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The Block 2023 auction: Live auction results as the five Charming Street homes go under the hammer

Welcome to our coverage of Auction Day on The Block 2023; a play-by-play of every big moment that happened, as it happened.

From a record-breaking profit to a devastating pass-in, Auction Day was one of the explosive we've ever seen.

Read about all the action here.

Stream the latest episodes of The Block for free on 9Now.

And the winner is...

The teams gather and Scott joins them, admitting it's been a huge day.

"From the highest of highs to the lowest of lows," he says, adding that Steph and Gian have had an "astonishing" win.

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Steph and Gian's finished House
As the couple win the 2023 season.
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"Of course, Steph and Gian have taken out The Block and won another $100,000 on top of that as well!" he declares. "Feels like we're back at The Block!" laughs Ash. 

READ MORE: Steph and Gian reveal how they'll be spending their record-breaking $1.7 million win from The Block 2023

The Block 2023 Auction Charming Street: Steph and Gian celebrate
The Block 2023 Auction Charming Street: Steph and Gian celebrate (Nine)

The auctions have seen an immense total of $2,995,000 in profit. "It's a great game to play," says Shelley as Scott reminds everyone the 20th season will return from beautiful Phillip Island. 

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The Block 2023 auction day arrivals
In pictures: The teams arrive at Charming Street for the 2023 auctions
The biggest night in TV is coming soon.
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Thank you for being part of the rollercoaster tonight, this season and for the last 19 – and a huge congratulations to the newest winners of The Block, Steph and Gian in House 4!

Leah and Ash make frantic last-minute decision

As Leah and Ash settle with Scott Cam, they reveal that the woman who fainted was there to potentially bid on their house. "Heath's a priority," insists Ash and Leah agrees. Scott reminds them Frank has been bidding all day and is yet to buy.

Adrian may want to buy again. Danny has yet to buy and Hughesy has also not purchased a house today.

With their reserve at $2,970,000, Leah and Ash are nervous. But Ash slaps a smile on his face and tells his wife, "Love you." Bidding opens. Frank quickly places a bid for $2,900,000. "Come on Adrian," Leah says quietly, her eyes glued to the screen. 

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Leah and Ash The Block 2023
Leah and Ash's Finished House
The final Block 2023 home sells!
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Adrian and Danny eye each other off, but both remain silent. A hush falls over the room and Scott asks Leah and Ash if they have talked about potentially passing their house in if they start looking like getting close to the reserve. Scott reminds them they don't want to be in the same scenario as Brett and Kristy were. 

LOW The Block 2023 Auction Charming Street: Leah and Ash react to their auction
Leah and Ash made a frantic last-minute choice to pass in. (Nine)

The other contestants embrace, sadly realising this won't be the dream scenario they were all hopeful for. Leah calls their agent, telling him to stall as they're considering passing the house in.

They ask the agent if they think Adrian has any interest and Scott interjects, reminding them their main interested party is currently unwell and unfortunately not even at the auction.  

"We have had every possible auction scenario today," Shelley says. "Mind blowing." She believes the pair should shut things down, before it creeps over the reserve. And that's exactly what Leah and Ash decide to do. 

Leah is relieved when her auctioneer immediately does what she suggested, and he calmly reassures her that they need to keep their cool and let the sale play out. Their agent reveals Dave Hughes even plans on bringing his wife back to check out the property later tonight. 

Leah and Ash are relieved that things didn't go pear-shaped and they've bought themselves time to sell the house without a huge time pressure potentially skewing results. "I think we have made the right decision," Scott assures them.

"We've got breathing room," Leah agrees. They're consoled by the teams, who all think they've made the right call. "We're so good," Leah says quietly. "We're fine."

READ MORE: Leah and Ash are 'confident' in decision to pass their house in during The Block 2023 auctions

More disappointment during Kyle and Leslie's auction

Leslie admits it was hard to watch the huge discrepancy between the auctions and she and Kyle grasp hands as they watch their auction begin. Bidding opens quickly.

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Kyle and Leslie The Block 2023
Kyle and Leslie's finished House
The Domain Cover winning home in all its glory.
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Danny raises the first bid to $2,951,000.09 and there's a long pause before Adrian Portelli suddenly chimes in. He places a bid of $3.1million, instantly giving Kyle and Leslie a profit of $130,000. Kyle and Leslie smile with relief. "Don't get mad, get even," the auctioneer challenges Danny Wallis, who shoots back a bid of $3.1.

The auctioneer is confused and reminds him that's where the bid is already. "You said, 'get even'," laughs Danny. 

LOW The Block 2023 Auction Charming Street: Kyle and Leslie react to their auction
Kyle and Leslie weren't over the moon with their sell. (Nine)

There's a very long pause as the auctioneer does his best to nudge the totals just a little higher. But no one budges… and the hammer falls.

It's a profit of $130,000 for Kyle and Leslie and while they're happy with that, they can't help but be a little disappointed as they compare that result with Houses 4 and 5.

"I don't think I can take much more of this," says an exhausted Scotty.

READ MORE: Kyle and Leslie have 'no regrets' following their disappointing auction result on The Block 2023

They return to the other teams and are swept up in warm hugs, as Shelley reminds them that they just made a decent whack of profit.

Now one house remains... Leah and Ash's.

Disappointing sale for Kristy and Brett 

After that awkward interaction, the auction continues. "Haven't even covered half our wages for being here," Kristy sighs, devastated. 

The teams watching are also shattered for the couple. "It's groundhog day for us, here," says Shelley. With the house sitting on just $3,035,000, Dave Hughes can't resist piping up. "It's an absolute steal," he says. "It's almost free at this level." 

The house sells for $3,035,000 and Kristy and Brett are beyond disappointed. "Australia got what they wanted, so…" Kristy says, dejected.  

READ MORE: Kristy and Brett hit out at their agents as 'worst case scenario' auction transpires on The Block 2023

LOW The Block 2023 Auction Charming Street: Kristy and Brett react to their auction
Kristy and Brett were furious. (Nine)

The two walk back to the other couples, Brett placing a reassuring arm on Kristy's arm. "Let's go," he says quietly to his wife. "Strong face, show nothing."

The teams clap as they appear but Kristy quickly shuts them down. "Why would you actually clap?" she asks. "And sorry everyone that goes after me. Our agent s–t the bed for the day." 

"That was not the gameplan," Brett says. 

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Kristy and Brett the block 2023
Kirsty and Brett's Finished House
"They're really in a league of their own."
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Leah hugs Kristy and whispers, "You've just won $65,000." But Kristy and Brett cannot be consoled. "You get hated by Australia for 10 weeks straight," Brett rages. "And then that."

Kristy breaks down in tears as she admits she and Brett are most worried about their agent ruining the momentum for the next two houses, both of which are parents who left their children to take part in this year's show.

There's no more time to worry about what might happen… it's time for the next auction and it's Kyle and Leslie's turn. 

Kristy and Brett's auction doesn't go to plan

Kristy and Brett are stunned by the results so far as they settle themselves with Scott Cam. They're hopeful for a sale of $3.5million and Scott confesses the day has been purely bizarre.

The auctioneer reminds the crowd of the house's virtues, which includes a year's free internet. He quips that would be great value for anyone who may be considering "putting it in a raffle".

Adrian isn't delighted to hear his business called a 'raffle', and raises his eyebrows at the word. The auctioneer calls for bids "in excess of the high twos" and Frank opens with a bid of $2.8 million. Another buyer agent counters and Frank returns volley. It swiftly leaps to $2.95 million.

Danny Wallis enters the bidding with a figure just under $3million and the buyer's agent counters with a bid of $2.970. Frank questions if the house is now officially on the market and the auctioneer confirms it is. 

Hearing that, Kristy and Brett explode. "Why the f--k did you say that?" Kristy says. "What was he thinking?" says Brett. He tells Scott the plan was to start strong and not let the auction creep over reserve.

Scott looks taken aback. "Can we call a break?" Kristy pleads, but Scott tells her there's nothing that can be done as it's crept over reserve. The auctioneer calls for a break to consult with Brett and Kristy, who are absolutely reeling by what they've seen. Kristy says it's entirely off script to what they discussed and Scott weighs in and says the 'raffle' joke didn't go down well. Kristy agrees it annoyed Adrian and then irritated Danny.

"How can we tank so heavily after [Houses] 1 and 2?" she says, miffed.  

The auctioneer continues… but the bids are not forthcoming. Finally, it creeps up, and up… but the amounts are small and slow in coming. Adrian remains silent as Frank and the buyer's agent swap counter bids.

"Well, we got f--ked for 12 weeks, why not get f--ked for another," sighs Kristy, throwing her hands up in exasperation. "So embarrassing after [those earlier auctions]." 

The auctioneer takes another break and heads over to see Kristy and Brett. Brett immediately questions his approach. "I can't believe how that's just gone," he tells his auctioneer.

Kristy reinforces his sentiments and Scott weighs in and queries why he mentioned a specific figure. They also note that he annoyed Adrian by mentioning a 'raffle' and potentially Danny, by mentioning Adrian and not him. "F–k me," sighs Kristy, as Scott encourages the auctioneer to keep on going. 

Will it sell? Only time will tell...

Eliza and Liberty become millionaires as Adrian Portelli bags a second home

After watching their friends win such a huge amount of money, Eliza is already wiping away tears as she and Liberty head to watch their own auction.

"This is gonna be a nail-biter," says Leah, as the teams nervously wait to see if the bidding will remain high. Danny Wallis isn't about to disappoint. He opens things off again with a bid of $3,099,999.99. 

There's a lot of confusion about his bid, as everyone struggles to understand if he means $3.9 or $3.09… so Adrian makes it simple by placing a bid of $4.1million. 

"Sold," Eliza squeaks. But it isn't sold yet. Danny thinks, Frank calls his buyer and Adrian runs out of patience, so he places a higher bid - against himself. He adds a cool $100,000 to the total, taking the bidding to $4.2million. 

READ MORE: Eliza and Liberty reveal one regret after winning $1.05 million at auction on The Block 2023

LOW The Block 2023 Auction Charming Street: Eliza and Liberty react to their auction
Incredible scenes. (Nine)

"What's going on?" Scott says incredulously. As the other bidders consider their options, Adrian is clearly having fun. He rounds things up to a cool million dollar profit by again raising his own bid by another $100,000.

"$4.3!" shouts Liberty, as Eliza bursts into tears and buries her face in her hands. "We've got a million dollars [profit!]" says Scott. "You beauty!" 

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Eliza and Liberty The Block 2023
Eliza and Liberty's Finished House
The sisters deliver an incredible Charming Street home.
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"Strangest auction I've ever done I have to say," laughs the auctioneer. That isn't what the girls are thinking, however. They've just won a profit of $1,050,000 and they're beside themselves. 

"Australia's proud of you girls," says Scotty. "You did it with girl power. You did it all and you built a house and you just made a million bucks."

Steph and Gian win a record-breaking amount of money

A medical team is swiftly brought in to care for the woman. When she's feeling better, she insists the auction continue. 

It's at this point we realise that actually, Steph and Gian's fears have been allayed. The bid remains at 4 million, their reserve was $3.35 million and no matter what happens next, they've made themselves a substantial amount of money. 

But the bidding isn't over yet…

Adrian Portelli looks thoughtful… as the auctioneer begins calling. 

Once… Danny hesitantly lifts his paddle.  There's a pause. 

But he jokes, "Nup. Got no cents left."

LOW The Block 2023 Auction Charming Street: Steph and Gian react to their auction
Shook. (Nine)

It's the final call…

"Are you all done?" challenges the auctioneer. 

"Come on, one more," says Scotty. "Fifty thousand." 

But Adrian Portelli is about to do one better. 

Out of nowhere, he places his first bid and it's a substantial leap from 4 million. 

"Five million dollars," he says calmly. 

Scott literally squawks.

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Steph and Gian's finished House
As the couple win the 2023 season.
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The other teams gasp. 

"What the f–k!" says Gian, as Steph begins crying. 

"Portelli's the real deal," says the auctioneer. 

READ MORE: Who is Adrian Portelli?

"FIVE MILLION DOLLARS!" says Shelley… and all of Australia.

It's a huge $1,650,000 profit for Steph and Gian, and Gian could not be more flummoxed. 

"He can have it," says Danny Wallis, nodding to Adrian. 

The hammer falls and Steph and Gian share a huge smooch. 

"Well, we asked you to set up the auctions," laughs Scotty. "You've done that.""It's life-changing," says Gian. 

With a whopping profit of $1,650,000, Steph and Gian are instant millionaires… and absolutely speechless. 

And Adrian Portelli is the newest owner of House 4. "After the slack I copped last year, I had to prove I'm not a dummy bidder. I came out hard and strong," he says calmly. " I feel like it's the most appealing house to a broad audience. It was the favourite and I wanted it. "And Steph and Gian are just very deserving as well," he notes. "Incredible people. They've done an amazing job." 

Steph and Gian return to a huge cheer from the other teams. They're smothered in hugs and words of congratulations, as everyone wonders just what a mind-blowing result like this means for them. 

Eliza and Liberty are about to find out... stay tuned.

Steph and Gian's auction halted following medical emergency

The day may have started with gloomy weather but as Steph and Gian make their walk to House 3 to watch their auction, the sun is shining and the skies are blue. 

Adrian Portelli, who is worth a billion dollars, is front and centre at the auction. Danny Wallis, legendary Block investor and comedian and former Block buyer Dave Hughes is also present. 

READ MORE: Inside Dave Hughes' past Block purchase as he's spotted arriving at the 2023 Block Auctions

The Block 2023 faint
Steph and Gian's auction was paused due to a medical emergency. (Nine)

The auctioneer is the same person who ran Omar and Oz's auction last year, which produced a huge result for the hard-working pair. 

Danny opens the bidding at $3,999,999.99… as only Danny Wallis can. 

Steph and Gian are immediately flabbergasted. Buyer's agent Frank interjects with a bid of $4 million. 

Watching on, Liberty screams with delight. 

READ MORE: Who is Danny Wallis? The IT entrepreneur who is no stranger on The Block

Suddenly, a member of the crowd collapses. 

The teams are stunned. Eliza quickly notes her father is a doctor and is on site, watching. 

Steph and Gian's auction kicks off

But the time for talk is over. Auction Day has arrived. 

Block investors Adrian Portelli and Danny Wallis are two of the first to sweep into Charming Street. 

Adrian has forgone his famous Lamborghini for a hatchback that features a bumper sticker saying "My other car is a Lambo." Danny Wallis swings his Porche into House 2's driveway, and emerges onto Charming Street with his adorable dog.

Shelley Craft has also arrived and says she's nervous on behalf of the contestants.

"I don't get nervous for me," she explains. "But we have no power or control over the results, so I am nervous for them."  

And as for the Blockheads, they're all sorts of stressed. Steph laughs as she says she dreamed about a result - where she and Gian received a Mitre 10 voucher. "That's fantastic but it wasn't maybe what we were thinking," she grins. 

"I hope it's not like last year," Eliza admits.

The auction order is officially decided

Finally, Steph and Gian reveal they feel taking the first place is the best position to set everyone up for success. 

Eliza and Liberty secure their second place position. 

Scott says he is going to shuffle the three remaining Elvis records, which feature three numbers on it, to pull out the rest of the order randomly. 

"Brain dead decision," Brett sighs, shaking his head. 

He can't handle the fact it will come down to chance. 

But there is no other way. Ash kicks things off, by picking a card… and Leslie and Brett follow suit. They reveal the order. 

LOW The Block 2023 Auction Charming Street: Steph and Gian at the Reserve setting
Steph is overwhelmed. (Nine)

Leslie goes first. House 1 will be fourth in the order. 

Brett is next, they're third. Which means Leah and Ash are last. "Saved the best 'til last, baby," Ash drawls. 

But he and Leah are clearly disappointed. 

A dejected vibe sweeps around the room as the order is confirmed. 

"Happens every year," Scott consoles them. 

Kristy and Brett are delighted they scored third place, and adamant they only used fact and logic. They chuckle as they predict Ash will be delegated to the "dog house" that evening. 

Leah is frustrated, and can't understand why everyone didn't simply follow the exact advice of all the experts. That was to base the order on the number of interested buyers – and means Kyle and Leslie would have been in the final spot. 

But Kyle and Leslie also didn't want to go last. "Nobody wants to," she states firmly.

There's a mammoth discussion over auction order - and not everyone is happy

Steph and Gian ponder whether they still want to stay in first position. Steph's unsure but Gian can't see how moving would benefit them.

He is shaken and says the reserve price is a terrible scenario for them. 

"This is worse than the worse case," he states. 

Eliza and Liberty are just as rattled. "It's a real cooker," Eliza says. 

While the other teams seem fine with their reserve prices, they're all adamant they don't want to go last. 

For Leah, that means if it goes down to a 'draw out of a hat' scenario, that's what will need to happen. 

"Our house is not the house for last," she insists. 

Leslie is just as adamant they won't be in the final spot either - even if that means going first. 

When the teams regroup, they're clearly in disarray. 

Alice says she recommends the house with the most buyers on it should go first and right now, that's House 4. 

She recommends Houses 4 and 5 go first and second, followed by 3, then 2 and finish with 1. 

But Kyle and Leslie are opposed to that order. 

"We have to come up with a result," says Scott.

He suggests locking in House 4 and 5 in the first two spots and potentially just drawing straws for the rest. 

But Steph is clearly struggling to lock that in. She is fretting over their high reserve and what it could mean for a potential sale. 

"I'm just a bit overwhelmed," she confesses. 

She breaks down in tears as Gian tries to reassure her. 

The teams unveil their reserves 

The teams separate to openly look at their prices and debate what they mean and how they factor into the potential auction order. 

In a fun twist, they're all written on Elvis records, to align with the 1950s theme. 

The reserves are: Kyle and Leslie House 1: $2,970,000

Leah and Ash House 2:  $2,970,000

Kristy and Brett House 3:  $2,970,000

Steph and Gian House 4: $3,350,000

Eliza and Liberty House 5: $3,250,000

Teams' devastation as reserve prices are revealed

Scott kicks the discussion about auction order off by asking if anyone wants to go first. Gian falteringly says he and Steph would be happy to. 

No one objects to the suggestion whatsoever. 

Second place in the order is more hotly contested. Houses 2, 5 and 1 all want that position. 

Kristy and Brett in House 3 put their hands up for third position, and laugh as they say the others can battle it out for the second spot. 

But everyone naturally wants the third spot as their backup option… and unsurprisingly, no one wants to go last. 

Scott talks about what the various positions could mean, and admits that if the teams can't decide they will need to draw a place out of a hat. 

Eliza and Liberty low res the block 2023
Eliza is distraught over the news. (Nine)

Kristy is adamant that isn't the solution. She simply doesn't want to put her fate in such a risky position. 

All the teams admit they have buyers interested in their homes… depending on what the reserves actually are. So at an impasse, they simply have to see the number. 

The teams receive their reserves… and Scott tells them it's their prerogative if they want to share the numbers or keep them private. 

They all take a peek before they make a decision… and the reactions are completely mixed. 

Kyle and Leslie look relieved. 

Leah and Ash have poker faces. 

Kristy and Brett seem satisfied. 

Eliza and Liberty are stunned. 

And Steph and Gian are clearly rattled.

"Not happy with that," Gian mutters. He rubs his eyes in dismay. 

"Ours is huge," Eliza shares with the group. "Our agent gave us a figure and he's like, "If it's there, you're not making any money.' And it's there." 

The biggest night of TV officially kicks off

After finishing their homes, the five couples have spent the last few months apart. Tonight, they're back together and ready to celebrate before the big day.

In honour of their 1950s homes, they happily attend a production of Elvis.

He calls Scott Cam up on stage and hands over a white box that contains the eagerly anticipated reserve prices. 

Afterwards, the teams can't help but fixate - and speculate - on what the reserves might be. Ash jokes that perhaps they'll also be reflective of 1950s house prices. 

Not a chance.

Scott Cam the block 2023
Scott Cam delivers a surprise. (Nine)

Eliza and Liberty suspect they'll follow Steph and Gian with a reserve at around $3million, and as much as they'd like to hope they're under the $2million mark, "I think we're dreaming," Eliza says. 

"No one is ever happy with their reserves at the end of the day," Liberty adds. "So I doubt we're going to be happy today." 

"I think screaming, yelling, crying is going to happen," predicts Kristy. 

The group assemble at Brighton Baths, and seat themselves around a table. They're joined by Scotty, Shelley Craft and Alice from Domain. 

Scott presents the box containing the reserves… and makes a surprise suggestion. 

He asks the teams if they'd consider having a crack at working out the auction order, before the reserves are even revealed. 

But will they agree? 

Scott Cam sends a message ahead of Auction Day

Scotty dropped by to give us a cheeky message ahead of tonight's auction, which you can watch in the video above.

Teams prepare to hear reserves and auction orders

Tonight, we'll learn the reserves before the auction order is decided.

The Blockheads have been desperate to discover what the reserves will be set at.

The Block 2023 auction day
The Blockheads have officially arrived at Auction! (Nine)

Anything above that at auction will be profit they receive as their own – and whoever makes the biggest profit above their reserve is declared the winner of The Block. They'll score an additional $100,000 (and major bragging rights).

But it's an anxious wait to find out exactly what that magic number for reserves will be. The estimated suburb median for a four-bedroom home in Hampton East is currently $1.53m, and $1.97m for a five-bedroom house.

Buyer's advocate Frank Valentic told Domain that if the reserves can over $3 million, it could prove 'disastrous' for the couples.

"They're playing in uncharted waters at this level in that suburb, there's only been two sales over $3 million in the last two years," he shared.

Stream the latest episodes of The Block for free on 9Now.