Age 7-11 Teaching Resources - Self-Image and Identity

Below (in red) you will find links to Own It content - near the top of each of these pages you will find a link to a downloadable teacher resource document with lesson ideas, discussion points and potential homework activities.

Each piece of content has been mapped to particular age 7-11 learning outcome statements from the Education for a Connected World framework set out by the UK Council for Internet Safety.

This is a cross-curricular framework, designed to be particularly useful for PSHE, RSHE and Computing. It highlights what a child should know at each stage of their education about current online technology, its influence on behaviour and development, and what skills they need to be able to navigate it. 

Online scams spoken word poem

Learning Objectives covered:

  • I can explain that others online can pretend to be someone else, including my friends, and can suggest reasons why they might do this

Kane Tackles Hate in Online Gaming

Learning Objectives covered:

  • I can explain ways in which someone might change their identity depending on what they are doing online (e.g. gaming; using an avatar; social media) and why
  • I can describe positive ways for someone to interact with others online and understand how this will positively impact on how others perceive them

What is Digital Consent?

Learning Objectives covered:

  • I can demonstrate how to make responsible choices about having an online identity, depending on context

Living your life online?

Learning Objectives covered:

  • I can demonstrate how to make responsible choices about having an online identity, depending on context

Scola - Someone Stole My Identity

Learning Objectives covered:

  • I can explain how identity online can be copied, modified, or altered
  • I can demonstrate how to make responsible choices about having an online identity, depending on context

What’s it like to be a disabled gamer?

Learning Objectives covered:

  • I can explain how people can represent themselves in different ways online
  • I can identify & critically evaluate online content relating to gender, race, religion, disability, culture & other groups & explain why it is important to challenge & reject inappropriate representations online
  • I can describe positive ways for someone to interact with others online & understand how this will positively impact on how others perceive them
  • I can explain ways in which someone might change their identity depending on what they are doing online (e.g. gaming; using an avatar) & why
  • I can describe issues online that could make anyone feel sad, worried, uncomfortable, or frightened. I know & can give examples of how to get help, both on & offline

Staying safe when you set up gaming profiles

Learning Objectives covered:

  • I can explain how people can represent themselves in different ways online
  • I can explain that others online can pretend to be someone else, including my friends, & can suggest reasons why they might do this

Should we edit our selfies?

Learning Objectives covered:

  • I can explain how people can represent themselves in different ways online
  • I can explain ways in which someone might change their identity depending on what they are doing online (e.g. gaming; using an avatar; social media) & why
  • I can explain that others online can pretend to be someone else, including my friends, & can suggest reasons why they might do this

Seen something upsetting online? What to do about it

Learning Objectives covered:

  • I can explain how people can represent themselves in different ways online
  • I can describe issues online that could make anyone feel sad, worried, uncomfortable or frightened. I know & can give examples of how to get help, both on & offline
  • I can explain the importance of asking until I get the help needed
  • I can describe positive ways for someone to interact with others online & understand how this will positively impact on how others perceive them