Comics · Sci-Fi

Review: Resident Alien series by Peter Hogan

Resident Alien is a space opera/mystery graphic novel series by Peter Hogan, and I love it. There are four volumes so far, with a fifth coming out in November, all from Dark Horse. Each is published as a miniseries and then a trade paperback, so it’s easy to follow what to read next. Each volume has a…… Continue reading Review: Resident Alien series by Peter Hogan

Sci-Fi · TV & Movies

Doctor Who Review: The Woman Who Lived

(“The Woman Who Lived” is indeed last week’s episode, I’m just behind. Yesterday’s episode will be reviewed in the next day or two.) “The Woman Who Lived” is blessedly quieter than “The Girl Who Died.” For much of the episode it’s just two characters talking, but the whole thing is still a bit funny, with…… Continue reading Doctor Who Review: The Woman Who Lived

Sci-Fi · TV & Movies

Doctor Who Review: The Magician’s Apprentice

When doing weekly reviews, it’s easy to fall into a “the show is only as good as its last episode” mentality. In this case, “The Magician’s Apprentice” is a pretty good episode, but I want to hold off on mega-excitement and see where the season is going. They bring out all the stops for this…… Continue reading Doctor Who Review: The Magician’s Apprentice

Adult Fiction · Queer · Sci-Fi

#queerpop review: Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie

Last week, I shared the Non-Binary Book Club’s discussion of Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie. This is a followup post with my own thoughts now that I’ve finished the book. Fair warning, this “review” is pretty much all about me. This book was difficult and challenging and very much worth all the time and effort…… Continue reading #queerpop review: Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie

Comics · Sci-Fi · TV & Movies

No Apologies: Man of Steel, the MCU, and Flash Gordon

Today, we discuss three different kinds of comic book movies. The first kind will mostly be represented by Man of Steel, although that’s hardly the only example — there’s both Hulk movies, for instance. These are superhero movies that try to be realistic, which is cool and interesting, but these are also movies that downplay their comic book roots.…… Continue reading No Apologies: Man of Steel, the MCU, and Flash Gordon

Sci-Fi · TV & Movies · Writing

Novel update — Sci-fi Movie Classics

Hiya nerds! What Dreams is at 39,013 words, up from 36,042 for April. Far behind my extravagant 10,000-a-month goal, but still an improvement. I didn’t do much on weekdays, but usually several thousand each weekend. Those are in short bursts, so it bothers me that I can’t reliably manage short bursts on weekdays. It’s totally counterintuitive. I’m…… Continue reading Novel update — Sci-fi Movie Classics


Freestyle Writing Challenge – Smoggy Alien Giants

Melissa Barker-Simpson tagged me for the Freestyle Writing Challenge! I followed the rules (below) and I didn’t check my prompt until time to write. I wasn’t sure if it was meant to be fiction or non — it’s not in the rules. Melissa’s prompt seemed more fiction-y, but my nominees can do either. Here’s her prompt:…… Continue reading Freestyle Writing Challenge – Smoggy Alien Giants


April Novel Update – Helpful Things

Yay! Progress! What Dreams is at 33,845 words for April, plus 2,197 more of development/outline-y stuff sitting in the document for me to write over. I usually count those words too, since it’s a jumble of notes and dialogue and transitions and whatnot. So that’s 36,042 total, and 4,968 written in the month. I finally…… Continue reading April Novel Update – Helpful Things

Nonfiction · TV & Movies

The Sunday Post — Free e-book, Agent Carter, Jupiter Ascending, and yoga!

The Feminist Friday discussion hosts are releasing an ebook today, International Women’s Day! Feminist Bloggers: The 2014 Collection is available for free on Smashwords (digital formats include Kindle mobi, epub and pdf). You can also get it on Amazon if you desire, but the minimum price we could get is $.99. Any proceeds will go to…… Continue reading The Sunday Post — Free e-book, Agent Carter, Jupiter Ascending, and yoga!


Novel Update #12 – Rampant Success

What Dreams is at 28,813 words! This month’s update is mostly about the numbers, along with two supplemental reading recommendations. Goals Met: I passed 28,785 words, making this the longest single project I’ve ever written! This functioned as a particularly effective goal, so I think the new one will be 57,570 — twice as long. That’s around…… Continue reading Novel Update #12 – Rampant Success