A poem about clickbait

It's ok to be curious when it comes to the headlines you see online, but it's important not to believe everything you see and read. The thing with fake news is that it's designed for you to believe it: maybe it’s a sensational gossip about a celebrity, or some crazy new discovery or an internet hack that promises to make your life easier.

As Felix says, websites are like fishermen - often they want to attract you with sensational images and misleading headlines and reel you in so that you read, like and share. So, just be careful about what you read online and make sure you talk to a trusted adult if you feel confused or unable to tell the truth.

If you want to know more, check out The Horrible Histories’ song and tips on fake news and Jay’s poem on misinformation online.

  • Does a story seem to good to be true? Young Reporter has written some real news reminders to give you a strategy to deal with it.

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