'I was cyberbullied by my best friend'

Remember, someone sharing your private messages online is bullying!

It's just like being left out, or ignored, or called names at school in person. Abbie did the right thing in telling a trusted adult about what had happened to her.

What could Abbie have done?

  • Blocked Tanya on her phone and any social media
  • Kept the evidence to share with her Headteacher
  • Continued to have a nice time with her other friend

Are you being cyberbullied?

If you're being cyberbullied, speak to a trusted adult or friend.

You can also find more support and advice with NSPCC and Childline.

Act now!

Here's five things you can do right now.

Or, continue reading about cyber bullying and anonymity.

This story is based on real-life bullying experiences. Some personal details have been changed.