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}.poll_module .footer a { border-bottom-style: none;display: block; }.poll_module .footer { background-position: 0 0;background-repeat: no-repeat;margin: 15px 0 -10px; }.poll_module .footer a { border-bottom-style: none;display: block; } .atom.score-card-carousel {height:145px; background-color:#f1f1f1;} .react-multi-carousel-list {visibility: hidden;} .notification {display: none;}Joseph Zuckervia Bleacher Report
  • EPL Clubs Vote for Spending Cap

    Martyn Ziegler @martynziegler

    NEW: Premier League clubs agree in principle for spending cap known as anchoring to TV earnings of bottom club. Understood Man City, Man Utd, Villa voted against and Chelsea abstained. Will now go to AGM

  • Thiago Silva to Leave Chelsea

    39-year-old Brazilian will exit after four seasons at the Bridge

    Thiago Silva to Leave Chelsea
    World Football logo
    World Football

    Thiago Silva to Leave Chelsea

    39-year-old Brazilian will exit after four seasons at the Bridge

    John Brewin
    via the Guardian
  • Trossard Shouts Out Anne Hathaway 🥹

    TODAY @TODAYshow

    Anne Hathaway and Nicholas Galitzine get a sweet surprise from @Arsenal’s Leandro Trossard @LTrossard! 🤩

  • @WhoScored

  • Football Italia @footballitalia

  • Sky Sports Premier League @SkySportsPL

  • Messi Back-To-Back Goals 🐐

    Just GOAT things from Leo 🎥

  • Cold Saka Finish for 2-0 🧊

    Arsenal responds after Spurs goal was called offside by VAR 🎥

    NBC Sports Soccer @NBCSportsSoccer

    MAKE IT TWO. Bukayo Saka doubles the lead for the Gunners. 📺 @USANetwork

  • B/R Champions League HQ 🤩

    All the latest news, highlights and more on our Champions League stream 📲

    B/R Champions League HQ 🤩
    World Football logo
    World Football

    B/R Champions League HQ 🤩

    All the latest news, highlights and more on our Champions League stream 📲

    via Bleacher Report
  • @WhoScored

  • James Pearce @JamesPearceLFC

  • @TMuk_news

  • Why Arsenal Win Is Massive 💪

    Breaking down how title race is very much ON 🎥

  • Premier League Table 🏆

    🍿 Man City a point off Arsenal 👀 Villa in command of fourth

    Telemundo Deportes @TelemundoSports

    ¡SE VIENE LO MEJOR EN LA PREMIER LEAGUE! 💣 Arsenal es el líder, pero Manchester City se mantiene cerca y aún tiene un partido pendiente por jugar ⚽️ 🏆 ¿Quién terminará siendo el campeón? ¿Arteta o Guardiola? #LigaPremierTD

  • PSG Wins Ligue 1 💫

    Mbappé's club clinches 8th title in 10 years

  • Premier League USA @PLinUSA

  • Adam Crafton @AdamCrafton_

  • Football Italia @footballitalia

  • Haaland Scores Off Bench 🤖

    Man City machine with instant impact to make it 2-0 🎥

    NBC Sports Soccer @NBCSportsSoccer

    Erling Haaland the impact sub makes it 2-0 to Manchester City ⭐️ 📺 @USANetwork

  • Watch Messi Dismantle Revolution 🍿

    Full highlights of Miami's 4-1 win 🎥

  • ITV Football @itvfootball

  • Sky Sports Premier League @SkySportsPL

  • Premier League USA @PLinUSA


    Arsenal worthy leaders after huge win. Recap 📲

    World Football logo
    World Football


    Arsenal worthy leaders after huge win. Recap 📲

    David Hytner
    via the Guardian
  • Huge Raya Error for Arsenal ☠️

    Tottenham's Romero couldn't believe the keeper gave him the ball to score 🎥

    B/R Football @brfootball

    Oh, Raya 🫠 (via @NBCSportsSoccer)

  • What Was Romero Doing There?! 😆

    James Benge @jamesbenge

    Raya looking up to see Romero pressing...

  • Men in Blazers @MenInBlazers

  • Duncan Castles @DuncanCastles

  • Messi Been COOKING 🧑‍🍳

    B/R Football @brfootball

    Leo Messi's last four MLS games: ⚽🎁 vs. Colorado Rapids ⚽🎁 vs. Sporting Kansas City ⚽⚽🎁 vs. Nashville SC ⚽⚽🎁🎁 vs. New England Revolution He's been cooking for Miami ♨️

  • @WhoScored

  • Fabrizio Romano @FabrizioRomano

  • Moyes’ Tribute to Klopp 😭

    ‘F--king too big, teeth are too bright’: West Ham coach on Jürgen’s legacy

  • Salah: If I Speak, There Will Be Fire 😬

    Mo had words with Klopp on touchline 📲

    Salah: If I Speak, There Will Be Fire 😬
    World Football logo
    World Football

    Salah: If I Speak, There Will Be Fire 😬

    Mo had words with Klopp on touchline 📲
  • 90min @90min_Football

  • World Soccer Talk @worldsoccertalk

  • Salah Argues with Klopp 👀

    Drama on Liverpool touchline vs. West Ham 🎥

    Telemundo Deportes @TelemundoSports

    ¿QUÉ PASÓ ACÁ? 😦 Mohamed Salah y Jürgen Klopp discutieron previo a que el egipcio entrara de cambio 🎥 ¿Molestó por ser suplente o por el empate de West Ham? 🫨 #LigaPremierTD

  • Concacaf Champions Cup @TheChampions

  • Taylor Twellman @TaylorTwellman

  • Del Piero: USMNT Has 2026 Chance 🎆

    Italy legend says USA can make a run at next World Cup 🎥

  • Conor Gallagher Top Corner 💫

    Chelsea midfielder hits late equalizer vs. Villa 🎥

    B/R Football @brfootball

    Conor Gallagher curled that one into the top corner 🎯 (via @NBCSportsSoccer)

  • Nima Tavallaey Roodsari @NimaTavRood

  • MLS Transfers @MLSTransfers

  • Chelsea Manager Predictions 🔮

    Breaking down why De Zerbi may be top priority 🎥

  • Ten Hag Makes Bold Claim 🤨

    Man Utd manager says his team is ‘one of the most dynamic and entertaining’ in EPL

    Ten Hag Makes Bold Claim 🤨
    World Football logo
    World Football

    Ten Hag Makes Bold Claim 🤨

    Man Utd manager says his team is ‘one of the most dynamic and entertaining’ in EPL

    via BBC Sport
  • Ben Jacobs @JacobsBen

  • Kyle Bonn @the_bonnfire

  • Poch Goes Off on VAR 😡

    'It’s unbelievable and ridiculous': Chelsea coach feels winner should've stood

    Poch Goes Off on VAR 😡
    World Football logo
    World Football

    Poch Goes Off on VAR 😡

    'It’s unbelievable and ridiculous': Chelsea coach feels winner should've stood

    Sky Sports
    via Sky Sports
  • Ben Jacobs @JacobsBen

  • Kaveh Solhekol @SkyKaveh

  • Xavi Went 'Wolf of Wall Street' 😤

    Reacting to Barça coach's U-turn 🎥

  • Squawka @Squawka

  • Fabrizio Romano @FabrizioRomano

  • Salah Comments Video Lands 👇

    Joao Castelo-Branco @j_castelobranco

    🔥”THERE’S GOING TO BE FIRE TODAY IF I SPEAK” Salah after discussion with Klopp during the West Ham match. Vai pegar fogo se eu falar hoje! Disse Salah na zona mista em Londres após discussão com Klopp

  • Miguel Delaney @MiguelDelaney

  • Men in Blazers @MenInBlazers

  • 🔴 Reacting to Liverpool Hire

    Takes on Klopp's replacement Arne Slot. Watch the full show ⤵️

  • Are You Ready? 🤣

    Troll Football @TrollFootball

    We have a new bald derby

  • Rob Harris @RobHarris

  • @TMuk_news

  • 🚨 Liverpool to Hire Arne Slot

    Reds agree terms bring in Feyenoord manager as Klopp’s replacement (multiple reports)

    🚨 Liverpool to Hire Arne Slot
    World Football logo
    World Football

    🚨 Liverpool to Hire Arne Slot

    Reds agree terms bring in Feyenoord manager as Klopp’s replacement (multiple reports)

    Julia Stumbaugh
    via Bleacher Report
  • @WhoScored

  • Sky Sports Premier League @SkySportsPL

  • Arda Güler Gets Madrid Up and Running


    19-year-old Arda Güler opens the scoring for Real Madrid! What a talent ✨

  • Football Italia @footballitalia

  • World Soccer @WorldSoccerMag

  • 🔴 New Manager Predictions

    Man Utd, Chelsea, Bayern and others may need new head coach. Watch the full show ⤵️

  • Ten Hag Refuses Media 🙅‍♂️

    Man Utd coach bans three outlets from asking questions

    Ten Hag Refuses Media 🙅‍♂️
    World Football logo
    World Football

    Ten Hag Refuses Media 🙅‍♂️

    Man Utd coach bans three outlets from asking questions

    via BBC Sport
  • Footy Headlines @Footy_Headlines

  • Get French Football News @GFFN

  • Marta Retires from Brazil 🇧🇷

    Brazil's all-time top scorer (116) will call time on international career at end of 2024

  • Guardiola's Genius Is Unmatched 🧠

    'Football goes in the direction that Pep chooses it, and football is always a few months late' 🎥

  • Fabrizio Romano @FabrizioRomano

  • Gary Lineker @GaryLineker

  • Man City Remains Inevitable

    B/R Football @brfootball

    Man City are 𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 at the end of the Premier League season ⏳ 𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟗 ➖ 14 straight wins to win the league with 98 points 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟐 ➖ Unbeaten in last 12 games (9W, 3D) 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 ➖ 12-game win streak to clinch title 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 ➖ 18-game unbeaten run (14W, 4D)

  • Cole Palmer Fit for Chelsea 💪

    Poch confirms red-hot forward may feature vs. Villa on Saturday

    Cole Palmer Fit for Chelsea 💪
    World Football logo
    World Football

    Cole Palmer Fit for Chelsea 💪

    Poch confirms red-hot forward may feature vs. Villa on Saturday

    via Football London
  • Sky Sports Premier League @SkySportsPL

  • Pete O'Rourke @SportsPeteO

  • Tottenham vs. Arsenal: Predictions 🔮

    Sunday's headline game is huge in race for title 📲

    Tottenham vs. Arsenal: Predictions 🔮
    World Football logo
    World Football

    Tottenham vs. Arsenal: Predictions 🔮

    Sunday's headline game is huge in race for title 📲

    via Football London
  • Michels ➡️ Cruyff ➡️ Guardiola 🐉

    How the total football legacy continues today 🎥

  • Pete O'Rourke @SportsPeteO

  • AS USA @English_AS

  • Rashford: 'Enough Is Enough'

    Man Utd forward posts unhappy message on social media 📲

    Rashford: 'Enough Is Enough'
    World Football logo
    World Football

    Rashford: 'Enough Is Enough'

    Man Utd forward posts unhappy message on social media 📲

    Dan Coombs
    via United In Focus
  • Cruyff Would've Been 77 Today 🧡

    Remembering how Johan got Pep the Barcelona job to continue his legacy 🎥

  • Italian Football TV @IFTVofficial

  • Footy Headlines @Footy_Headlines

  • Premier League: 10 Things to Look For

    Liverpool awaits dead-ball salvo and more 📲 (Guardian)

    Premier League: 10 Things to Look For
    World Football logo
    World Football

    Premier League: 10 Things to Look For

    Liverpool awaits dead-ball salvo and more 📲 (Guardian)

    via the Guardian
  • KDB Diving Header Golazo 😱

    Man City star with stunning opener vs. Brighton 🎥

    B/R Football @brfootball

    KDB's first headed goal in the Premier League ✈️ (via @NBCSportsSoccer)

  • Ben Jacobs @JacobsBen

  • AS USA @English_AS

  • Foden Punishes Brighton 🥶

    Phil catches defenders slipping for 3-0 🎥

    NBC Sports Soccer @NBCSportsSoccer

    Phil Foden bags a brace in eight minutes and it's 3-0 to Manchester City 😲 📺 @USANetwork

  • 50+ EPL Goals for Foden 🎯

    Man City star with another landmark goal


  • UEFA Champions League @ChampionsLeague

  • How Serie A Revitalized USMNT Duo 🇮🇹

    Pulisic, McKennie on finding self-belief ahead of Juve-Milan clash 📲

    How Serie A Revitalized USMNT Duo 🇮🇹
    World Football logo
    World Football

    How Serie A Revitalized USMNT Duo 🇮🇹

    Pulisic, McKennie on finding self-belief ahead of Juve-Milan clash 📲

    Alex Windley
    via Bleacher Report
  • Zach Lowy @ZachLowy

  • Footy Headlines @Footy_Headlines

  • CBS Sports Golazo ⚽️ @CBSSportsGolazo

  • SiriusXM FC @SiriusXMFC

  • What Could Have Been

    B/R Football @brfootball

    Jürgen Klopp won it all with Liverpool, but he could have won so much more 💔

  • Xavi U-Turn Shows Breaking Up Is Hard

    Announcement was no shock but reflects appetite to find stability 📲

    Xavi U-Turn Shows Breaking Up Is Hard
    World Football logo
    World Football

    Xavi U-Turn Shows Breaking Up Is Hard

    Announcement was no shock but reflects appetite to find stability 📲

    via the Guardian
  • Sky Sports Premier League @SkySportsPL

  • John Cross @johncrossmirror

  • Bellingham Out for Madrid

    Rodrygo also misses Friday's game vs. Real Sociedad📲

    Bellingham Out for Madrid
    World Football logo
    World Football

    Bellingham Out for Madrid

    Rodrygo also misses Friday's game vs. Real Sociedad📲

    Diario AS
    via Diario AS
  • Wirtz Potential Destinations ✈️

    Arsenal? Man City? Liverpool? Madrid? Man Utd? Barça? Check the rankings 📲

    Wirtz Potential Destinations ✈️
    World Football logo
    World Football

    Wirtz Potential Destinations ✈️

    Arsenal? Man City? Liverpool? Madrid? Man Utd? Barça? Check the rankings 📲

  • John Cross @johncrossmirror

  • Robin Bairner @RBairner

  • Current State of EPL Title Race 🏆

    Liverpool fading hard after shocking 2-0 loss to rivals Everton

    Who is taking the trophy? ⤵️

  • Liverpool Losing Derby 2-0 🫠

    Reds defense nowhere to be found as Everton doubles lead 🎥

    NBC Sports Soccer @NBCSportsSoccer


  • Men in Blazers @MenInBlazers

  • John Cross @johncrossmirror

  • Xavi to Stay at Barça 👀

    Spanish coach to continue after previously saying he'd leave following season (multiple reports)

    Xavi to Stay at Barça 👀
    World Football logo
    World Football

    Xavi to Stay at Barça 👀

    Spanish coach to continue after previously saying he'd leave following season (multiple reports)

    Julia Stumbaugh
    via Bleacher Report
  • FIFA @FIFAcom

  • FootballJOE @FootballJOE

  • 6⃣ Names to Replace Pochettino at Chelsea

    Poch is on borrowed time at Stamford Bridge. Here's who could come in next ⤵️

    6⃣ Names to Replace Pochettino at Chelsea
    World Football logo
    World Football

    6⃣ Names to Replace Pochettino at Chelsea

    Poch is on borrowed time at Stamford Bridge. Here's who could come in next ⤵️

    Leo Collis
    via Bleacher Report
  • @WhoScored

  • SoccerBible @SoccerBible

  • Bruno Banger for Man Utd 💥

    Red Devils captain with the strike from way outside 🎥

    B/R Football @brfootball

    BRUNO STUNNER 🚀 (via @NBCSportsSoccer)

  • Ten Hag's Seat Getting Warmer 🔥

    It's all fine at Old Trafford...

  • Sky Sports Premier League @SkySportsPL

  • Squawka @Squawka

  • La Liga May Come to USA 🇺🇸

    Spanish league aiming to hold league games abroad from 2025-26 season

    La Liga May Come to USA 🇺🇸
    World Football logo
    World Football

    La Liga May Come to USA 🇺🇸

    Spanish league aiming to hold league games abroad from 2025-26 season

    via Goal
  • Richard Jolly 🇺🇦 @RichJolly

  • 90min @90min_Football

  • UCL Semifinal Predictions 🔮

    Two places in June's Wembley final are up for grabs

    UCL Semifinal Predictions 🔮
    World Football logo
    World Football

    UCL Semifinal Predictions 🔮

    Two places in June's Wembley final are up for grabs

    BR World Football Staff
    via Bleacher Report
  • Ben Jacobs @JacobsBen

  • DW Sports @dw_sports

  • Haaland Out vs. Brighton

    Foden and Stones both fit for Thursday's game

    Haaland Out vs. Brighton
    World Football logo
    World Football

    Haaland Out vs. Brighton

    Foden and Stones both fit for Thursday's game

    the Guardian
    via the Guardian
  • Tevez Hospitalized with Chest Pains

    Former Argentina striker staying in hospital as a precaution

    Tevez Hospitalized with Chest Pains
    World Football logo
    World Football

    Tevez Hospitalized with Chest Pains

    Former Argentina striker staying in hospital as a precaution

    BBC Sport
    via BBC Sport
  • Football Italia @footballitalia

  • MARCA in English 🇺🇸 @MARCAinENGLISH

  • Bayern Speaking to Rangnick

    Former Man Utd interim manager in frame to replace Tuchel this summer

    Bayern Speaking to Rangnick
    World Football logo
    World Football

    Bayern Speaking to Rangnick

    Former Man Utd interim manager in frame to replace Tuchel this summer

    BBC Sport
    via BBC Sport
  • 🥳

    B/R Football @brfootball

    Arsenal threw a party on Chelsea's grave at the Emirates 💀

  • Men in Blazers @MenInBlazers