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}.mobileSubNavBar__tabsContainer { z-index: 3;position: relative;background-color: var(--br-color_body); }.mobileSubNavBar__nav-border { margin: 0;border-bottom: 2px var(--br-color_border);border-style: solid; }.navBarFonts { --font-size_large: 3.4rem;--font-size_medium: 2.2rem;--font-size_medium-small: 1.6rem; }@media (min-width:834px) {.navBarFonts { --font-size_large: 3.2rem;--font-size_medium: 1.9rem;--font-size_medium-small: 1.4rem; }}.poll_module .footer { background-position: 0 0;background-repeat: no-repeat;margin: 15px 0 -10px; }.poll_module .footer a { border-bottom-style: none;display: block; }.poll_module .footer { background-position: 0 0;background-repeat: no-repeat;margin: 15px 0 -10px; }.poll_module .footer a { border-bottom-style: none;display: block; } .atom.score-card-carousel {height:145px; background-color:#f1f1f1;} .react-multi-carousel-list {visibility: hidden;} .notification {display: none;}Timothy Rappvia Bleacher Report
  • 13 Michigan Players Drafted 🔥

    Third-highest number of players ever drafted from same program in 30 years

    13 Michigan Players Drafted 🔥
    College Football logo
    College Football

    13 Michigan Players Drafted 🔥

    Third-highest number of players ever drafted from same program in 30 years

    Julia Stumbaugh
    via Bleacher Report
  • 🎞 Watch Top Pick Highlights 🎞

    Tap for the best plays from LOADED offensive draft 📲

    🎞 Watch Top Pick Highlights 🎞
    College Football logo
    College Football

    🎞 Watch Top Pick Highlights 🎞

    Tap for the best plays from LOADED offensive draft 📲

    via Bleacher Report
  • 49ers Sign WR Terique Owens

    Son of NFL legend joining San Francisco as undrafted FA (NFL Network)

    49ers Sign WR Terique Owens
    College Football logo
    College Football

    49ers Sign WR Terique Owens

    Son of NFL legend joining San Francisco as undrafted FA (NFL Network)

    zach bachar
    via Bleacher Report
  • 247Sports @247Sports

  • RedditCFB @RedditCFB

  • RedditCFB @RedditCFB

  • Colleges with the most NFL draft picks in a single year

    Colleges with the most NFL draft picks in a single year
    College Football logo
    College Football

    Colleges with the most NFL draft picks in a single year

  • Top 2025 Draft Prospects ➡️

    Biggest college stars who could go early next year

  • Undrafted Free Agent Tracker 📝

    Commanders sign QB Sam Hartman, Frank Gore Jr. to Bills. Tap for every signing 📲

    Undrafted Free Agent Tracker 📝
    College Football logo
    College Football

    Undrafted Free Agent Tracker 📝

    Commanders sign QB Sam Hartman, Frank Gore Jr. to Bills. Tap for every signing 📲

    Julia Stumbaugh
    via Bleacher Report
  • Ralph D. Russo @ralphDrussoAP

  • USA TODAY Sports @usatodaysports

  • PFF College @PFF_College

  • NFL Draft Winners/Losers 📈 📉

    Picking which teams hit it big and which teams fell short

  • Chargers Draft Jerry Rice's Son

    📋 WR Brenden Rice (No. 225 overall) ⭐ Second-team All-Pac-12 📲 36 career starts

  • Top Draft Steal in Each Round 🙌

    Stock up for these potential NFL stars

  • Bleacher Report @BleacherReport

  • PFF College @PFF_College

  • PFF College @PFF_College

  • Way-Too-Early No. 1 Pick in 2025 👀

    Why Colorado QB Shedeur Sanders could be first player drafted next year

  • Patriots Draft Another QB 🚀

    Tennessee's Joe Milton III goes No. 193 overall in 6th round

  • Jets Trade Up for FSU QB

    📋 Jordan Travis (No. 171 overall) 🤕 Broken leg in late 2023 📲 Led Seminoles to 11-0 record

  • CJ Fogler account may or may not be notable @cjzero

  • PFF College @PFF_College

  • PFF College @PFF_College

  • Reality Show Hurt Rattler 😬

    Rap reported Spencer Rattler's appearance in Netflix doc led to draft slide 📲

    Reality Show Hurt Rattler 😬
    College Football logo
    College Football

    Reality Show Hurt Rattler 😬

    Rap reported Spencer Rattler's appearance in Netflix doc led to draft slide 📲

    Adam Wells
    via Bleacher Report
  • Saints Draft QB Spencer Rattler

    South Carolina star and former 5-star recruit goes No. 150 overall 📲

  • Jets Draft 20-Year Old RB 😤

    Wisconsin's Braelon Allen goes No. 134 overall; compared to AJ Dillon

  • Barrett Sallee 🇺🇸 @BarrettSallee

  • RedditCFB @RedditCFB

  • WVU Football Drops New Unis

    Mountaineers release three new looks

    West Virginia Football @WVUfootball

    𝗣𝗮𝘀𝘁 meets 𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗲𝗻𝘁. @GoMartStores | #HailWV

  • PFF College @PFF_College

  • RedditCFB @RedditCFB

  • Emotional NFL Draft Call 🥹

    Kool-Aid McKinstry couldn't hold back tears after Saints picked him

  • Rams Draft RB Blake Corum

    Michigan national champ goes No. 83 after All-American career

  • RedditCFB @RedditCFB

  • RedditCFB @RedditCFB

  • Harbaugh Sings U-M Song 🤣

    Jim celebrates his Wolverines getting drafted. Tap in for video 🎥

    Harbaugh Sings U-M Song 🤣
    College Football logo
    College Football

    Harbaugh Sings U-M Song 🤣

    Jim celebrates his Wolverines getting drafted. Tap in for video 🎥

    Paul Kasabian
    via Bleacher Report
  • NFL Draft Winners & Losers 📝

    Adam Lefkoe, Mike Renner, and Michael Felder name which teams stood out and which ones missed the mark on Day 2

  • 247Sports @247Sports

  • Brett McMurphy @Brett_McMurphy


    👀 Revealing every pick first 🔥 Instant expert analysis 🔴 Stream rounds 2-3 here

  • Michigan Honored at Draft 🏆

    Champs kick off Night 2 in Detroit

    NFL @NFL

    The National Champions @UMichFootball kick off Night 2 in Detroit. 🏆 📺: #NFLDraft on NFLN/ESPN2/ABC 📱: Stream on #NFLPlus

  • RedditCFB @RedditCFB

  • PFF College @PFF_College

  • NFL Draft Winners 📈

    Micah Parsons, C.J. Stroud, Adam Lefkoe and Mike Renner pick 3 winners from wild first round

  • Bears Draft Caleb Williams

    USC QB and 2022 Heisman winner goes No. 1 overall

  • Barrett Sallee 🇺🇸 @BarrettSallee

  • PFF College @PFF_College

  • Jayden Daniels Highlight Reel 🎞️

    LSU Heisman winner goes No. 2 overall. Scouts compare him to prime RG3

  • Drake Maye Highlight Reel 🎞️

    UNC star compares to Justin Herbert. New England picks him No. 3 overall

  • Bruce Feldman @BruceFeldmanCFB

  • Dennis Dodd @dennisdoddcbs

  • Raiders Draft TE Brock Bowers

    Scouts compare him to George Kittle. Georgia star just went No. 13 overall 📲 (Breer)

  • Bears Draft WR Rome Odunze 😱

    Caleb Williams gets a weapon. Washington WR goes No. 9 overall

  • PFF College @PFF_College

  • RedditCFB @RedditCFB

  • Iowa Athletes File Lawsuit Against State

    Plaintiffs allege rights were violated in gambling investigation

    Iowa Athletes File Lawsuit Against State
    College Football logo
    College Football

    Iowa Athletes File Lawsuit Against State

    Plaintiffs allege rights were violated in gambling investigation

    Mike Chiari
    via Bleacher Report
  • Bleacher Report @BleacherReport

  • CJ Fogler account may or may not be notable @cjzero

  • Malik Nabers' LSU Suit 🐯

    WR repping alma mater

  • Deion: I’ll Be Here 5-10 Years

    Sanders has no plans to leave Colorado for NFL any time soon (All the Smoke)

    Deion: I’ll Be Here 5-10 Years
    College Football logo
    College Football

    Deion: I’ll Be Here 5-10 Years

    Sanders has no plans to leave Colorado for NFL any time soon (All the Smoke)

    Doric Sam
    via Bleacher Report
  • Bryan Fischer @BryanDFischer

  • Bryan Fischer @BryanDFischer

  • CFB Teams Set to Dominate Draft 💪

    Ranking programs based on incoming NFL prospects 📲

    CFB Teams Set to Dominate Draft 💪
    College Football logo
    College Football

    CFB Teams Set to Dominate Draft 💪

    Ranking programs based on incoming NFL prospects 📲

    David Kenyon
    via Bleacher Report
  • Reggie Bush Still Suing NCAA

    Heisman winner won't drop defamation case despite getting trophy back

    Reggie Bush Still Suing NCAA
    College Football logo
    College Football

    Reggie Bush Still Suing NCAA

    Heisman winner won't drop defamation case despite getting trophy back

    Joseph Zucker
    via Bleacher Report
  • PFF College @PFF_College

  • nick @nick_pants

  • Deion: Colorado Builds Roster Like NFL FA

    Sanders believes Buffaloes are different from other CFB teams: We want guys that we know could do it right now' 📲 (Thee Pregame Show)

    Deion: Colorado Builds Roster Like NFL FA
    College Football logo
    College Football

    Deion: Colorado Builds Roster Like NFL FA

    Sanders believes Buffaloes are different from other CFB teams: We want guys that we know could do it right now' 📲 (Thee Pregame Show)

    Julia Stumbaugh
    via Bleacher Report
  • 5-Stars ➡️ 2025 First-Rounders

    Top recruits with first-round potential in next year's draft 📲

    5-Stars ➡️ 2025 First-Rounders
    College Football logo
    College Football

    5-Stars ➡️ 2025 First-Rounders

    Top recruits with first-round potential in next year's draft 📲

    David Kenyon
    via Bleacher Report
  • 247Sports @247Sports

  • Ted Nguyen @FB_FilmAnalysis

  • Deion Defends Michael Penix Jr

    Coach Prime rips QB's critics in latest post

    Deion Defends Michael Penix Jr
    College Football logo
    College Football

    Deion Defends Michael Penix Jr

    Coach Prime rips QB's critics in latest post

    Mike Chiari
    via Bleacher Report
  • USC Pays Tribute to Reggie Bush 🔥

    One of the greatest Trojans ever gets his trophy back

  • RedditCFB @RedditCFB

  • Bryan Fischer @BryanDFischer

  • Reggie Bush to Get Heisman Back

    Heisman Trust will reinstate USC legend's 2005 trophy today (ESPN)

    Reggie Bush to Get Heisman Back
    College Football logo
    College Football

    Reggie Bush to Get Heisman Back

    Heisman Trust will reinstate USC legend's 2005 trophy today (ESPN)

    Mike Chiari
    via Bleacher Report
  • Bleacher Report @BleacherReport

  • Bryan Fischer @BryanDFischer

  • Pic of Reggie with Heisman 🏆

    Finally (@HeismanTrophy)

  • Tim Tebow Calls Reggie Bush 'One of the Greatest' Ever

    Tim Tebow Calls Reggie Bush 'One of the Greatest' Ever
    College Football logo
    College Football

    Tim Tebow Calls Reggie Bush 'One of the Greatest' Ever

    Joseph Zucker
    via Bleacher Report
  • Bryan Fischer @BryanDFischer

  • Bryan Fischer @BryanDFischer

  • Manziel's Reggie Bush Post ✊

    Johnny welcomes Bush back to Heisman fraternity

    Manziel's Reggie Bush Post ✊
    College Football logo
    College Football

    Manziel's Reggie Bush Post ✊

    Johnny welcomes Bush back to Heisman fraternity

    Doric Sam
    via Bleacher Report
  • Reggie Bush's Heisman Redemption and the Fallacy of Amateurism

    Reggie Bush's Heisman Redemption and the Fallacy of Amateurism
    College Football logo
    College Football

    Reggie Bush's Heisman Redemption and the Fallacy of Amateurism

    Yahoo Sports
    via Yahoo Sports
  • PFF College @PFF_College

  • PFF College @PFF_College

  • PFF College @PFF_College

  • Albert Breer @AlbertBreer

  • G5-Only Playoff Discussed

    Group of 5 conferences have discussed realignment with involvement of private equity (The Athletic)

    G5-Only Playoff Discussed
    College Football logo
    College Football

    G5-Only Playoff Discussed

    Group of 5 conferences have discussed realignment with involvement of private equity (The Athletic)

    Paul Kasabian
    via Bleacher Report
  • USA TODAY Sports @usatodaysports

  • Albert Breer @AlbertBreer

  • CFB Players Who'll Bounce Back in 2024 🔃

    Players set to regain star status after down years 📲

    CFB Players Who'll Bounce Back in 2024 🔃
    College Football logo
    College Football

    CFB Players Who'll Bounce Back in 2024 🔃

    Players set to regain star status after down years 📲

    David Kenyon
    via Bleacher Report
  • Bo Nix 'Punished' for Oregon's Offense

    Daniel Jeremiah explains why Nix not generating interest from teams in the QB market

    Bo Nix 'Punished' for Oregon's Offense
    College Football logo
    College Football

    Bo Nix 'Punished' for Oregon's Offense

    Daniel Jeremiah explains why Nix not generating interest from teams in the QB market

    Doric Sam
    via Bleacher Report
  • CJ Fogler account may or may not be notable @cjzero

  • Albert Breer @AlbertBreer

  • NCAA Announces Rule Changes

    Division I Board of Directors have added more involvement for schools in NIL

    NCAA Announces Rule Changes
    College Football logo
    College Football

    NCAA Announces Rule Changes

    Division I Board of Directors have added more involvement for schools in NIL

    Scott Polacek
    via Bleacher Report
  • SEC, Big Ten Would've Left CFP

    Commissioners confirmed NCAA faced danger of losing both conferences (SI)

    SEC, Big Ten Would've Left CFP
    College Football logo
    College Football

    SEC, Big Ten Would've Left CFP

    Commissioners confirmed NCAA faced danger of losing both conferences (SI)

    Doric Sam
    via Bleacher Report
  • Bryan Fischer @BryanDFischer

  • 247Sports @247Sports

  • Antonio Gates Jr. to Transfer

    Son of NFL legend and Michigan State WR enters portal (On3)

    Antonio Gates Jr. to Transfer
    College Football logo
    College Football

    Antonio Gates Jr. to Transfer

    Son of NFL legend and Michigan State WR enters portal (On3)

    zach bachar
    via Bleacher Report
  • Tyreek Says He’d Dust Prime 🤣

    Cheetah confident he’d put up 175 yds and 2 TDs on Deion in his prime

    Tyreek Says He’d Dust Prime 🤣
    College Football logo
    College Football

    Tyreek Says He’d Dust Prime 🤣

    Cheetah confident he’d put up 175 yds and 2 TDs on Deion in his prime

    Doric Sam
    via Bleacher Report
  • Albert Breer @AlbertBreer

  • PFF College @PFF_College

  • Tyreek: Travis Hunter Should Play WR in NFL

    Hill explains why Colorado's two-way star should be drafted on offense 📲

    Tyreek: Travis Hunter Should Play WR in NFL
    College Football logo
    College Football

    Tyreek: Travis Hunter Should Play WR in NFL

    Hill explains why Colorado's two-way star should be drafted on offense 📲

    Andrew Peters
    via Bleacher Report
  • CU 5-Star's Transfer Quote 😬

    Cormani McClain jabs Buffs while talking next steps

    CU 5-Star's Transfer Quote 😬
    College Football logo
    College Football

    CU 5-Star's Transfer Quote 😬

    Cormani McClain jabs Buffs while talking next steps

    Scott Polacek
    via Bleacher Report
  • PFF College @PFF_College

  • PFF College @PFF_College

  • ‘Bet’ on Michigan CFP Rings 💍

    J.J. McCarthy & Co.’s iconic response to Harbaugh’s suspension engraved on ring

    ‘Bet’ on Michigan CFP Rings 💍
    College Football logo
    College Football

    ‘Bet’ on Michigan CFP Rings 💍

    J.J. McCarthy & Co.’s iconic response to Harbaugh’s suspension engraved on ring

    Julia Stumbaugh
    via Bleacher Report
  • PFF College @PFF_College

  • PFF College @PFF_College

  • Arch Manning Throws a Bomb 💣

    Texas QB shines during yesterday's spring game

  • Arch's Electric Spring Game

    Manning went 19-of-25 for 355 yards with 3 TDs

    Arch's Electric Spring Game
    College Football logo
    College Football

    Arch's Electric Spring Game

    Manning went 19-of-25 for 355 yards with 3 TDs

    Mike Chiari
    via Bleacher Report
  • Bill Simmons @BillSimmons

  • PFF College @PFF_College

  • Riley: Miller Moss Leading QB1 Battle

    USC HC one step closer to naming Caleb Williams replacement 📲

    Riley: Miller Moss Leading QB1 Battle
    College Football logo
    College Football

    Riley: Miller Moss Leading QB1 Battle

    USC HC one step closer to naming Caleb Williams replacement 📲

    Andrew Peters
    via Bleacher Report
  • Harbaugh Gets Natty Tattoo 💪

    Jim commemorates Michigan’s title with new ink. Tap in to watch his reaction 🎥

    Harbaugh Gets Natty Tattoo 💪
    College Football logo
    College Football

    Harbaugh Gets Natty Tattoo 💪

    Jim commemorates Michigan’s title with new ink. Tap in to watch his reaction 🎥

    Adam Wells
    via Bleacher Report
  • Albert Breer @AlbertBreer

  • Albert Breer @AlbertBreer

  • NCAA Approves CFB Rule Changes

    2-minute warning timeouts and new in-helmet communication devices among several changes coming in 2024 📲

    NCAA Approves CFB Rule Changes
    College Football logo
    College Football

    NCAA Approves CFB Rule Changes

    2-minute warning timeouts and new in-helmet communication devices among several changes coming in 2024 📲

    Andrew Peters
    via Bleacher Report
  • College Athletes Can Play During Sexual Misconduct Inquiries Under Title IX Revision

    College Athletes Can Play During Sexual Misconduct Inquiries Under Title IX Revision
    College Football logo
    College Football

    College Athletes Can Play During Sexual Misconduct Inquiries Under Title IX Revision

    Julia Stumbaugh
    via Bleacher Report
  • PFF College @PFF_College

  • The Players' Tribune @PlayersTribune

  • Deion Downplays Portal Losses

    Coach Prime unfazed after exchange with reporter during today's presser

    Deion Downplays Portal Losses
    College Football logo
    College Football

    Deion Downplays Portal Losses

    Coach Prime unfazed after exchange with reporter during today's presser

    Scott Polacek
    via Bleacher Report
  • Bleacher Report @BleacherReport

  • Greg Beacham @gregbeacham

  • Pics of Mizzou Stadium Plan 🏈

    Tigers drop rendering for $250M renovation

    Mizzou Football @MizzouFootball


  • Expectations for New CFB Coaches 📝

    Realistic goals for programs under new management 📲

    Expectations for New CFB Coaches 📝
    College Football logo
    College Football

    Expectations for New CFB Coaches 📝

    Realistic goals for programs under new management 📲

    David Kenyon
    via Bleacher Report
  • RedditCFB @RedditCFB

  • The Players' Tribune @PlayersTribune

  • Virginia Colleges to Directly Pay Athletes

    New law allows universities in the state to pay athletes for NIL

    Virginia Colleges to Directly Pay Athletes
    College Football logo
    College Football

    Virginia Colleges to Directly Pay Athletes

    New law allows universities in the state to pay athletes for NIL

    Joseph Zucker
    via Bleacher Report
  • NFL Draft Prospect Dies at 25

    University at Albany HC announces DE AJ Simon has died

    NFL Draft Prospect Dies at 25
    College Football logo
    College Football

    NFL Draft Prospect Dies at 25

    University at Albany HC announces DE AJ Simon has died

    Adam Wells
    via Bleacher Report
  • Greg Beacham @gregbeacham

  • PFF College @PFF_College

  • NCAA Transfer Rule Change

    Student-athletes who meet academic requirements now allowed unlimited transfers and immediate eligibility

    NCAA Transfer Rule Change
    College Football logo
    College Football

    NCAA Transfer Rule Change

    Student-athletes who meet academic requirements now allowed unlimited transfers and immediate eligibility

    Doric Sam
    via Bleacher Report
  • Biggest Names in CFB Transfer Portal 🌀

    Players to watch after start of latest transfer window 📲

    Biggest Names in CFB Transfer Portal 🌀
    College Football logo
    College Football

    Biggest Names in CFB Transfer Portal 🌀

    Players to watch after start of latest transfer window 📲

    David Kenyon
    via Bleacher Report
  • PFF College @PFF_College

  • Greg Beacham @gregbeacham

  • 12K+ Players in CFB Video Game

    Two weeks remaining for CFB players to decide whether they want to opt-in for EA Sports CFB 25

    12K+ Players in CFB Video Game
    College Football logo
    College Football

    12K+ Players in CFB Video Game

    Two weeks remaining for CFB players to decide whether they want to opt-in for EA Sports CFB 25

    Doric Sam
    via Bleacher Report
  • Greg Beacham @gregbeacham