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The Conversation

Republishing guidelines

We believe in the free flow of information and publish all our work under a Creative Commons — Attribution/No Derivatives license. This means you can republish our articles online or in print for free, provided you follow these guidelines:

For print and online

You can't edit our material, except to reflect relative changes in time, location and editorial style. If you do wish to make material edits, you will need to run them by the author for approval prior to publication. Authors can be contacted by the blue Contact button that accompanies their author profile.

You have to credit authors and their institutions, ideally in the byline.

You have to credit The Conversation and include a link back to either our home page or the article URL. Our preference is a credit at the top of the article and that you include our logo (available below).

You must use our page view counter when republishing online. The page view counter is a 1 pixel by 1 pixel invisible image that allows us and our authors to know when and where content is republished. If you use the “republish” button that accompanies each article you'll include our page counter. See "Page counter troubleshooting" below for more information.

You can't sell our material separately, but it's OK to put our articles on pages with ads or behind a paywall.

You have to confirm you're licensed to republish images in our articles. Some images, such as those licensed from certain commercial providers, cannot be republished without permission or payment. Copyright terms are generally listed in the image caption and attribution. You are welcome to omit our images or substitute with your own. Charts and interactive graphics follow the same rules.

You can't systematically republish all of our articles.

WordPress step-by-step republishing guide

Special cases

Page counter troubleshooting

Checking the page counter

Once you have published the piece, you can verify you have included the page counter by contacting our audience development team of Katrina and Joel at [email protected] to check. They can also answer any other questions.

The Conversation logo assets

You can download high-resolution graphics for use with our content: