A woman from Portishead is desperate to track down the owner of an old picture found in a purse she bought from a charity shop.

The black and white photograph, found hidden in one of the purse crevices, is of a little girl with curly hair, wearing a blouse and hair band, and bears an inscription on the back which reads 'me - age four'.

It was found when Lyn Holding purchased a 'small black leather purse' from a charity shop in either Weston, Nailsea or Clevedon several weeks ago, but has only just discovered the image tucked inside one of the pockets.

Now Lyn is determined to reunite the photo with its old owner.

She said: "You may call me sentimental but I would dearly love to reunite the photo with its owner - clearly it is a very old photograph with affectionate value.

"I purchased a small black purse from a charity shop, not quite sure whereabouts, a few weeks ago.

"But it's only recently come to my attention that tucked deep inside one of the sections was a delightful picture, which I can only assume the original owner had indeed not discovered before parting with the purse.

"I do hope it can be returned to its rightful owner."

The old photograph looks to have been taken around the 1940s to 1960s period and is near 3cm tall, or almost the size of a large stamp.

Lyn added that she felt emotional when she uncovered the photograph. She said: "I felt quite emotional and a little upset when I discovered it as it must have great sentimental value for it’s owner to always carry around with her, or other family member.

"Her initial loss is my gain as I’m delighted with my 'new' purse, but I'd be even more happy when the photo can be returned. Fingers crossed.

"I really do hope somebody recognises the photo."

If anyone can positively identify the image, or believes it to be themselves, please email Lyn directly on [email protected].