Exhibition The World in Faces

UNESCO’s patronage can be granted to an activity -- conference, exhibition, festival, or symposium -- that has international scope and an audience and outreach at the international level. Activities of a national level and scale should best seek the patronage of National commissions.

Activities must have defined start and end dates, with a duration of less than 6 months.

UNESCO does not accept requests without a letter of support from the National Commission(s). The only exception is for non-governmental organizations in official relations with UNESCO. A letter of support from a Permanent Delegation to UNESCO is also accepted.

If an activity that was previously placed under UNESCO's patronage takes place again, a new request must be submitted. Permission to use the logo cannot be extended without UNESCO's authorization.

UNESCO's patronage cannot be granted if the activity does not have sufficient funding.

UNESCO's patronage cannot be granted to fundraising, advertising, marketing, or commercial activities.

Any patronage request (the form together with letter of support from the National Commission) must reach UNESCO Headquarters in Paris at least three months prior to the state date of the activity.

Apply for UNESCO's Patronage in 4 steps

  1. Complete the Patronage Request Form
  2. Send the completed form to the concerned National Commissions(s) for UNESCO
  3. If the National Commission(s) support the request, it must forward it, together with a letter of support, to the Cabinet of the Director-General of UNESCO, ensuring that the request arrives at least three months prior to the state date of the activity.
  4. The requesting entity will be informed of the result of its application through an official letter of UNESCO.

Contact at UNESCO

For enquiries, please contact UNESCO at the email address of [email protected]