MMWR Subscriptions

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MMWR Recommendations and Reports $7.95 $11.30 $12.16 $10.15 €9.25
CDC Surveillance Summaries $7.95 $11.30 $12.16 $10.15 €9.25
Summary of Notifiable Diseases $9.55 $13.76 $14.80 $11.50 €10.65


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Volumes 33-45 of the MMWR are also available on microfilm from ProQuest Information and Learning. Price per volume, including applicable sales tax: Vols.33-43 ($31); Vol.44 ($40.50); Vol.45 ($42.50). Add 3% for shipping & handling. Contact ProQuest Information and Learning, Periodicals Acquisitions, P.O. Box 1346, Ann Arbor, MI 48106-1346; telephone: (800) 521-0600.

For information on many publications on HIV and AIDS (including those in the MMWR Series), contact the CDC National Prevention Information Network (NPIN) (operators of the National AIDS Clearinghouse), P.O. Box 6003, Rockville, MD 20849-6003; telephone (800) 458-5231 or (301) 562-1589.

Page last reviewed: February 26, 2019