
Ofcom is tasked with holding the BBC to account in relation to its output and services, using the range of regulatory tools at our disposal.

These tools include:

  • setting enforceable regulatory conditions on the BBC’s UK public services through the BBC’s operating licence;
  • a new performance measurement framework to assess compliance with the regulatory conditions and examine the BBC’s wider performance;
  • an annual report on these performance measures and the BBC’s compliance with the regulatory conditions; and
  • at least two in-depth reviews of the BBC’s performance during the Charter period. We can also conduct ad hoc reviews, where we feel appropriate.

Review of how we regulate the BBC

As we approach the mid-point in the BBC’s current Charter period, we have been reviewing the BBC’s performance and our future regulation of it.

After extensive consultation, we published a new, modernised Operating Licence (PDF, 357.0 KB) for the BBC. The licence, which came into effect on 1 April 2023, has been designed to firmly hold the BBC to account on delivering its remit, while enabling it to adapt and innovate in how it delivers content to viewers and listeners, whose habits are dramatically shifting.

For more information, please read our statement (PDF, 1.9 MB). The latest version of the licence is available on our Operating Framework for the BBC page.

Performance Measurement Framework

The Performance Measurement Framework (PDF, 181.5 KB) (“PMF”) sets out the measures and metrics we use to monitor and assess the BBC’s performance in promoting its Public Purposes and fulfilling its Mission. We updated the PMF on 18 July 2023 after consultation .