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  • Ant Edwards DESTROYS KD 🤯

    Most insane highlight of the playoffs

  • Ant's Full Game 4 Highlights🔥

    40-piece to complete the sweep. Witness the torch being passed

  • Hoop Central @TheHoopCentral

  • RealGM @RealGM

  • RealGM @RealGM

  • Pic of Ant's 4-0 Troll 😏

    Edwards sends Suns to Cancun

  • Play Sports Trivia Now 🏀

    10 questions. Get one wrong, you're done. Tap in to play 📲

    Play Sports Trivia Now 🏀
    NBA logo

    Play Sports Trivia Now 🏀

    10 questions. Get one wrong, you're done. Tap in to play 📲

    via Bleacherreport
  • Wolves Troll Bradley Beal 😭

    This quote aged like milk

  • RealGM @RealGM

  • RealGM @RealGM

  • RealGM @RealGM

  • KD Praises Ant 🙌

    Nothing but love after Wolves' sweep

  • KD Didn't Like Suns' Offense

    Durant 'never felt comfortable' with role in Frank Vogel's system (The Athletic)

    KD Didn't Like Suns' Offense
    NBA logo

    KD Didn't Like Suns' Offense

    Durant 'never felt comfortable' with role in Frank Vogel's system (The Athletic)

    Tyler Conway
    via Bleacher Report
  • Ant's Postgame Interview 😂

    Funniest player in the league + 'Inside the NBA' crew = jokes

  • RealGM @RealGM

  • NBA @NBA

  • Book @DevinBook

  • New NBA Mock + Lottery Simulation 📝

    2-round predictions, plus a new order at the top 📲

    New NBA Mock + Lottery Simulation 📝
    NBA logo

    New NBA Mock + Lottery Simulation 📝

    2-round predictions, plus a new order at the top 📲

    Jonathan Wasserman
    via Bleacher Report
  • 1st Playoff Series Win Since 2004 🐺

  • Trade Ideas for Suns Big 3 🔄

    Four blockbusters to retool roster after getting swept by Wolves 📲

    Trade Ideas for Suns Big 3 🔄
    NBA logo

    Trade Ideas for Suns Big 3 🔄

    Four blockbusters to retool roster after getting swept by Wolves 📲

    Andy Bailey
    via Bleacher Report
  • Hardwood Paroxysm @HPbasketball

  • NBA @NBA

  • RealGM @RealGM

  • Brunson Goes Off in Philly 🤯

    10 assists to go along with franchise playoff-high of 47 points

  • Embiid Quote on Knicks Fans 👀

    Joel upset at New York faithful taking over Philly 📸

    Embiid Quote on Knicks Fans 👀
    NBA logo

    Embiid Quote on Knicks Fans 👀

    Joel upset at New York faithful taking over Philly 📸

    Scott Polacek
    via Bleacher Report
  • Knicks Fans Troll Wilt's Statue 😭

    Rubbing salt in the wound after Game 4 win in Philly

  • Hoop Central @TheHoopCentral

  • Rob Perez @WorldWideWob

  • Unreal Clippers-Mavs Finish 🔥

    Peak playoff basketball. Rewatch the hectic end to Game 4

  • PG Steals PJ Washington's Pose 😅

    George trolling with Clippers up in Game 4

  • Rob Perez @WorldWideWob

  • @Ballislife

  • Scuffle in Bucks-Pacers 👀

    Indy fans start chant after Bobby Portis was ejected for altercation

  • Haliburton, Turner Combine for 53 🤝

    Played the team in front of them and handled business in Game 4

    Hali: 24 PTS | 4 REB | 4 AST | 5 3PM MT: 29 PTS | 9 REB | 3 BLK | 7 3PM

  • Rob Perez @WorldWideWob

  • Hoop Central @TheHoopCentral

  • Huge Myles Turner Poster 💥

    Brook Lopez had no chance

  • Mark Daigneault Wins COY 🏆

    Thunder HC led OKC to No. 1 seed in the West

  • Rob Perez @WorldWideWob

  • Legion Hoops @LegionHoops

  • Chris Finch Helped Off Court

    Wolves HC exits Game 4 with apparent leg injury after collision

  • Wolves HC Has Knee Tear

    Chris Finch has torn patellar tendon after collision in Game 4

  • CJ Fogler account may or may not be notable @cjzero

  • NBA @NBA


    Incredible finish surrounded by 3 Clippers

  • Luka Shouts Out Kyrie

    Dončić feels like he hasn't helped his teammate enough in Clippers series

    Luka Shouts Out Kyrie
    NBA logo

    Luka Shouts Out Kyrie

    Dončić feels like he hasn't helped his teammate enough in Clippers series

    Andrew Peters
    via Bleacher Report
  • Rob Perez @WorldWideWob

  • Shams Charania @ShamsCharania

  • Clippers Tie Series 2-2 🍿

    PG and Harden hit clutch buckets to seal Game 4 over Mavs

  • Knicks Defeat 76ers 97-92 🗽

    Jalen Brunson puts up 47 points, gives New York a 3-1 series lead over Philly

  • Hoop Central @TheHoopCentral

  • NBA Retweet @RTNBA

  • Pacers Take 3-1 Lead on Bucks

    Haliburton and Myles Turner combine for 53 points in Game 4 win

  • Siakam COOKS Bobby Portis 😨

    Move and dunk so nasty he got T'd up

  • NBA on TNT @NBAonTNT

  • Hoop Central @TheHoopCentral

  • D-Book Drops 49 in Game 4 Loss

    Tough way to end 2023-2024 season

    49 PTS | 6 AST | 5 REB

  • Harden Pops Off for 33 🪣

    Vintage performance from the Beard to tie series at 2-2

    33 PTS | 7 AST | 6 REB | 12/17 FG

  • NBA on TNT @NBAonTNT

  • Malika Andrews @malika_andrews

  • PG Scores 33 vs. Mavs in Game 4 😮‍💨

    Scored 26 in the first half and hit huge clutch triple

    33 PTS | 8 AST | 6 REB | 4 STL

  • Kyrie Goes Off for 40 in Game 4 Loss

    Irving was a one-man show in the second half

    40 PTS | 7 REB | 5 AST | 14/25 FG

  • @Ballislife

  • Rob Perez @WorldWideWob

  • Luka's Game 4 Triple-Double 🪄

    Helped spur 31-pt comeback with a 29-10-10 line but Mavs fell just short


  • NBA on TNT @NBAonTNT

  • Knicks Take Game 4 vs. 76ers 🗽

    Knicks take a 3-1 series lead over Sixers behind a franchise playoff-high from JB

    Knicks Take Game 4 vs. 76ers 🗽
    NBA logo

    Knicks Take Game 4 vs. 76ers 🗽

    Knicks take a 3-1 series lead over Sixers behind a franchise playoff-high from JB

    Timothy Rapp
    via Bleacher Report
  • Wolves HC Suffers Injury in Game 4

    Chris Finch was helped off the court after late collision with Mike Conley

    Wolves HC Suffers Injury in Game 4
    NBA logo

    Wolves HC Suffers Injury in Game 4

    Chris Finch was helped off the court after late collision with Mike Conley

    Scott Polacek
    via Bleacher Report
  • Hoop Central @TheHoopCentral

  • Rob Perez @WorldWideWob

  • Wolves Eliminate Suns 🐺

    Ant and KAT lead Minnesota to second round for first time since 2004

    Wolves Eliminate Suns 🐺
    NBA logo

    Wolves Eliminate Suns 🐺

    Ant and KAT lead Minnesota to second round for first time since 2004

    Scott Polacek
    via Bleacher Report
  • Legendary Philly Courtside Pic

    Dr. J, Allen Iverson and Dawn Staley supporting the hometown

  • NBA Retweet @RTNBA

  • Zach Lowe @ZachLowe_NBA

  • Mark Daigneault Wins Coach of the Year

    Thunder finished with best record in the Western conference

    Mark Daigneault Wins Coach of the Year
    NBA logo

    Mark Daigneault Wins Coach of the Year

    Thunder finished with best record in the Western conference

    Paul Kasabian
    via Bleacher Report
  • Kawhi Leonard Out of Game 4

    Clippers star (knee) will not play vs. Mavericks with team trailing 2-1

    Kawhi Leonard Out of Game 4
    NBA logo

    Kawhi Leonard Out of Game 4

    Clippers star (knee) will not play vs. Mavericks with team trailing 2-1

    Tyler Conway
    via Bleacher Report
  • Legion Hoops @LegionHoops

  • Hoop Central @TheHoopCentral

  • Damian Lillard Out for Game 4

    Giannis also remains out with Bucks trailing series 2-1

    Damian Lillard Out for Game 4
    NBA logo

    Damian Lillard Out for Game 4

    Giannis also remains out with Bucks trailing series 2-1

    Adam Wells
    via Bleacher Report
  • Saturday's Top Plays 🔥

    It was a big day of playoff action

  • NBA on TNT @NBAonTNT

  • Rob Perez @WorldWideWob

  • Lakers Avoid Elimination 😰

    LeBron and AD's huge games power LA past Denver to force Game 5

  • Franz Wagner Goes Off for 34 💫

    Magic tie series at 2-2

    34 PTS | 13 REB | 13/17 FG | 4 AST

  • Sam Amick @sam_amick

  • Bill Simmons @BillSimmons

  • Buying/Selling NBA Offseason Rumors 👂

    Going through all the biggest buzz around the league for teams not focused on playoffs 📲

    Buying/Selling NBA Offseason Rumors 👂
    NBA logo

    Buying/Selling NBA Offseason Rumors 👂

    Going through all the biggest buzz around the league for teams not focused on playoffs 📲

    Greg Swartz
    via Bleacher Report
  • Chuck Roasts Pelicans 💀

    Had Shaq falling out of his seat after New Orleans' blowout loss in Game 3

  • Legion Hoops @LegionHoops

  • Hoop Central @TheHoopCentral

  • Chuck All in on Ant-Man 😤

    NBA Legend compares Edwards to MJ, Kobe

  • Celtics Blow Out Heat in Game 3 💪

    Tatum and Brown lead Boston to dominant victory to help take 2-1 series lead over Miami 📲

    Celtics Blow Out Heat in Game 3 💪
    NBA logo

    Celtics Blow Out Heat in Game 3 💪

    Tatum and Brown lead Boston to dominant victory to help take 2-1 series lead over Miami 📲

    Paul Kasabian
    via Bleacher Report
  • NBA @NBA

  • NBA @NBA

  • SGA Drops 24 in Game 3 Win ⚡

    Thunder lead 3-0 vs. Pelicans

    24 PTS | 8 AST | 5 REB | 4 STL

  • Tatum Puts Up 22 in Game 3 Win ☘️

    Celtics take 2-1 series lead

    22 PTS | 11 REB | 6 AST

  • Rob Perez @WorldWideWob

  • Hardwood Paroxysm @HPbasketball

  • Giannis Doubtful for Game 4

    Doc Rivers says Bucks star unlikely to play but final decision will come tomorrow (ESPN)

    Giannis Doubtful for Game 4
    NBA logo

    Giannis Doubtful for Game 4

    Doc Rivers says Bucks star unlikely to play but final decision will come tomorrow (ESPN)

    Timothy Rapp
    via Bleacher Report
  • Dame Has Strained Achilles

    Lillard in serious doubt for Game 4 with walking boot on (Shams)

    Dame Has Strained Achilles
    NBA logo

    Dame Has Strained Achilles

    Lillard in serious doubt for Game 4 with walking boot on (Shams)

    Adam Wells
    via Bleacher Report
  • NBA on TNT @NBAonTNT

  • NBA @NBA

  • Ant Goes Off in Game 3 Win 🐺

    Wolves' first 3-0 series lead in franchise history

    36 PTS | 9 REB | 5 AST | 2 STL

  • Trades for Teams That Missed Playoffs 💡

    One trade idea for each squad that came up short of the postseason 📲

    Trades for Teams That Missed Playoffs 💡
    NBA logo

    Trades for Teams That Missed Playoffs 💡

    One trade idea for each squad that came up short of the postseason 📲

    Bleacher Report NBA Staff
    via Bleacher Report
  • NBA Retweet @RTNBA

  • Hardwood Paroxysm @HPbasketball

  • Ant Spams DX Chop 😂

    Edwards brought out iconic WWE celly in Wolves' win last night

  • Ridiculous Bucks-Pacers Finish 🤯

    Haliburton calls game after Middleton's second clutch 3. Indiana takes 2-1 series lead

  • Hardwood Paroxysm @HPbasketball

  • Legion Hoops @LegionHoops

  • MVPs Given to Wrong Players 👎

    Six NBA MVPs who were undeserving of the award 📲

    MVPs Given to Wrong Players 👎
    NBA logo

    MVPs Given to Wrong Players 👎

    Six NBA MVPs who were undeserving of the award 📲

    David Kenyon
    via Bleacher Report
  • Scuffle in Clippers-Mavs 😡

    Russ and P.J. Washington get tossed after Westbrook fouled Luka

  • Hoop Central @TheHoopCentral

  • Hardwood Paroxysm @HPbasketball

  • Luka Stuffs Stat Sheet 📊

    One assist shy of a triple-double

    22 PTS | 10 REB | 9 AST | Mavs win

  • Haliburton's Game 3 Triple-Double 🤩

    18 points, 16 assists, 10 rebounds and one game-winner

  • Hardwood Paroxysm @HPbasketball

  • NBA @NBA

  • Court View of Haliburton GW 😧

    What Tyrese's bucket looked like from the floor

    NBA @NBA


  • Wild Middleton 3 Forces OT 😱

    Bucks-Pacers Game 3 going to overtime after this shot

  • NBA on TNT @NBAonTNT

  • Hardwood Paroxysm @HPbasketball

  • Full Bucks-Pacers Highlights 🍿

    Indy takes 2-1 lead after wild OT win

  • Middleton Drops 42 on Pacers 😤

    Did all he could but team came up short

    42 PTS | 10 REB | 5 AST | 4 3PM

  • BBALLBREAKDOWN @bballbreakdown

  • @Ballislife

  • Wolves Pull Off Sweep
  • Caitlin Clark Hypes Pacers Fans 🏎️

    No. 1 pick gets standing ovation before Game 3

  • Hardwood Paroxysm @HPbasketball

  • NBA @NBA

  • Bron: One Game at a Time

    LeBron and AD's full press conference after Game 3 loss

  • NBA @NBA

  • Rob Perez @WorldWideWob

  • Kuzma's Post Trolling Lakers? 🧐

    Fans think Kuz took shot at LA in latest post

    Kuzma's Post Trolling Lakers? 🧐
    NBA logo

    Kuzma's Post Trolling Lakers? 🧐

    Fans think Kuz took shot at LA in latest post

    Mike Chiari
    via Bleacher Report
  • NBA @NBA

  • CJ Fogler account may or may not be notable @cjzero

  • Lu Dort Mic'd Up 😂

    Thunder guard having fun during OKC's Game 2 win

  • Giannis Out Game 3

    Bucks star (calf) not ready for series debut vs. Pacers

    Giannis Out Game 3
    NBA logo

    Giannis Out Game 3

    Bucks star (calf) not ready for series debut vs. Pacers

    Joseph Zucker
    via Bleacher Report
  • Rob Perez @WorldWideWob

  • NBA @NBA

  • Why AD Is a Great Defender 🧱

    Davis had a strong case to be part of the DPOY convo

  • Exclusive BTS Look at KAT’s Rehab Process

    A look back at how KAT battled back through rehab to get Playoff ready. Brought to you by the Wells Fargo Active Cash® Credit Card 🎥

  • Legion Hoops @LegionHoops