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ФЕДЕРАЛЬНОЕ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ БЮДЖЕТНОЕ УЧРЕЖДЕНИЕ НАУКИ ИНСТИТУТ ВОСТОКОВЕДЕНИЯ РОССИЙСКОЙ АКАДЕМИИ НАУК ИГРА ПРЕС ТОЛОВ НА В О С ТОКЕ: ПОЛИТИЧЕСКИЙ МИФ И РЕА ЛЬНО С ТЬ Москва ИВ РАН 2023 УДК 93/94 ББК 63.3(5) И 70 Рекомендовано Ученым советом Института востоковедения РАН Ответственные редакторы: М. С. Круглова, канд. ист. наук, ФГБУН ИВ РАН Д. В. Дубровская, канд. ист. наук, ФГБУН ИВ РАН Рецензенты: Н. А. Филин, д-р ист. наук, ФГБОУ ВО «РГГУ» А. О. Захаров, д-р. ист. наук, ФГБУН ИВ РАН Составители: М. С. Круглова, канд. ист. наук, ФГБУН ИВ РАН Д. М. Тимохин, канд. ист. наук, ФГБУН ИВ РАН Коллектив авторов: С. И. Блюмхен, ИВ РАН, А. И. Волынский, ИЭ РАН, ГАУГН, И. П. Глушкова, д-р. ист. наук, ИВ РАН, С. В. Дмитриев, канд. ист. наук, ИВ РАН, Ю. И. Дробышев, канд. ист. наук, канд. биол. наук, ИВ РАН, М. С. Круглова, канд. ист. наук, ИВ РАН, С. Л. Кузьмин, д-р. ист. наук, ИВ РАН, М. А. Ласточкина, ГАУГН, Н. М. Моллеров, д-р. ист. наук, ТИГПИ, В. В. Прудников, канд. ист. наук, ИВ РАН, Е. Ю. Стабурова, д-р. ист. наук, Латвийский институт востоковедения, Д. М. Тимохин, канд. ист. наук, ИВ РАН И 70 Игра престолов на Востоке: Политический миф и реальность / отв. ред. М. С. Круглова, Д. В. Дубровская; Ин-т востоковедения РАН. – М.: ИВ РАН, 2023. – 304 с. ISBN 978-5-907671-26-3 Словно тень, миф, эта непокоренная часть сознания, сопровождал человечество на протяжении всей истории. Миф открывал тайну происхождения сущего, наделял историю мира и человека первопричинностью и базовым смыслом, ложился в основу моральных императивов. Политический миф — плод человеческих раздумий и стремлений — объяснял и легитимировал основы власти и социального порядка, на века, а порой на тысячелетия переживая создателей, раз за разом и эпоху за эпохой воспроизводя формы государственного и общественного бытия народов. Авторы монографии рассматривают отдельные сюжеты бытования политического мифа в странах Востока в различные исторические периоды. Китай, Япония, степи Центральной Азии и Индийский субконтинент, — всюду политический миф входил в ткань истории, становясь ее самостоятельным актором, а порой и творцом. ББК 63.3(5) © Коллектив авторов, 2023 © ФГБУН ИВ РАН, 2023 Оглавление Введение. Политический миф: создавая реальность .....................................................9 ЧАСТЬ 1. Легитимация власти в Китае и Японии ...........................................21 Глава 1. Становление политического мифа в Древнем Китае (на примере культа Неба) ..........................................................................................23 Глава 2. Два китайских исторических мифа: концепция «единства» и вопрос «династий» .................................................................................................83 Глава 3. Потерянный в переводе: Маттео Рипа и его роль в китайском «Споре о ритуалах» ...................................................................................................98 Глава 4. Антиманьчжурские политические мифы периода Цин: создание, типология, сюжеты и актуализация ......................................................113 Глава 5. Миф об истоках государства как источник легитимации новой власти в эпоху Мэйдзи .................................................................................135 ЧАСТЬ 2. Политическое мифотворчество от Индии до Монголии .............141 Глава 6. Неисчерпаемость бхакти. Дзана-баи как аргумент за приращение пространства Махараштры...........................................................143 Глава 7. Логика ориентализма и его воплощение в Индии XXI века Ахилья-баи как эталон и ролевая модель ..............................................................168 Глава 8. Политические мифы новейшей истории Тувы .......................................203 Глава 9. «Монголы» и «татары» в XIII в.: две грани одного мифа .....................217 ЧАСТЬ 3. Образ правителя у тюрок-сельджуков и норманнов ...................235 Глава 10. Хорезмшахи и Сельджуки: конструирование образа правителя и формирование преемственности власти.............................................................237 Глава 11. Тюрки-сельджуки как составляющая норманнского политического мифа на Востоке в эпоху Первого крестового похода................253 Некоторые выводы .........................................................................................................278 Resume .............................................................................................................................280 Список литературы .......................................................................................................286 Глава 2. Два китайских исторических мифа: концепция «единства» и вопрос «династий» С. В. Дмитриев, С. Л. Кузьмин Chapter 2. Two Chinese Historical Myths: The Concept of “Unity” and the Question of “Dynasties” Sergei V. Dmitriev, Sergius L. Kuzmin Each of us, living, studying, or visiting China (Zhongguo; 中國 — the Middle State), know wonderful and charming variety of this country. Almost every town or district enjoys its own dialect (which easily can be farther from official putonghua then one European language from another), food, traditional holidays, crafts, popular sayings and gods. Even now, this is not for tourists in most cases. More precisely, although local products and traditions are used for commerce, this commercial level normally exists and develops very separately from the level of living customs, which can be easily found on streets and in small markets. At the same time, all those people, who cannot in many cases communicate (in the full sense of the term) with people from neighboring township due to problems with dialects and have many funny stories about dumb and clumsy neighbors, are sure that they all are Chinese, “grandsons of the Yellow Emperor” (Huang-di zhi sun; 黃帝之孫), parts of one and inseparable nation. How can it be? Is it true that the unity is basic element of 83 Часть 1. Легитимация власти в Китае и Японии the Chinese civilization? Let’s try to analyze this. We will not dig too deep: all information we discuss is well-known to specialists, but we hope that even somehow simplistic comparative analysis of these data could give us detailed image which may be of some interest. Even the period of Neolithic cultures displayed a very high level of polycentric development. The still popular idea that Neolithic cultures in the middle current of the Huang He (often described as semi-unified, which is very doubtful) were the only ancestors of culture and civilization of China, is clearly false. From some decades specialists have known about brilliant findings at the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtse River, especially so called Liangzhu culture (良渚文化; 3400–2250 BC), formed by Austric speakers, around Taihu Lake, which shows clear signs of much higher development then contemporary Longshan Culture (龍山文化; 3000–1900 BC) and possibly represented the first state, or at least early state, in East Asia. Recently discovered site of Shimao (石峁; 2300–1800 BC) in Ordos (northern Shaanxi) which represents a city center of much more impressive size and fortifications, that everything we knew before in Neolithic East Asia, also pose many problems for traditional image of the Chinese history. For many centuries, or even millenniums, numerous centers of culture existed on the territory of modern China. Many of them were formed by non-Chinese peoples — even if we can say this, with all limitations, about the dwellers of settlements in the Huanghe area. Some of them may have been more developed, than areas which are considered as the “cradle of China”. From the oracle bones texts (jiaguwen; 甲骨文, 13th–11th centuries BC) we know that Shang (商; ca. 1600 – ca. 1046 BC), the first historically proved state in the Huanghe valley, indeed had a very centripetal and xenophobic worldview: in the center of the world they placed their capital, the Great City of Shang (Da yi Shang; 大邑商), which was surrounded by many tribes and polities (fang; 方), some of which could be vassals or allies, some could be enemies; but they definitely couldn’t have become Shang people or even equal to them later. From archeological data, we know about some Shang centers very far from the capital (История Китая… 2016: 481–484). Surprisingly, we almost don’t see them on oracle bones. But this is explicable: if some millenniums later archeologists will find journals published in Paris, Moscow or New York, they certainly would be sure that nothing happened outside of these cities. The system created by Zhou (周; ruled ca. 1046–256 BC), which was initially only one of tribes in the Shang proximity, was completely different. The subdued Shang people seems to have been much more numerous and 84 Глава 2. Два китайских исторических мифа: концепция «единства» и вопрос «династий» cultured than their conquerors; lands seized by the Zhou were too vast to rule them from one center; finally, in their war against Shang, Zhou had many allies, and it was too hard to explain them that now only Zhou are civilized people and others are no more than “barbarian” tribes. Redistribution of the conquered land, power and privileges between allies and relatives was inevitable. The state of Western Zhou (西周; ca. 1046–771 BC) was rather a confederation with the Zhou ruling house, but not Zhou people as ruling nation. The new state model was highly efficient at least at the level of cultural influences: territories, controlled by vassals of the wang (王; king) of Zhou, significantly exceeded the limits of the Shang State, and they expanded quickly. Any ruler, who accepts (even very formally) religious and political ideology of Zhou, could receive his place in the Zhou hierarchy. For many states, including non-Chinese ones, it was important to look like a part of the Zhou system, and many of them tried to receive formal title of the Zhou vassal (Дмитриев, Кузьмин, 2012: 5–19; 2015: 59–92). At first, it was based on religion: the wang of Zhou was considered the only Son of the Heaven (tianzi; 天子), who received a mighty support (magical force de; 德) from above, and his obedient vassals could receive some of this holy aid only from him. This idea, quite naive for the modern world, was persuasive at that time, and it worked well. That was why the Zhou period, when ethnicity and basic culture were not important for becoming a part of the Zhou confederation, was so successful for the rise of the Zhou culture influence, which quickly became accepted and shared by elites of very vast regions from present Sichuan and Zhejiang to Shaanxi and Liaoning. Texts of the Western Zhou are not very eloquent. It seems that every lineage cares mostly about itself, its land, and relations with the wang, but not about “confederation” (or “Zhou China”) as a whole. First attempts of understanding and explaining the common nature of states, united under the Zhou scepter, were made probably only in the time of the Eastern Zhou (771–256 BC), when real power of the wang of Zhou became insignificant. To that time, elites of all Zhou principalities, regardless of ethnicity of their subjects, shared the same Zhou culture. The Zhou confederation became much more closed and heterogeneous because of the wang power decline: new members were accepted rarely and only if they were usable allies against enemies, but not just expressing the will of becoming vassals to the king of Zhou. That was beginning of the formation of traditional Chinese worldview which described China as the only cultured nation surrounded by barbarians, who have or try to become good subjects of the Chinese ruler (and then became the Chinese), otherwise it is not necessary to treat them as people in the full sense of the word. Therefore, after centuries 85 Часть 1. Легитимация власти в Китае и Японии of openness and flexibility of the Western Zhou, xenophobic part of the Shang ideology somehow returned at a new level. The Eastern Zhou was basically period of appearance of some concepts aimed at description the region not only as a set of “vassals” to the wang of Zhou, but as a cultural unity. Many texts display massive emergence of some terms which are still in use, for example Tianxia 天下 or Zhongguo (中國). These words, clear for every Chinese now are not so easy for translation in their initial sense at those ancient times. Now there are two ways to say “China”, but in the time of Eastern Zhou it was not so simple. Tianxia (Under Heaven) denoted all states under the Son of the Heaven holy rule; so, all civilized states, states of the Zhou culture (Pines, 2002: 101–116). This concept might have been usable and comprehensible for elites of that time, but it was only an imaginary concept for common people of various principalities — and, of course, didn’t stop endless wars between these principalities, whose level of ferocity even gave the name to the last period of the Eastern Zhou history, the Warring States (Zhan guo; 戰國, 453–221 BC). Zhongguo was almost the same, but it was clearly plural, as it meant ‘Middle kingdoms’, and even ‘Middle cities’, because the most important idea derived from the character guo (國; state) contains an image of the walled city, just like in Greek πόλις. One more generalized term, designating an ethnic commonality zhuxia (諸夏; ‘all xia’; less often huaxia; 華 夏; ‘civilized xia’), related to the image of legendary first state of Xia, imaginary origin of China, also contains traces of this variability (see Beckwith, 2016: 231–248). All these terms were based also on the idea of juxtaposition of people of the Middle to the “barbarians” surrounding them, which are unable for wellorganized agriculture, self-organization or forming of state and city-building. Such xenophobic worldview had especially strong bases in the Huang He Valley, which is surrounded by very different lands, steppes on the north, deserts on the west, jungles, and swamps on the south. These different nature conditions make neighbor people also very different in very many aspects, it was easy for ancestors of the Chinese to believe that they are the only civilized people in the world, living in the only land which, thanks to Son of the Heaven holy influence, is good enough to live in. Because of an isolated position of the Huang He Valley, the first documented contact with similar civilizations, regarding state, bureaucracy, money and cities, had place only in the second part of the 2nd Century BC. In this way, it is too late to transform well-established point of view. This historical myth during many centuries manifested itself in the term Zhongguo which meant not the name of a certain state but only the designation of the middle, i.e., the most important (or the only real) state in the world. 86 Глава 2. Два китайских исторических мифа: концепция «единства» и вопрос «династий» The Initial (First) Emperor of the Qin, Qin Shi-huangdi (秦始皇帝; ruled as emperor in 221–210 BC), which unified a significant part of East Asia for the first time in history, understood very clearly that he did an absolutely unseen thing, unifying “all the Under Heaven” under his rule. That is why he took for himself a supreme title of huangdi, forged from two titles of mythical rulers from fabulous antiquity, ‘Three Augusts’ (san huang; 皇) and ‘Five Divine Rulers’ (wu di; 五帝). The new title, higher than the title of wang, was never used before by any mortal. The emperor also ordered to gather all the weapon of the empire, because it will be useless for people in the unified state, from now on spared from any wars or dangers. This was a brand for the start of a new epoch of eternal peace. It is explainable: before him China was not unified, and even the idea of unity of these lands, most probably, had not existed. The Qin Empire existed for a rather short time. Local elites were clearly against the unified rule and started the war against the new power to rebuild the heterogeneity of the “middle kingdoms”. But one of rebel generals, Liu Bang (劉邦; 256–195 BC, ruled in 202–195 BC) was smart and open enough to understand how many possibilities can receive any ruler who will remain the only one. It was a hard task: making his own Han (漢) Empire he had to conserve Qin institutions and innovations as soon as possible keeping this in secret to people who hated the Qin. This took the time of his life and lives of his sons and grandsons, but finally the Emperor Wu-di (武帝; 141–87 BC) became strong enough to achieve the process of forming of fully centralized state, create a new state ideology and religion and successfully extend empire’s borders, expanding solid imperial power in non-Chinese regions. Unification became reality. Very important part of his reform was creation of the new imperial ideology and imperial history. It was magnificently realized by the court annalist Sima Qian (司馬遷; ca. 145/135 – ca. 86 BC), who for the first time managed to write history of the whole China from the beginning to his time, “Records of the historiographer” (Shi ji 史記)59. For any reader of Sima Qian’s work it was clear that China was united at least from the fabulous time of the Yellow Emperor Huang-di (黃帝), and struggles of the Eastern Zhou time were only a sad exclusion from the rule. Sima Qian was an enthusiast of unified China (even also he was born after less than 40 years after this unification has become real), as most educated people in China from that time. 59 Russians are lucky to have the full translation of so important text, mainly made by Rudolf Vyatkin and published in 2010. It was first full translation into European language (second one was French translation published in 2015). 87 Часть 1. Легитимация власти в Китае и Японии The Han Empire, including short Wang Mang (王莽) interregnum (202 BC – 220 AC), ruled enough to lay the foundations of almost all basic concepts of the unitary Chinese culture. As a result, people with very different ethnic roots, spoken many languages, living in different natural conditions, since then considered themselves as the Chinese, as subjects of one emperor, shared a common set of cultural concepts, and had common actual and (which is often more important) mythological history (see: Дмитриев, Кузьмин, 2012: 5–19; 2014: 5–17; 2015: 59–92). It was even more effective, because Chinese governments almost never asked their people to sacrifice their local identity to the idea of one and the only China. At some level you can speak your dialect and make jokes about peoples from neighboring provinces, you can promote your own province as a cradle of Chinese civilization or some of its part — these are not prohibited. But you just cannot forget that at the highest level you all are Chinese. This situation reminds the situation in modern China’s economy: it is capitalist economy at lower level and rather state-controlled at the higher, official level; market economy paradoxically coexists with communist party ideology; propaganda of traditional culture and values with Marxist doctrine. For everybody except for Chinese this looks strange and even impossible, but it is quite normal for China. Early empires not only achieved some success in uniting China politically for the first time. They created a very influential social group, bureaucracy, which in China was almost the same as intellectual elite, which shared the same culture, same education, same professional language60, and was deeply interested in conserving this construct of unified China, in which they had much more opportunities then in separate Chinese states. They created the historical myth of unified China and very successfully indoctrinate lower-level populations, but without demolishing their local differences at the same time. This point of view became one of the basic concepts of Chinese elites, which was strong enough to survive centuries of separation and alien rule, and again and again rebuild the ‘Chinese empire’ without having unified people or culture. One of the main components in the historical myth of eternal continuation of power in China, despite any obstacles or separations, is a very well elaborated concept of dai or chao, which are often translated into Western languages as ‘dynasties’. 60 It was the only group in China who had a common language for them, a sort of professional pidgin based on a dialect of the capital; in that way the northern group of dialects of the modern Chinese now is called guanhua (官話) — “language of bureaucrats”, which forms the term “Mandarin Chinese”, in English. 88 Глава 2. Два китайских исторических мифа: концепция «единства» и вопрос «династий» What are these dynasties? In Europe this is a notion for rulers from one family (sometimes adopting is possible), replacing one another; existence of one ruling dynasty does not exclude simultaneous existence of others in different states on different thrones. Dynasty can theoretically exist without power of rule (in exile, for example). However, in China it is more complicated. Like in Europe, normal Chinese “dynasty” is a line of rulers from one familial line, but this is the only similarity. Firstly, Chinese dynasty can only be ruling house; without ruling, it does not exist; secondly, in normal situation only one “dynasty” can exist in the same period because the head of “dynasty” is the emperor, the only Son of the Heaven, who a priori could not have any “royal brothers” belonging to other dynasties. The emperor rules by the Mandate of Heaven — tian ming (天命), a Western Zhou concept deeply related to the idea of the ruler as a mediator between the Heaven and Earth (detailed analysis of the emperor’s power sacralization in China see in Попова, 2005: 364–386; see also Sacred Mandates, 2018). Such mandate can be received or lost due to ruler’s behavior. In reality, in many periods many rulers who governed at the same time, pretended to be the only Son of the Heaven, but Chinese historiography cared mostly of right image of a period than of reliable description of it, and always tried to choose the only “genuine” emperor and label others as usurpers or pretenders, although often it took many years to understand which pretender will win annalists’ sympathies for proclaiming the ‘true ruler’. For this worldview, the line of emperors (and “dynasties”) should not be interrupted. Following this rule, Chinese historiographers were obligated sometimes to recognize as emperors very weak, even non-Chinese rulers, for example, of Turkic Shato families, which created in northern China “empires” of the Later Tang (後唐; 923–936), Later Jin (後晉; 936–946) and Later Han (後唐; 946–950). These were small unstable states which were clearly much less impressive than many Chinese states in the South at the same period. But these Turks controlled the imperial capital city of the Tang epoch, and it was enough for historiographers for accepting their imperial claims. The only period for which Chinese historiography accepts the coexistence of “dynasties” in the same time is the epoch of the Song (宋) Empire (960–1279), which coexisted with the Kitan Great Liao (大遼) Empire (916–1125) and then with the Jurchen Great Jin (大金) Empire (1125–1234), which replaced previous one. Probably the only cause why they were accepted was the will of Mongol emperors (more precisely, the last one, Toghon Temur, 1320–1370, ruled in 1333–1370). He patronized compilation of official histories and 89 Часть 1. Легитимация власти в Китае и Японии ordered to make three of them, Song, Liao and Jin. The “History of Liao” and the “History of Jin” were finished in 1344, “History of Song” (Song shi) in 1345. All of them were prepared under the supervision of Toqtoh (Tuo-tuo; 脫脫), 1314–1356; Big Chinese… 1994: 236, 240, 242). It was important for Mongols to show that presence of the non-Chinese on the imperial throne is normal and acceptable situation. Without this “Mongol invasion” Chinese historiography most probably would not make such exclusions from rules, and the only “dynasty” for those times could be the Song. Now Chinese history could easily be presented as a history of one and the only state with “dynasties” changing one another on the emperor’s throne. But deeper analysis revealed that it is clearly false idea, although it has been very useful for Chinese governments in all times. In fact, the region of East Asia during a biggest part of its history was not united politically; it was never homogenous ethnically or linguistically. The words dai or chao, which we usually translate as “dynasty”, have nothing etymologically common with the Western meaning of “dynasty”. For dai, the closest etymology should be “to replace” (Ricci, 2001, № 10265, vol. 5: 727–728), the main idea of the concept is that ruling houses replace one another following the doctrine of the Mandate of the Heaven. The term is mostly used for ancient history of the Three Dynasties (San dai; 三代), Xia, Shang and Zhou, whose history was compiled when their destiny was already known or made up. For chao, which is strongly related with the palace ritual (“morning audience”) (Ricci, 2001, № 455, vol. 1: 235), good variant for the translation can be “[royal/imperial] court” (which would be a better translation of Chinese term, than “dynasty” which is in use now). Variant, chosen in western languages, is probably influenced by the doctrine of the history of Ancient Egypt ruled by more than thirty successive “dynasties” – a scheme designed by Manetho (3rd century BC), but somehow not perfect for Egypt, too. Anyhow, this interpretation is clearly imprecise, making Chinese “dynasties” something like Western ones. At the same time, we could easily find some Chinese terms for the idea of ruling house, something like wangjia (王家) royal family (even something shorter, just jia — “family”) in some contexts. All Chinese dynasties (just like Western ones) did not use their exact family names as designations for their empires: the dynasty of Liu (劉) ruled in the Han Empire, the dynasty of Li 李 in the Tang Empire etc. There is one more point because we should not apply the word “dynasty” to Chinese empires. The “Han dynasty” is a notion of the same level of fallacy as the “French dynasty” or the “Roman dynasty”. What we are accustomed to call “dynasties of China”, 90 Глава 2. Два китайских исторических мифа: концепция «единства» и вопрос «династий» are names of different Chinese and non-Chinese states or regimes whose rulers received (or pretended to receive) the imperial title, or, in other cases, royal title: before the Qin Empire, some rulers of the Warring States period proclaimed themselves kings and somehow usurped the sacred right reserved to their Zhou sovereigns. The fact that we are well accustomed to this wrong application of the term “dynasty” to Chinese dai and chao does not make this application less fallacious. Therefore, names of empires are not names of their dynasties: the Qin (秦) State (ruled by Ying (贏) dynasty) conquered in 221 BC all other Chinese states and became the Qin Empire; the King of Hanzhong (漢中; Han-wang; 漢王) Liu Bang conquered whole the region and became the emperor of the Han Empire etc. The concept of geographic terms as a source for naming new empires was changed only with the Yuan (元)61. This name was chosen for not the notion of the primary “princedom” or “fief” of its founder but the good-sounding term “Ancient” or “Initial” (Yuan), just as its “barbarian” precursor, the “Golden” (Jin) Empire of Jurchens (which Chinese name was Da Jin guo 大金國), only translated as the Jurchen Anchun gurun, the Golden State62). Zhu Yuanzhang (朱元璋; 1328–1398, ruled: 1368–1398), who expelled Mongols and rebuilt the Chinese (that time Ming) empire, paradoxically, used the same “barbarian” rule, making his ‘Great Bright’ — Da Ming (大明) Empire; Manchu did the same with their Da Qing (Great Pure) Empire. We see not a consecutive line of dynasties changing one another on the Chinese throne, but different states fighting in East Asia, some of which were non-Chinese; rulers of some of them received the Son of Heaven title proclaiming their empires ‘Middle State’, the main state in the world.In general, the “Chinese dynasty” (if we use this term) is a name of a state by the period of reign of one family that has adopted the Chinese concept of monarchic power; it is such a state which includes a part of China, or it contains China as a whole, or it is just China, or a part of it that was proclaimed to be a state, or it is a state adjacent to China’s borders whose ruler, having proclaimed himself the emperor, claimed for the Chinese throne (Kuzmin, 2011: 469). 61 62 Even the case of a short-lived Xin Empire (9–23 AD) of Wang Mang, which is often explained as related to his maniacal thrust to reform (xin; 新; “new”), wasn’t an exclusion: most probably, the state was named after Xindu (新都), a ‘marquisate’ granted to Wang Mang in 16th BC, perfectly following the traditional way. Besides, valley of the “Golden River”, Anchuhu, a tributary of the Sungari, was a cradle of the Jurchen State; so very probably this name of the state was also chosen by geographical principle, just like Chinese name of the Kitan state, and Liao after the Liaohe (遼河), flowing in Kitan native lands. 91 Часть 1. Легитимация власти в Китае и Японии Chinese historians preferred to accept as “dynasties” (or “imperial courts”) mostly ethnic Chinese lineages (or lineages considered as Chinese). Exceptions were rare. The Yuan and the Qing empires established by Mongols and Manchus managed to subdue the whole China and, consequently, nothing remained to the Chinese historians as to recognize them as legitimate, although “barbaric” imperial lineages. Two more “foreign dynasties” have ruled only in Northern China: the Liao of Kitans and the Jin of Jurchens. We already noted these cases and their origins, related to Mongol attempts of using historiography for making their positions in China more stable. As a result, in the traditional Chinese historiography China does not look like a part of states which have conquered it but, instead, inside China one “dynasty” replaced another and one Son of the Heaven replaced another. Even foreign conquerors were satisfied with such situation: first, it alleviated the control over their Chinese subjects who in each of such states composed a vast majority, and second, within the framework of the region around China the title of emperor of the “main state in the world” was among the most desirable. At the same time, their own concepts of power could have different origins (see Доронин, 1995; Kuzmin, 2011; Dmitriev and Kuzmin, 2015, for details). Genghis Khan and his descendants considered that whole world should submit to them. This could be perceived as an analogy to the traditional Chinese worldview because the Great Khan or Emperor was positioned as the only legitimate ruler of the Universe. However, Mongols meant submission to their Great Khan instead of “mollification of barbarians” and acculturating influence of the Middle State: Mongols were not especially interested in “mongolization” of conquered lands and did not try to convert conquered peoples in their faith; quite opposite, they were remarkably tolerant and perceptive for foreign beliefs. So, their basic concept of world rule was not the Chinese one. In 1271, grandson of Genghis Khan, the Great Khan Khublai (1215–1294, ruled 1260–1294), who was much more influenced by his Chinese advisers, has issued the decree according to which the Great Mongol State (or Great Mongolian People, Yeke Mongol Ulus) from now on was called on the Chinese manner “the Great Initial” (Chin. Da Yuan; 大元), which is considered by Chinese historians as one of legitimate “dynasties” of China. He also took Chinese imperial title for himself, and in 1266 granted it to his ancestors, even to Genghis Khan’s father, who certainly did not consider himself as an emperor of China. The text of this decree was written in Chinese and, probably, has not been proclaimed in other Genghisid principalities, so they continued to consider 92 Глава 2. Два китайских исторических мифа: концепция «единства» и вопрос «династий» themselves as parts of the Great Mongol State and not parts of the “Chinese Yuan empire”. Nevertheless, the decree of the Great Khan was mandatory for all his subjects. Thus, if we shall equate the Great Yuan State with China (as was — and still is — made by Chinese and many other historians), we should conclude that borders of China have reached Hungary and Palestine, and the whole Great Mongol Empire, including Russia, Afghanistan, Iran, some European and other countries, was China. Such view may be reasonable for the Chinese, but very strange for other peoples. Mongolian khans of other principalities (Mo. ulus) accepted the seniority of great khans by old Mongolian tradition, based on the blood legacy from Genghis Khan. According to this concept, it was the only royal legacy. The Chinese accepted authority of Yuan emperors as the next “dynasty” of the Sons of the Heaven received the mandate of Heaven to rule in the Middle State. But from the Mongolian point of view, the Yuan Empire up to the end remained the Mongol state, which included China together with other territories. Special study of Mongolian, Chinese and other sources revealed that the Mongols who ruled China did not regard their dynasty as a successor of the Song or Jin, and the name Da Yuan, being widely used, was not understood as denoting only the domain of Khublai Khan and his successors. For them, Da Yuan was a Chinese equivalent of Yeke Mongol Ulus, i.e., the whole empire. The territory and people under direct rule of the Great Khan (i.e., his domain) was called by the Mongols as Qa’an Ulus, i.e., the State (or People) of the Great Khan. It was a part of the Great Mongol State together with other khanates (uluses: Golden Horde, Ilkhanate, Ulus of Chagataids), which did not impede the Chinese viewing Da Yuan as a “dynasty”, restoring the chain of unified imperial tradition of the Yuan, Tang and Song (Kim, 2015: 300–301). The Manchus have accepted some important components of the Chinese worldview. After the conquest of China, declarations of these concepts aimed at legitimization of their rule for the Han, the most numerous people in their empire. The Manchus sought legitimization among the Han people also using cultural history and political legacy. The first Qing Emperor in Beijing, Fulin (ruled in 1643–1661, after 1644 also with Chinese imperial title huangdi added to Mongol title Bogdo Khan, i.e., the Holy or Great Khan), although attracted by Buddhism, in public (Chinese) positioned himself mainly as a Confucian emperor. The same is true for emperors ruled after him. At the same time, these emperors legitimized themselves in the eyes of the Mongols claiming their succession from the Genghis Khan’s clan, in the eyes of Tibetans using the ‘priest — patron’ relations between the emperors and higher lamas of Tibetan 93 Часть 1. Легитимация власти в Китае и Японии Buddhism (Кузьмин, 2012: 261–273). The Manchus accepted their state’s designation in Chinese manner. Official Chinese name of their empire was the Great Pure State (Da Qing guo). It should be noted that the Chinese term was phonetically presented also in the Manchu name Dai Chin gurun, so the Chinese name was the main one in some sense. Until 1644, the Qing court designated China as the State of the Chinese (Han) (Ma. Nikan gurun), or the State of the Chinese (Han) Great Ming (Ma. Nikan-i Daiming-i gurun). Since the seizure of Beijing in 1644, the Manchus began to apply the term Middle State (Ma. Dulimbai gurun) to their empire which included subdued Han and nonHan lands (Zhao, 2006, p. 5, 11). Detailed study of Chinese documents of the 17th–20th centuries revealed that the usage of the word Zhongguo is in one row with many other unofficial terms (Zhao, 2006: 6–10). Zhongguo clearly was not specifically related to the Chinese nation, but to the concept of the only civilized state in the world63, borrowed by Manchu from Chinese, but without any ethnic component. This is not surprising, because the Qing Empire had been founded by the Manchu and received its name outside of China (that time, the Ming Empire). In 1636, Manchu state adopted the name Qing (Pure), and this meant an opposition to the neighboring Ming (Bright). During some time both states coexisted. As a result of conquest, China had been incorporated into foreign state, the Manchu Qing Empire. The source of central power there originated from outside of China. Moreover: the Qing Empire, claimed to be the main state (i.e., Zhongguo, China) by the Manchu emperors, coexisted with other states claimed to have been also Chinas. First time after its proclamation it coexisted with the Chinese (Han) Ming Empire. After the Manchu Qing Empire conquered the Ming capital city of Beijing (in 1644), the Manchu Emperor Fulin was enthroned there (in the second time, as the Chinese huangdi), and since then the Qing Empire claimed to rule China. But reality was somewhat different. Some lands of the Ming China still were to be conquered, and they nominally subordinated to the last members of the Ming dynasty. Only in 1659 Zhu Yulang (朱由榔; 1623–1662, ruled after 1646), the last emperor of so-called Southern Ming64, had lost his control over any Chinese territories and flee to Burma: in 1662 he was delivered to the Manchus and strangled in Guanzhou in 1673, the Qing Emperor Xuanye (玄燁; 63 64 This is very characteristic for universalist empires, e.g., the Byzantine Empire. Of course, Zhu Yulang considered himself the ruler of the Ming Empire and not the Southern Ming ruler: the latter term was elaborated by Chinese historiographers who accepted that after 1644 legitimate rule was in the hands of Manchu emperors, so all regimes considered themselves continuation of the Ming Empire had to be named differently. 94 Глава 2. Два китайских исторических мифа: концепция «единства» и вопрос «династий» 1654–1722, ruled after 1661) issued a decree dissolving the troops subordinate to the three governors of the southern provinces, Ming renegade generals. This caused one of them, Wu Sangui (吳三桂; 1612–1678), who initially invited Manchus into China and then destroyed Southern Ming, to revolt. In 1678, he proclaimed himself emperor of the Great Zhou; 大周, thereby restoring the independence of the Chinese State. Only in the early 1680s, Manchus defeated the troops of the grandson of Wu Sangui and joined this “China” to their “China”. Taiwan was also somehow an independent Chinese territory, where the power of the Manchus was established only in 1683 (Kuzmin, 2011: 44–45, 464). Thus, some of Middle Kingdoms were created by the Han rulers; others by “foreign dynasties”, who seized Chinese (Han) territory in full or in part. Some neighbours of China, who have not conquered China or its parts, also used this terminology. In 1805, the emperor of Vietnam proclaimed his state Trung quốc, i.e. Zhongguo, and non-Vietnamese peoples “barbarians” (Woodside, 1988, p. 18-19). For Japan the term Chugoku (Middle State, i.e. Zhongguo, together with “middle court”, “middle culture”) was used by Confucian writer Yamaga Soko (1622–1685). He used these terms because he considered that the “path of the sage” is properly observed only in Japan (Михайлова, 1989, p. 44). At present, western region on Honshu Island is called Chugoku due to its “middle” geographic position. Japanese characters for this region’s name 中国 are the same as for Zhongguo. There are also some analogies in the West. They are allusions to the Roman Empire which, like the Middle Kingdom, claimed universalism, “pacification” and “acculturation of barbarians”. Her successor was Byzantium, whose correct name was Βασιλεία Ῥωμαίων – Monarchy of the Romans. Other states also made claims to this continuity, the Holy Roman Empire and pre-revolutionary Russia, especially in the 16th–17th centuries, when the Third Rome was considered the state-forming concept. The Third Rome concept has also been used sometimes in Italy since the 19th Century. The Austrian Empire claimed succession from the Holy Roman Empire, which existed before 1806. The same applies to the German Empire created in 1871. Later, the term “Third Empire” (Drittes Reich) in Nazi Germany meant succession from the German Empire (“Second Empire” – Zweites Reich). Claims to the Roman imperial succession were also manifested in personal titles. The Ottoman Sultan Mehmet II, who captured Constantinople (in 1453), took the title Kayser-i Rum (Caesar of Rome). Similar titles were taken by other rulers: the King Simeon I of Bulgaria (913, “emperor of the Bulgarians and 95 Часть 1. Легитимация власти в Китае и Японии Romans”), Serbian King Stefan Uroš IV Dušan (1345, “emperor of the Serbs and Romans”). The heir to the Byzantine throne, Andreas Palaiologos, ceded the rights to this throne to the French King Charles VIII (1494) and after the latter’s death, to Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile (1502). These analogues indicate that different powers in the West claimed succession and/or designation of the “main state” in the world, and, similarly to the situation in East Asia, they represented different states, some of whose have no historical succession from the initial “main state”. To the beginning of the 20th century, nationalism became the driving force in international relations. The traditional sinocentric system had failed due to collision of the Qing Empire with the Western powers. For the sake of retention the Empire, the Cixi (慈禧; 1835–1908, regent after 1861) regime adopted in the first years of 20th Century a new policy towards assimilation of the “frontier peoples” by the Han, which meant cessation of the conditions behind old relations of the Qing with Mongolia and Tibet. This resulted in proclamations of independence of these states and the rise of national movements (see Kuzmin, 2012: 113–143; Кузьмин, 2012: 261–273; 2019: 142–166). The driving force of the republicans in their fight against the Qing Empire was Han nationalism and anti-Manchu sentiment. Dr. Sun Yatsen; 孫中山 (1866– 1925) in his declaration at assuming the post of the temporary President of the Republic of China stated the necessity of complete elimination of the remains of autocracy (i.e. Manchu rule); in the message at his renunciation of this post near the tomb of the Ming founder Zhu Yuanzhang he said on the establishment of a free republic and elimination of the strong enemy of the nation, i.e. Manchus (Giles, 1912; Сунь Ятсен, 1985: 121–123; Сидихменов, 1985: 288-289). Thus, we can see that foreign conquerors used the Zhou concept of Zhongguo as a union of subjects of the Son of the Heaven in its non-ethnical dimension. It was a good concept for such multinational empires, whose bitterest enemy was Chinese nationalism. 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