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Method: chatlists.getChatlistUpdates

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Fetch new chats associated with an imported chat folder deep link ». Must be invoked at most every chatlist_update_period seconds (as per the related client configuration parameter »).


chatlistInputChatlistThe folderYes

Return type: chatlists.ChatlistUpdates

Can bots use this method: YES

MadelineProto Example (now async for huge speed and parallelism!):

if (!file_exists('madeline.php')) {
    copy('', 'madeline.php');
include 'madeline.php';

$MadelineProto = new \danog\MadelineProto\API('session.madeline');

$chatlists_ChatlistUpdates = $MadelineProto->chatlists->getChatlistUpdates(chatlist: $InputChatlist, );