Keeping gaming fun

They might not understand that gaming is actually a social thing – or that it can help develop skills and creativity, as well as being a great way to relax.

So it might seem like they want to put a stop to your fun for no good reason.

And here’s the thing. Most gaming is amazing fun, so it probably wouldn’t hurt to show those concerned (usually parents or carers) why you like it so much.

The more they understand, the better it will be for everyone.

One of the reasons they might worry is because “gaming disorder” has been recognised by some researchers as a new mental health condition.

While most people will enjoy gaming with no problems, a few will get so caught up with it, that it messes up their lives in other areas.

So should you be worried?

As long as gaming remains an enjoyable hobby alongside other normal things, it’s fine. But if it starts to dominate your life, you might be getting into a bit of trouble.

  • Am I gaming more and more, and feeling bad when I don’t get the opportunity to play?
  • Do I get angry or upset when I’m asked to stop gaming, even if I’ve been at it for hours?
  • Is gaming pretty much all I talk about and think about?
  • Am I letting other things slide because of my gaming, like my schoolwork or spending time with friends in real life?
  • Am I playing more and more over time, even losing sleep or forgetting to eat because of it?

If your answer to these questions is “yes”, then it might be worth talking to someone about it.

While most people can keep their game-play under control, it can tip into the danger-zone without you realising it. For anyone's gaming habit to be officially considered a “disorder”, needing treatment, the problem would have to last for a full year.

But if it’s heading that way, why wait? Best to sort it out straight away.

So go ahead, play and have fun. Gaming is a part of life. However, if gaming becomes your life, it could be a problem, and you can get help to fix it.

If you're worried you might need help with an addiction, you should speak to an adult or contact Childline for advice.

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