Connect with people, places, and cultures without language barriers

Translate with your camera

Just point your camera and instantly translate what you see

No internet? No problem.

Download a language to translate without an internet connection

Have a conversation

Talk with someone who speaks a different language

Translate speech simultaneously

Turn on Transcribe to understand what’s being said

Translate from any app

No matter what app you’re in, just copy text and tap to translate

Type, say, or handwrite

Use voice input or handwrite characters and words not supported by your keyboard


Document Translation

Web Translation

Save your translations

Quickly access words and phrases from any device by saving them

What’s in that document?

Upload your files to magically translate them in place without losing their formatting

Translate websites

Need to translate a whole webpage? Just enter a URL to translate a whole webpage.

Try Google Translate

Start using Google Translate in your browser. Or scan the QR code below to download the app to use it on your mobile device.

Download the app to explore the world and communicate with people across many languages.

Get the app