Social media issues: Hugh Woozencroft acts as your social media agony uncle

Daisy is here for Own It getting advice and support from Hugh on how to deal with friendships in the real world outside of social media.

Have you been in tricky situations with your friends? Maybe one of your mates has posted a picture that you really don’t want to be online, or you’ve compared yourself to people you see on social media? Or maybe someone has spread a rumour about you at school and in group chats?

Hugh has some tips to help deal with these situations, but the most important thing to keep in mind is that if someone is bothering you online or offline you should never stay silent. Talking to an adult can feel scary or intimidating, but it’s actually easier than what you think. Speak to your parents, guardians or teachers and tell them what’s going on.

If you're in trouble with anything online and you're not who to speak to, there is help out there. If you would like to speak to someone urgently, then Childline will speak to you any time on 0800 1111.

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