Back Civil society under threat?

Consultative meeting examines the “shrinking civic space” phenomenon and its impact on youth
Civil society under threat?

A consultative meeting focusing on the vital issue of “shrinking civic space” took place on 7-8 November 2018 and brought together stakeholders from different fields – including from the PACE, the Venice Commission, and the Human Rights Commissioner’s Office, international donor organisations, academia, and the youth sector – to reflect on the effects of this complex phenomenon on young people, their organisations and their work.

The meeting served to examine models that help to circumvent restrictions and also to draw up recommendations to be submitted for examination to the Bureaux of the European Steering Committee for Youth (CDEJ) and of the Advisory Council on Youth (CCJ) at their next meetings (January 2019). A report of the meeting will be circulated to participants in early 2019.


 For more information on the subject, including an online Compendium of relevant Council of Europe documents, please visit our webpage  Shrinking Space

Strasbourg, France 7-8 November 2018
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