Leaders | China and the world economy

Xi Jinping’s misguided plan to escape economic stagnation

It will disappoint China’s people and anger the rest of the world

image: Justin Metz/Getty Images

IT is ChINA’S gravest economic test since the most far-reaching of Deng Xiaoping’s reforms began in the 1990s. Last year the country achieved growth of 5%, but the pillars of its decades-long miracle are wobbling. Its famously industrious workforce is shrinking, history’s wildest property boom has turned to bust and the global system of free trade that China used to get richer is disintegrating. As our reporting explains, President Xi Jinping’s response is to double down on an audacious plan to remake China’s economy. Blending techno-utopianism, central planning and an obsession with security, this sets out China’s ambition to dominate the industries of tomorrow. But its contradictions mean it will disappoint China’s people and anger the rest of the world.

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This article appeared in the Leaders section of the print edition under the headline “China’s risky reboot”

China’s risky reboot

From the April 6th 2024 edition

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