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US pumps billions into semiconductor race

President Joe Biden has committed hundreds of billions of dollars in a bid to supercharge the US tech sector. Also, the latest on China's growing housing crisis.

President Joe Biden has committed hundreds of billions of dollars to supercharging the US tech sector. Democrats hope it will give the nation a competitive edge when it comes to semiconductors - a new battleground in global manufacturing. Professor David Yoffie, a former board member at Intel, gives us his insight.

Also on the programme, we visit Turkey, where there's a threat of new sanctions over the Russia-Ukraine conflict; and Sri Lanka, where fresh protests have erupted over fuel and energy supplies. There's the latest on China's growing housing crisis from the BBC's Stephen McDonnell; and why users have welcomed the latest changes to WhatsApp.

To discuss all of these issues and more, Business Matters is joined by Diane Brady, Assistant Managing Editor at Forbes Magazine in New York; and Timothy Martin, Korea Bureau Chief at the Wall Street Journal.

(Picture: Circuit boards, powered by semiconductor components, leave a factory in Shanghai. Credit: Getty Images.)

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50 minutes


  • Wed 10 Aug 2022 00:06GMT
