Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Post

Alcohol use is one of the leading modifiable behaviors affecting the risk of cancer. Drinking increases the risk of cancers of the liver, breast (in women), colon, throat, mouth, and more. Together, we can help reduce cancer deaths by creating environments to support people in limiting their alcohol use. Read the new research on alcohol use & cancer deaths:

  • Graphic illustration of people standing in front of bottles. Text reads, "Over 20,000 people die from alcohol-related cancers each year in the U.S.*

*During 2020-2021."

Every time I talk about this, my friends roll their eyes and say, "Really." It doesn't matter. We have to tell people the truth even if they don't want to hear it.

robert luisi

Currently retired at Currently retired


We can all sit in a corner hooked up to machines afraid to do anything that might harm us, or we can live.


This AM, I read where alcohol abuse is a significant health issue in people 65 and older. Since the pandemic loniness has increased significantly with the use of alcohol. The baby boomers generation is experiencing significant health issues related to alcohol misuse that millennials and Generation Z can learn from. Tjbmd

Robert (Bob) Kobelski

Lead Chemist at Resolution Sciences


!0X as many people die from medical malpractice. 5x as many people die from nosocomial infections What are you doing about that?

Mathew Symes

Global Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology Online Network



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