Английский на видео. Ювелирные украшения

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"Лучшие друзья девушек – бриллианты", - говорила Мэрилин Монро. Так что этот видеоурок английского наверняка придется по вкусу прекрасным дамам, не равнодушным к драгоценностям.


Li (BBC producer): London Jewellery Week runs until the 12th June and this is the perfect opportunity to find the perfect ring. And now I have come to the perfect place – Hatton Garden.

Li: Could you describe your perfect ring?

Woman 1: I've got my perfect ring right here. It's very sparkly, it's elegant, it's graceful.

Woman 2: Lots of sparkle, lots of colour, sparkle and colour I think; and something unique; I like unique pieces.

Man: A nice size and a nice colour, that's the best thing; it's simple and it's nice.

Woman 3: I prefer classical but unusual.

Woman 4: Maybe less details making it a bit more elegant, so I can wear it with anything.

Li: Sparkly, colour, simple, classical, elegant.

(Words on the screen: What makes the perfect ring? Which material? Why?)

Gary (jewellery store manager): Well, people will want diamond rings because they want the brilliance and the life and lustre of the diamond ring. They must always be in 18 carat gold or in platinum so you get the shimmering effect of the mirror finish on the gold or the metal that it's made in.

(Words on the screen: Did you catch the words?)

Li: Diamond, 18 carat gold, Platinum, brilliance, lustre, shimmering effect, mirror finish.


  • perfect ring - идеальное кольцо
  • sparkly - сверкающий
  • сolour - цвет, оттенок
  • simple - простой
  • classical - классический
  • elegant - изысканный, изящный, элегантный
  • What makes the perfect ring? - Что делает кольцо идеальным?
  • Which material? Why? - Какой металл и камень? И почему?
  • diamond - бриллиант, алмаз
  • brilliance - блеск, великолепие
  • lustre - блеск
  • 18 carat gold - золото 750 пробы
  • platinum - платина
  • shimmering effect - эффект мерцания
  • mirror finish - зеркальная полировка
  • Did you catch the words? - Вы уловили значения слов?