Ways you can speak up for the things you believe in

Do you want to gain a better understanding of current events? Do you want to do your bit to make a difference to the world around you? Channel your feelings into positive action, no matter how small.

Here are some ways to use your voice:


Make posters or signs about a cause you are passionate about. You don’t have to go on a march to show your signs, you could even put them up in your bedroom window. Get creative with different slogans and lots of colour! Even if you don’t show them to anyone else, it’s good to express yourself artistically.

Write. A poem, a story or a whole book! It’s good to express your thoughts and put them down in writing. If you want you could share them with friends, family or your classmates too!

Learn. Read, watch and listen to books/talks/videos/podcasts, both on and offline. The first step to making a difference is to understand the topic you’re passionate about, and you can do that by educating yourself on the cause.

Speak and listen. Talk to those around you, your friends, your family or teachers. Try to have honest chats about what’s going on in the news. It’s good to hear a range of views and also hear what different people have to say in order to understand other perspectives.

Ask questions. If you’re confused, don’t be afraid to ask questions so that things can be made a little clearer. A curious and open mind is an important thing to have!

Fundraise. Brainstorm some ideas with family or friends of how you could raise money for the cause you care about. You could go on a sponsored walk or cycle, how about a sponsored silence or giving something up? There are many ways you could challenge yourself while raising money for the cause that’s important to you!


The internet can be the most useful resource for taking action if used in the right way!

If you branch out beyond your own social media bubble, there are so many other ways to access interesting and useful information.

For example, fundraisers you can get involved with, groups of other people who feel strongly about making a positive change online, and news sources to help you fact-check what you’re seeing/reading about.


There are podcasts about all kinds of topics. You can listen while on the move, before bed or as you tidy your room!

BBC Bitesize:

Have you ever used BBC Bitesize in school or to help with homework? Did you know it’s also a great place to research topics and people you might want to know more about. They even have a whole collection of help to support you as a person, and to help you plan for your future. 

There are some fascinating animations about civil rights and social activists! Watch them here.

Here's some advice from Bitesize on what to do if you hear racist language.


Like podcasts, documentaries offer a very quick and easy way to learn about complicated topics.

News for you:

For quick and clear news made just for you, check out Newsround On CBBC iPlayer or on CBBC everyday.

It’s a great place to start when trying to gain a better understanding of what’s going on!