Can Rishi Sunak survive the 2024 local elections? Three scenarios explained

With two of the Tories’ most prominent mayors in desperately tight races, plus 1,000 council seats at stake, it is a critical moment for the PM. We unpack the possibilities

The Conservatives are on track to win two key mayoral contests, in Tees Valley and the West Midlands, providing a significant boost for Rishi Sunak, new polling suggests.

The YouGov polls found that Ben Houchen will keep his job as Tees Valley mayor, with 51 per cent of the vote, seven points clear of his Labour rival Chris McEwan.

YouGov also has Andy Street narrowly ahead of his Labour opponent, Richard Parker, in the West Midlands. The poll suggests that Street will win 41 per cent of the vote, two points ahead of Labour.

While the findings are within the margin of error, two previous polls have suggested that Labour would narrowly win the contest.

If the polling is borne out when the results are