Ofcom in Wales

Published: 8 December 2023

The Ofcom Wales team represents Ofcom in Wales and Wales within Ofcom – managing relationships and communications with the general public and a wide range of industry stakeholders, including politicians, industry and the media.

The team deals with all aspects of Ofcom’s remit and provides input and advice on issues as they apply to Wales to policy and project teams across Ofcom. Wales has representation on Ofcom's Content Board and has its own Advisory Committee.

Through extensive consultation exercises, a variety of events and well-established working relations with stakeholders, the team makes sure it has its finger on the pulse and is acutely aware of the needs of industry, consumers and citizens in Wales.

Contact us

2 Caspian Point
Caspian Way
CF10 4DQ

Tel: 029 2046 7217
Fax: 029 2046 7233

We welcome calls in Welsh. To contact our Welsh language helpline, call 0300 123 2023 or email [email protected]

Email: [email protected]

Elinor Williams, Principal, Regulatory Affairs

Elinor looks after Ofcom’s stakeholders in Wales and coordinates a creative programme of events in order to engage with those interested in Ofcom’s work. She manages all communications with the press and media as well as with Welsh politicians and civil servants. Elinor also oversees Ofcom's Welsh language activities. Contact Elinor: [email protected]

Meleri Evans, Regulatory Affairs Manager, Wales

Meleri works across all policy areas to help ensure Ofcom can deliver and present its objectives effectively, focusing on political monitoring and relationships with key stakeholders in Wales. Contact Meleri: [email protected]

David Symons, Welsh language Associate

David is our Welsh language Associate. He supports our Welsh language activities and manages Ofcom's translation requirements. Contact David: [email protected]

Liz Nash, Regulatory Affairs Assistant, Wales

Liz oversees all aspects of administration, facilities, finance and office management relating to the Cardiff office and acting as administrator to the Ofcom Wales team. Contact Liz: [email protected]

The Advisory Committee for Wales advises Ofcom about the interests and opinions, in relation to communications matters, of people living in Wales.

Find out more about the Committee by visiting the Advisory Committee for Wales webpage.

We're proud of our commitment to the Welsh language and how we integrate it into our work. More information on our work in the Welsh language is available.

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