Each week BristolLive focuses on a much loved chef from a popular restaurant in Bristol, as part of a series exploring where those in the industry here like to eat and drink when they aren't working.

This week BristolLive has spoken to Jan Ostle, owner of Wilsons in Redland. Jan, 37, has been in the industry for eight and a half years and the Chandos Road restaurant was co-founded in 2016 by both Jan and partner Mary Wilson. Jan has spent his career working in some of the country's most acclaimed kitchens while Mary grew up in her family restaurant and has trained in biodynamic agriculture.

In 2019 Wilsons began cultivating its own two acre market garden, where the vast majority of the vegetables, herbs and flowers on the menu are grown. Then, in 2021 an old bakery became available just a few doors down from the restaurant, and so Jan and Mary took on the bakery, naming it 'The Bread Shop' and serving up sourdough bread, cakes, house cured bacon milk buns and farm surplus.

Read more: Pasture's Alec Wilkinson shares his favourite places for food and drink in Bristol

Read more: Head chef at Bristol's only Michelin-starred restaurant shares his favourite places for food

But with such a busy schedule, where does Jan go to grab a bite to eat when he's not working? We asked him just that...

Wilsons is a small, independently owned and run farm-to-table restaurant in Redland

Hi Jan, what is your absolute 'go-to' place for food in Bristol?

"Dragon's Delicacy" above the Chinese supermarket by IKEA. I always get the Dim Sum."

Where is your ultimate Sunday lunch destination?

"The Clifton. It's just really good isn't it."

Where would you say offers best value for money?

"Easton Grill House on Stapleton Road. They do Iranian kebabs cooked over charcoal - it's brilliant."

Where is your go-to place for a celebratory meal?

"We have two young children so when we go out it's not easy. But I really like Bokman - that's a really good restaurant.

"The kids always love an Oowee Burger."

How about your favourite takeaway destination?

"Jean's Bistro. Again, it's just really really good."

Is there a bakery you can't get enough of?

"My bakery. I love my bakery, but that's because I don't work in it! But also, I like Farro."

What would you say is your favourite coffee shop?

"I like New Cut Coffee."

Where would you recommend as the best place to go for a 'quick bite'?

"Little Hollows, next door to us!"

Finally Jan, give us some places you can't wait to try next...

"I've not been to see Sonny Stores' new pop-up location, but I'm sure it's very good."