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Tribunal Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia

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�1������������������������� Friday, 13 October 2006

�2������������������������� [Rule 11 bis Hearing]

�3������������������������� [Open session]

�4������������������������� [The accused entered court]

�5������������������������� --- Upon commencing at 4.04 p.m.

�6����������� JUDGE ORIE:� Good afternoon.� Madam Registrar, would you please

�7��� call the case.

�8����������� THE REGISTRAR:� Good afternoon, Your Honours.� This is case number

�9��� IT-96-23/2-PT, the Prosecutor versus Dragan Zelenovic.

10������ �����JUDGE ORIE:� Thank you, Madam Registrar.

11����������� We're here today for a hearing under Rule 11 bis.� May we have the

12��� appearances.� Prosecution first.

13����������� MS. SOMERS:� Good afternoon, Your Honours; counsel.� For the

14��� Prosecution, Susan Somers; to my left, Mr. Aleksandar Kontic, legal

15��� officer; to my right, extreme right, Ms. Verica Balikic, case manager;

16��� assisted by Mr. Greg Bodulovic.

17����������� Thank you.

18����������� JUDGE ORIE:� Thank you.

19����������� And for the Defence.

20����������� MR. JOVANOVIC: [Interpretation] Good afternoon, Your Honours.� I'm

21��� attorney-at-law Zoran Jovanovic from Belgrade appearing on behalf of

22��� Mr. Dragan Zelenovic.

23����������� Thank you.

24����������� JUDGE ORIE:� Thank you.� And then we have a videolink with

25��� Sarajevo.� Perhaps I should have first have checked whether the -- I do

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�1��� not receive interpretation at this moment, but -- yes.

�2����������� Could you please introduce yourselves from Sarajevo.� That's --

�3��� you're representatives of the -- of Bosnia and Herzegovina.� Please

�4��� proceed.

�5����������� MS. BASIC: [Interpretation] Yes.� Your Honours, on behalf of the

�6��� government of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the delegation of Bosnia and

�7��� Herzegovina, we would like to thank the Referral Chamber for allowing us

�8��� to participate via videolink.

�9����������� I would now like to introduce to you the members of the

10��� delegation.� Mr. Emir Neradin, registry office for section 1 and 2 of the

11��� court of Bosnia and Herzegovina; Ms. Mechtild Lauth, office of the

12��� registrar for department 1 and 2 of the court of Bosnia-Herzegovina;

13��� Mr. Philip Alcock from the Prosecutor's office of Bosnia and Herzegovina;

14��� Ms. Stephanie Godart of the Prosecutor's office of Bosnia and Herzegovina;

15��� and I as head of the delegation, Fatima Basic come from the Ministry of

16��� Justice of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

17����������� JUDGE ORIE:� Thank you, Ms. Basic, for introducing yourself.

18����� ������Mr. Zelenovic, I had not yet asked you whether you could hear us

19��� in a language you understand.� Yes, you can?

20����������� THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Yes.� Yes.

21����������� JUDGE ORIE:� Mr. Zelenovic, it maybe clear that additional

22��� opportunity will be given to the parties now and to the government of

23��� Bosnia and Herzegovina to add whatever they would like to add to their

24��� written submissions.� You may remain seated.

25����������� I had in mind to give a short opportunity to the Prosecution to

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�1��� make any further submissions, or to reserve their time, as you have done

�2��� before, I take it, I remember, Ms. Somers, to say, well, nothing to be

�3��� added at this moment, but I'd like to have some time at a later stage.� I

�4��� think that altogether some 20 minutes would do.

�5����������� Would you like to add anything at this moment, Ms. Somers, or

�6��� would you rather reserve your time?

�7����������� MS. SOMERS:� May I reserve, please?

�8����������� JUDGE ORIE:� Yes.

�9����������� MS. SOMERS:� Thank you.

10����������� JUDGE ORIE:� So 20 minutes still available to Ms. Somers.

11����������� Mr. Jovanovic, is there anything you'd like to add to the

12��� submissions you've given already and annexes attached to it, or if you

13��� would like to summarise at this moment?� You have also -- altogether you

14��� have 20 minutes available to -- and if there is any need, if there is a

15��� lot of new stuff, then of course you could apply for more time.

16����������� Anything you'd like to add or to summarise?

17����������� MR. JOVANOVIC: [Interpretation] Thank you, Your Honour.

18����������� Very briefly, given that all of the arguments of the Defence were

19��� included in our motion on the 22nd of September, now I would just like to

20��� briefly point out some additional issues which were contained in our

21��� motion, but I would like to give you additional clarification.� Not even

22��� in relation to all of the points, just some of the points.� I can do it at

23��� any time that the Chamber deems convenient.

24����������� JUDGE ORIE:� If you want to give any additional clarification,

25��� you're invited to do that right now.

Page 407

�1����������� MR. JOVANOVIC: [Interpretation] Thank you, Your Honour.

�2����������� Your Honours, as I have stated, the arguments of the Defence are

�3��� contained in our written motion.� In a way, the Defence found itself in a

�4��� situation where we not only challenged the arguments listed by the

�5��� Prosecution in this referral case, but we also had to challenge some other

�6��� decisions issued here at ICTY in the case against Stankovic and Jankovic,

�7��� which is a bit of an awkward situation.

�8����������� I would now like to point out some of the issues that I consider

�9��� relevant.� I am fully aware of the position taken previously by the

10��� Referral Chamber about the fact that there exists in Bosnia and

11��� Herzegovina a court that can accept the cases referred by the ICTY and

12��� that there are no impediments for cases being tried there.� What I think

13��� needs to be further clarified, and perhaps additional clarification can be

14��� given by the representatives of Bosnia and Herzegovina, is the application

15��� of the law.

16����������� In Stankovic and Jankovic cases, the Referral Chamber already took

17��� the position considering the law that is to be applied, whether it is

18��� going to be the law of the SFRY, which was in force at the time when the

19��� crimes were committed, or whether it is going to be the law on criminal

20��� law of Bosnia-Herzegovina, which was adopted in 2003, the Criminal Code of

21��� Bosnia-Herzegovina.� And in Annex I of Defence submission, I attached the

22��� indictment issued by the prosecutor of the Brcko district dated the

23��� 13th of July, 2005, which is to say at the time when the state court of

24��� Bosnia and Herzegovina and the war crimes chamber in Sarajevo had already

25��� been established and when the new Criminal Code of Bosnia and Herzegovina

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�1��� had already been adopted, the code with amendments, particularly those

�2��� pertaining to Article 4(A) of the Criminal Code.

�3����������� I would like to draw the attention of the Chamber to the fact that

�4��� this was the case referred by the Prosecution of this Tribunal to the

�5� ��Brcko district.� The OTP here did not issue an indictment.� However, they

�6��� completed the entire investigation and referred the case to Bosnia and

�7��� Herzegovina.� The decision of the Prosecution was quite clear.� They

�8��� qualified the crimes in that indictment in the light of the law that was

�9��� in force at the time when the crimes were committed, which was the

10��� Criminal Code of the SFRY.

11����������� I additionally emphasise that --

12����������� JUDGE ORIE:� Yes, Ms. Somers.

13����� ������MS. SOMERS:� I'm sorry.� I beg your pardon for interrupting at

14��� this time.� But in order -- at this moment so that there is no

15��� misunderstanding, it was not a referral by the Office of the Prosecutor.

16��� At best, it was a Rules of the Road case.� It is not a referred case.� So

17��� the language I think needs to be clarified considerably.

18����������� JUDGE ORIE:� Yes.� Mr. Jovanovic, Ms. Somers draws our attention

19��� to the fact that it was not a referred case but that it was a case

20��� which -- I understand the Rules of the Road with the full consent of the

21��� OTP was dealt with by a court in Brcko and not by this Tribunal.� They

22��� gave the green light to have the case prosecuted over there.

23����������� Unless you would disagree, you're invited to proceed.

24����������� MR. JOVANOVIC: [Interpretation] Thank you, Your Honour.

25����������� Naturally this was a case where the indictment had not yet been

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�1��� issued by this Tribunal.� However, the evidence accompanied by the letter

�2��� of the Prosecutor was sent to Bosnia, to the Brcko district.� This was not

�3��� a case where -- this was not a case of a referral under 11 bis.� I fully

�4��� agree with that.

�5����������� This case pertain to the events in the Luka camp in Brcko.� Goran

�6��� Jelisic was convicted by this Tribunal for the same events, and in this

�7��� case the same events were included.� So as I said, as long as the law of

�8��� Bosnia and Herzegovina was in force, the Prosecution of Bosnia and

�9��� Herzegovina qualified these acts, among other things, in Count 4 -- or,

10��� rather, in Count 6 of the indictment as rape and other acts based on

11��� Article 4.

12����������� Article 4 speaks of the principle of legality and the principle of

13��� lex mitior, that is to say that, namely, the law more beneficial to the

14��� accused needs to be applied.� The different approach taken by the

15��� Prosecution in Bosnia and Herzegovina, even though it concerns in this

16��� case the Brcko district, can lead to legal uncertainty; namely, the

17��� accused finds himself in a situation where the Referral Chamber submits to

18��� the Prosecution and to the Chamber in Bosnia and Herzegovina -- rather,

19��� when they allow them to choose which law is going to be applied should the

20��� case be referred.� So the accused does not know in advance which law is

21��� going to be applied.

22����������� I think that it is necessary to establish very clear criteria --

23����������� JUDGE ORIE:� Mr. Jovanovic, this seems to be a big

24��� misunderstanding.� The only thing this Referral Bench has done in the past

25��� is to make sure that whatever law will be applied in accordance with the

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�1��� local legislation, the legislation in Bosnia-Herzegovina, not knowing

�2��� exactly what case law would develop, that there is nothing in either the

�3��� old law or in the new law which would result in a situation where the

�4��� applicable law would not enable to try these cases, without saying

�5��� anything on which law had to be applied, because it's not within the

�6��� competence of this Referral Bench to decide for the courts in Bosnia and

�7��� Herzegovina, how they should interpret their legal system, especially in

�8��� view of the applicability of law in terms of time.

�9���� �������So there's a consistent case law of this Referral Bench which

10��� makes abundantly clear, I would say, that this Referral Bench is not

11��� saying apply this law or apply that law.� We're just having an overview

12��� and see that no results could be expected which would be, our law does not

13��� provide for the instruments which would allow to punish those who are

14��� found guilty of the crimes covered by the indictment as it lies before

15��� this Tribunal at this moment.� That's the only thing we're doing.

16����������� So it seems that your argument was based upon a wrong

17��� understanding of the task of this Referral Bench.

18����������� Please proceed and keep this in mind.

19����������� MR. JOVANOVIC: [Interpretation] Yes.� Thank you, Your Honour.

20����������� At the outset of my presentation, I said that given the previous

21��� rulings of this Chamber has established that there is a firm legal

22��� framework in Bosnia-Herzegovina, regardless of which law is going to be

23��� applied, be it the one which was in force at the time when the crime was

24��� committed or the one that was adopted later, and this is all pursuant

25��� Article 4(A).

Page 411

�1����������� The important distinction that I would like to draw your attention

�2��� to is the sentence which is provided in the law.� At the time, when these

�3��� crimes were committed, the law which was in force when the crimes were

�4��� committed stipulated that the maximum sentence was 20 years, whereas the

�5��� new law specifies that the minimum sentence is 10 years and maximum

�6��� sentence is 20 to 40 years.

�7����������� I just wanted to reiterate that regardless of the role of the

�8��� Chamber that you have just explained yourself, at the time when the

�9��� Chamber rules on whether this case is going to be referred to Sarajevo or

10��� not, the accused finds himself in a situation where he doesn't know which

11��� law is going to be applied.� I think that Bosnia and Herzegovina needs to

12��� establish clear criteria as to exactly which law is going to be applied

13��� under those circumstances.� Naturally, both laws facilitate unhindered

14��� proceedings, and naturally there is a possibility that the charges would

15��� be dropped and proceedings suspended.

16����������� Now, as to Bosnia and Herzegovina, I think that they need to

17��� clarify the following:� Once the case is referred and once --

18����������� JUDGE ORIE:� Mr. Jovanovic, are you telling -- at this moment are

19��� you saying that Bosnia and Herzegovina should clarify for this Referral

20��� Bench, or are you saying Bosnia and Herzegovina should clarify in its

21��� future case law, well, whatever you'd like to address?� Is it relevant at

22��� this moment for our decision, or is it just for future development in the

23��� case law of Bosnia and Herzegovina?

24����������� MR. JOVANOVIC: [Interpretation] I think that in general their

25��� position needs to be clarified.� As for the jurisprudence of the Referral

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�1��� Bench, it is quite clear.

�2����������� JUDGE ORIE:� Before we continue, we have some difficulties with

�3��� the videolink at least.

�4������������������������� [Trial Chamber and registrar confer]

�5����������� JUDGE ORIE:� It seems to us that the videolink with Bosnia and

�6��� Herzegovina has been re-established.� Did you miss important parts?� Are

�7��� you long already deprived from what was said in The Hague?

�8����������� Could I ask you, Ms. Basic, to inform me?

�9����������� MS. BASIC: [Interpretation] Your Honours, we didn't miss anything.

10��� We heard everything that was said, and we can even reply to the question

11��� raised by the Defence.

12����������� In accordance --

13����������� JUDGE ORIE:� I would first, as a matter of fact, give an

14��� opportunity to Mr. Jovanovic to finish had his argument and then there

15��� will be an opportunity to -- to make your observations in relation to

16��� that.

17����������� Mr. Jovanovic, I consulted with my colleagues.� The future

18��� development of case law in Bosnia-Herzegovina is not something that would

19��� be very important, very relevant.� We are looking forward to -- to see

20��� what happens there, but it's not relevant for our decision at this moment.

21����������� So you are invited to proceed and to leave this.

22����������� One question, you said maximum sentence was 20 years under the old

23��� law.� Isn't it true that death penalty was the maximum sentence?

24����������� MR. JOVANOVIC: [Interpretation] Yes.

25����������� JUDGE ORIE:� Then you're referring to the term of imprisonment

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�1��� that could be imposed.� Then that's well understood.

�2����������� Please proceed.

�3����������� MR. JOVANOVIC: [Interpretation] Yes, Your Honour, I was referring

�4��� to the term of imprisonment, because the 20-year imprisonment was in fact

�5��� a substitute for the death penalty.� However, pursuant to further

�6��� developments, it became impossible to implement the death penalty any

�7��� longer.

�8����������� I have nothing else to add, Your Honours.� I would just like to

�9��� draw your attention to the fact that it is possible to qualify the act in

10��� two different -- significantly different ways given the sentence envisaged

11��� for that act, and that it would be beneficial if clear criteria were to be

12��� established so that the accused know exactly, even though it's not going

13��� to be contained in the decision as you stated, the decision only specifies

14��� that it's possible to conduct the proceedings in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

15��� However, I think that Bosnia and Herzegovina needs to establish very clear

16��� criteria so that the accused knows which law is going to be applied.

17����������� JUDGE ORIE:� Mr. Jovanovic, now I think for the third time you try

18��� to revisit a matter on which I first said that it was based on a

19��� misunderstanding, then I said it was irrelevant, and now you try it for

20��� the third time, which is -- well, let's say not very intelligent to do.

21����������� Please proceed.

22����������� MR. JOVANOVIC: [Interpretation] No, Your Honours.� I just

23� ��announced that this was it as far as my arguments were concerned in

24��� relation to this issue.

25����������� As for all other directions given to the Defence as to stating our

Page 414

�1��� position, it is fully explained in our motion dated the 22nd of September,

�2��� and I have nothing further to add to it.

�3����������� Thank you.

�4����������� JUDGE ORIE:� We've read that carefully.

�5����������� Ms. Basic in Sarajevo, I would like to give you an opportunity to

�6��� add anything you think of relevance to the submissions, the extensive

�7��� submissions, including case law, full text case law for us.

�8����������� May I ask you also to keep in mind what I just said to

�9��� Mr. Jovanovic about the relevance of some of his submissions and that

10��� further development of case law in Bosnia and Herzegovina is not within

11��� the competence of this Chamber to further elaborate on.

12����������� Please proceed.

13����������� MS. BASIC: [Interpretation] Your Honours, we believe that given

14��� the gravity of the crime and the level of criminal responsibility, this

15��� case meets the criteria under Rule 11 bis for referral to the BH

16��� Prosecutor, especially if we bear in mind the fact that the Stankovic and

17��� Jankovic cases were referred and are being successfully tried, all the

18��� more reason to back the motion to have this trial, too, referred to

19��� Bosnia-Herzegovina.

20����������� As for the application of law, perhaps my colleague Mr. Neradin

21��� can provide an answer to that.

22�������� ���JUDGE ORIE:� Yes, Mr. Neradin, you're invited to deal with the

23��� matter.� Please keep in mind that of course this Referral Bench has

24��� already received a lot of information and has in its decisions I think

25��� also already explained what our role in this is.

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�1����������� Please proceed.

�2����������� MR. NERADIN: [Interpretation] Thank you.

�3����������� Given the fact that this is not what this hearing is really about,

�4��� all I can say is that the BH court has already established a body of case

�5��� law in a number of trials that have been completed so far.� The Abduladhim

�6��� case, the Appeals Chamber of the BH court has passed a judgement in that

�7��� one.� There are three other cases where we have sentences; in the

�8��� Samardzic, Simsic, and Paunovic cases.� The court applied the Bosnia and

�9��� Herzegovina Criminal Code in these proceedings.� These judgements have

10��� already been forward and fully explained.

11����������� Thank you.

12����������� JUDGE ORIE:� Yes.� Thank you very much, because we have received

13��� the full text of the judgements you're referring to now.� I must admit I

14��� have not read them in full yet but will do so before a decision will be

15��� taken, that we are acquainted with these developments in the case law of

16��� Bosnia-Herzegovina.

17����������� Is there anything else, Ms. Basic, you would like, or Mr. Neradin,

18��� you'd like to add at this moment?

19����������� MS. BASIC: [Interpretation] At this point in time, I have nothing

20��� to add. �Thank you very much.

21����������� JUDGE ORIE:� Yes.� Then I am moving to you, Ms. Somers.� You

22��� reserved your time.� We're now in the second round, more or less.� Would

23��� you like to make observations either in addition to what you have put on

24��� paper already or in response to what the Defence or the government of

25��� Bosnia and Herzegovina has submitted?

Page 416

�1����������� MS. SOMERS:� Thank you, Your Honour.� Just a couple of points and

�2��� very briefly.

�3����������� JUDGE ORIE:� Yes.

�4� ����������MS. SOMERS:� With respect to what has been raised by my learned

�5��� friend opposite, Mr. Jovanovic, the case, just to set the record straight,

�6��� that was referred to in Brcko was not an OTP investigation.� It was at all

�7��� times a Bosnian investigation.� Strictly rules of road and received a

�8��� green light in August of 2000 for continued processing in

�9��� Bosnia-Herzegovina.� So that there is no misunderstanding that it was not

10��� subject to indictment here as was alleged on page 5, line 16, I believe,

11��� in the record.

12����������� In terms of the level and gravity, which are the principal issues,

13��� we stand, of course, on our submissions that this case falls squarely

14��� within the contemplated level of the accused, lower to intermediate, and

15��� the gravity of offence falls squarely as has been effectively confirmed by

16��� this Bench and the Appeals Chamber in the sister case of Jankovic.� The

17��� fact that those cases are well under way provides a body of law that

18��� should be allowed, as I understand it, to be applied to this case should

19��� it be referred and allow for a speedy trial in Bosnia-Herzegovina in the

20��� state court; that the designation of Bosnia-Herzegovina is correct as we

21��� indicated in our submissions.� There really should be no issue on that.

22��� And that the direct perpetration, 7(1) charges, are the gravamen.� There

23��� is no 7(3) in this case as both we emphasise and BH.

24����������� If there is anything we can help the Bench with, please let us

25��� know, but I think that we just want to stand on our submissions and

Page 417

�1��� correct the record that was made today, as done.

�2����������� JUDGE ORIE:� Yes.

�3����������� Mr. Jovanovic, is -- do you feel any need at this moment to

�4��� respond to what Ms. Somers just said?

�5����������� MR. JOVANOVIC: [Interpretation] No, Your Honour.� I believe the

�6��� matter has been clarified in relation to Annex I.

�7����������� As for the other matter, this is something that has already been

�8��� raised by the Prosecution and the Defence has already replied to that.

�9����������� JUDGE ORIE:� Yes.� Thank you.

10������������������������� [Trial Chamber confers]

11����������� JUDGE ORIE:� I have one question for you, Mr. Jovanovic.

12�������� ���You're explaining in your submission that you're concerned about

13��� witnesses living in Serbia which under the European Convention on Mutual

14��� Assistance in Criminal Matters could not be forced to appear before a

15��� court in Sarajevo and might not be inclined to go to Sarajevo.� It is not

16��� entirely clear to me what your -- what your concern is.� Are you afraid to

17��� lose them as witnesses at all, or are you concerned about the way in which

18��� they'll bring their information, bring their knowledge of the events

19��� before the court in Sarajevo?

20����������� MR. JOVANOVIC: [Interpretation] Your Honour, it's certainly not

21��� the latter.� I'm not concerned about that, what the witnesses might

22��� possibly say before the court.� It's only about the accessibility of

23��� witnesses or their desire to respond to a Defence summons to appear in a

24��� trial held before a Sarajevo court.� There is the ECMACM that exists

25��� pursuant to an agreement or a treaty signed between Bosnia and Herzegovina

Page 418

�1��� and Serbia.� This sort of assistance would be provided only in cases where

�2��� witnesses living in Serbia was in a position to testify via videolink at

�3��� the Sarajevo trial.� It is pursuant to that agreement that the Belgrade

�4 ���court would then make sure that all the conditions, technical conditions,

�5��� were in place for something like that to be done.

�6����������� However, based on a brief preliminary investigation, there are a

�7��� number of witnesses potentially essential for our case who reside in

�8��� Belgrade.� Any binding summons by a BH court, and this has been explained

�9��� on a number of occasions because in keeping with the BH Criminal Code it

10��� is the duty of a witness to respond to a summons, which is the same as

11��� applies in Serbia, and a failure to respond to a summons is liable for

12��� penalty.� However, a summons cannot be served on citizens of the Republic

13��� of Serbia or those residing there.

14����������� JUDGE ORIE:� Yes.� That's all clear from your written submissions

15��� already, but let me then be more concrete.

16����������� If they, even after you've explained to them, because you write in

17��� your submission they are afraid of being prosecuted, I think the treaty as

18��� such, do we agree on that, protects whatever witness who is called to

19��� appear on the basis of this convention is -- has a, how do you say, has a

20��� safe conduct if he appears?� Do we agree on that?

21����������� MR. JOVANOVIC: [Interpretation] Your Honours, I apologise.� I may

22��� have misunderstood, but it is precisely safe conduct that was discussed

23��� when the ruling was made in the Stankovic and Jankovic cases, and doubt

24��� was cast on the possibility of their having such a measure implemented.

25����������� Let's say there is a person who is charged with specific crimes in

Page 419

�1��� Bosnia-Herzegovina.� If this person resides in Serbia, at the moment this

�2��� person reaches Bosnian soil this person will be arrested.� So safe conduct

�3��� does not apply in this case.� At least that's my position.

�4����������� JUDGE ORIE:� Yes, that's your position.� Although the -- if he is

�5��� summoned under the convention you just mentioned, he has a safe conduct

�6��� under that convention.� Isn't the convention not quite clear on that?

�7��� Isn't it true that the European Convention says that someone who is

�8��� summoned on the basis of this convention and appears before a foreign

�9��� court could not be arrested, prosecuted, whatever?� I mean -- and if you

10��� say that's not in the convention -- I haven't got that text here at this

11��� moment, but ...

12����������� MR. JOVANOVIC: [Interpretation] Your Honour, I think the position

13��� of Bosnia and Herzegovina is that any such person would be arrested, any

14��� persons being investigated or under detention measures.� The moment they

15��� step on Bosnian soil they will be arrested.

16����������� JUDGE ORIE:� We'll ask Bosnia and Herzegovina.� But let's just

17��� assume that that is then not a way to get these people in before the court

18��� in Sarajevo.� Isn't it true that under that same convention you could ask

19��� a witness to be heard or to be examined in Serbia in the presence of the

20��� parties who come from Bosnia and Herzegovina and even could attend the

21��� examination of a witness in accordance with that treaty, what they call an

22��� examination under letters rogatory?

23����������� MR. JOVANOVIC: [Interpretation] Yes, Your Honour.� We're now

24��� talking about those witnesses willing to respond to the prompting by the

25��� Defence, and then it's down to them to organise a videolink.

Page 420

�1����������� JUDGE ORIE:� Mr. Jovanovic, isn't it true that if through letters

�2��� rogatory a witness would be examined on the territory of Serbia not as

�3��� part of the trial but perhaps in pre-trial proceedings, that where you

�4��� couldn't force a witness to come from Serbia to Sarajevo, that you could,

�5��� however, force a witness to appear before in his local court and be

�6��� examined there so that at least the transcripts or the report of that

�7��� testimony or -- perhaps I shouldn't call it testimony, but that statement

�8��� can then be used abroad in Sarajevo?� And isn't it true that under those

�9��� circumstances it depends on Serbian law that the situation were exactly

10��� the same if someone if -- if someone was summoned before a Serbian court

11��� and is therefore under an obligation to appear?

12����������� MR. JOVANOVIC: [Interpretation] Your Honour, you're entirely

13��� right.� My interpretation is much the same as in Bosnia-Herzegovina there

14��� is the obligation of a witness to attend a Serbian court for proceedings

15��� being held before a Serbian court.� The Law on Criminal Procedure applies

16��� to proceedings before Serbian courts.� Therefore, if there's a summons by

17��� a BH court and the person receiving the summons lives, resides in Serbia,

18��� there is no obligation whatsoever to appear and to respond to the summons,

19��� unlike a situation with a tribunal which has the power to issue a binding

20��� summons.

21����������� So a Bosnian court has no power to issue any form of binding

22��� summons to anyone, resident or citizen of the Republic of Serbia.

23����������� JUDGE ORIE:� It seems, Mr. Jovanovic, we still do not yet

24��� understand each other.� Let me try to be clearer.

25����������� If -- and we are still talking about the European Convention on

Page 421

�1��� Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters.� If a court in Bosnia and

�2��� Herzegovina would like to receive the information available to a witness

�3��� who lives in Serbia and who is unwilling to come to Bosnia and

�4��� Herzegovina, couldn't they then ask the Serbian authorities to examine

�5��� that witness in Serbia before a Serbian judge, add to that request that

�6��� the parties in the Bosnia and Herzegovina case could attend that

�7��� examination of the witness?� Would the witness under those circumstances

�8��� not be under an obligation to appear before the Serbian court where he

�9��� gives testimony which will then be relayed on paper to the court in Bosnia

10��� and Herzegovina?� That's the situation I'm talking about.

11����������� Is that a possibility, in your view; and would he be under an

12��� obligation then to appear before his Serbian court?

13����������� MR. JOVANOVIC: [Interpretation] Your Honour, my interpretation of

14��� the agreement is that this means assistance.� A court in Serbia can and

15��� indeed must, within the terms of this agreement, make sure that a witness

16��� is heard, but I don't think this is binding for any citizen of Serbia to

17��� appear and testify before a Sarajevo court.� So although this may be done

18��� before a court in Belgrade, this is still a trial that is held before a

19��� court in Bosnia and Herzegovina.� In that sense, there is nothing binding

20��� and no obligation.

21����������� Perhaps we could imagine a similar situation.� Say the OTP are

22��� summoning a person in Serbia for --

23����������� JUDGE ORIE:� Mr. Jovanovic, have you any case law to rely upon,

24��� any practice which would support your position?

25����������� MR. JOVANOVIC: [Interpretation] Your Honour, this is not an

Page 422

�1��� example from the case law.� I am in touch with the justice ministry of the

�2��� Republic of Serbia, their legal assistance department, and they told me

�3��� about this position that I'm informing you about now.� There have been

�4��� videolinks between the Belgrade court and the Sarajevo court, and this

�5��� seems to work very well, but that still doesn't mean that a witness can be

�6��� subpoenaed to appear at a Sarajevo court in any way.

�7����������� My grievance was therefore related to the impossibility to ensure

�8��� the presence of a witness before the court in Sarajevo.� I was just

�9��� telling you that this Tribunal has the power to order a witness to appear,

10��� irrespective of the witness's place of residence or nationality.� This

11��� Tribunal has the power to subpoena a witness and to issue binding orders

12��� to the witness's country, whereas the BH court does not have the same

13��� powers, and I don't think an agreement has been signed that might further

14��� this process and cooperation in legal matters.

15����������� JUDGE ORIE:� Yes.� Thank you for these answers, Mr. Jovanovic.

16����������� JUDGE ORIE:� Then I'd like to give an opportunity to you,

17��� Ms. Basic, to respond to what was said by Mr. Jovanovic.� He suggested

18��� that if through the channels of the European Convention on Mutual

19��� Assistance in criminal cases, if someone would be summoned living in

20��� Serbia that that witness would not enjoy a safe conduct as provided for in

21��� that convention.

22����������� Could you please respond to that, because it was not totally clear

23��� to me on what basis Mr. Jovanovic took that position.

24����������� MS. BASIC: [Interpretation] Thank you, Your Honours.� I would like

25��� to pass the floor to Mr. Neradin for this issue.

Page 423

�1����������� Thank you very much, Your Honours.

�2����������� JUDGE ORIE:� Yes, Mr. Neradin, you may understand that I was

�3��� specifically referring to -- I think it's Article 12 of that -- of that

�4��� convention.

�5����������� Yes, please.

�6����������� MR. NERADIN:� [Interpretation] As you've already stated,

�7��� Bosnia-Herzegovina is a signatory to the ECMACM.� It is pursuant to

�8��� Article 12 of that convention there is guarantee of immunity to all

�9��� witnesses summoned before this court that are nationals of a different

10��� country.� Bosnia and Herzegovina has ratified a contract with Serbia and

11��� Montenegro in legal assistance in criminal and civil matters.� On the 2nd

12��� of June, 2005, Article 14 guaranteed the same sort of immunity to those

13��� subject to criminal prosecution.� These witnesses are free to leave within

14��� 15 days after their presence is no longer legally required.

15����������� As for forcing a witness or subpoenaing a witness from Serbia,

16��� generally speaking, if there is a witness who refuses to appear, there is

17��� the possibility of using the instrument of legal assistance and legal

18��� cooperation, be it by videolink, as counsel has mentioned, or by taking a

19��� deposition from a witness pursuant to all these international agreements

20��� that are after all binding for Bosnia and Herzegovina.

21����������� Thank you.

22����������� JUDGE ORIE:� Thank you for your clarification, Mr. Neradin.

23����������� I have at this moment no further question.� I'm looking to my

24��� colleagues.� They have no further questions.

25����������� Then I would give a brief opportunity to the parties, if there is

Page 424

�1��� need to add anything which has been said, you have an opportunity to do

�2��� that now.

�3����������� Ms. Somers.

�4����������� MS. SOMERS:� Your Honour, I can see nothing further that would

�5��� need to be added.

�6����������� JUDGE ORIE:� Thank you.

�7����������� Mr. Jovanovic.

�8����������� MR. JOVANOVIC: [Interpretation] Your Honours, I have nothing to

�9��� add.

10����������� JUDGE ORIE:� Yes.� Ms. Basic, is there anything you'd like to add


11��� from Sarajevo?

12����������� MS. BASIC: [Interpretation] No, Your Honour, there is nothing we

13��� would like to add.

14����������� JUDGE ORIE:� Thank you.

15����������� Finally, Mr. Zelenovic, you have been here listening to argument

16��� which is of a rather high technical nature, legally technical nature.� I

17��� can imagine that there is nothing you would like to add to that, but if

18��� there's anything at this moment you'd like to say, and you are aware

19��� we -- I mean, we are dealing with these legal technical matters because

20��� it is of course for you not a legal technical matter, but it's what will

21��� happen to you, but if you'd like to add anything, you may do so.

22����������� THE INTERPRETER:� The microphone was not on.

23����������� JUDGE ORIE:� Could you switch on your microphone if you say

24��� something.� Mr. Zelenovic, the interpreters couldn't hear you.

25����������� THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] I have nothing to add.

Page 425

�1����������� JUDGE ORIE:� Thank you very much, Mr. Zelenovic.� Please be

�2��� seated.

�3����������� The Chamber will consider everything that has been submitted and

�4��� will give its decision in due course, or if it feels that it's not able

�5��� yet, to return to the parties.

�6����������� We stand adjourned.

�7������������������������� --- Whereupon the Rule 11 bis Hearing adjourned

�8������������������������� at 4.53 p.m.
















