Tech Licensing programs

Consumers and businesses are creating ever-increasing amounts of high-quality photos, video, and other digital media. Once created, that media needs to be stored and shared across multiple platforms and products. Cloud technologies can facilitate the sharing process, but in many applications, there is no substitute for the convenience of removable storage.

Extended File Allocation Table (exFAT) is Microsoft-patented file system. exFAT can handle extremely large file sizes and enables seamless file exchange between devices that use removable storage, regardless of device or operating system. Combining wide interoperability with the capacity to handle files at virtually unlimited scale, exFAT is a must-have tech licensing program for companies seeking an efficient file storage and transfer solution.

How exFAT works

The exFAT file system handles large files, such as those used for audio and video media. It allows efficient storage and seamless data portability between desktop PCs and consumer electronic devices, enabling easy interchange between the two. Inheriting its base from FAT32, another Microsoft file system, exFAT can be implemented with minimal effort. Companies can also choose to add transaction support to their exFAT implementation (TexFAT) to assist with transaction-safe operations. exFAT has been included in Windows operating systems since Windows CE 6.0 and Windows Vista SP1.


Enables virtually unlimited card storage

exFAT allows devices to handle growing requirements for media file storage, increasing volume capacity into the terabytes. exFAT also allows for single files to exceed 4 GB, a limitation of FAT32.

Provides an extensible format

The extensible format includes OEM-definable parameters to customize the file system for specific devices.

Interoperability of systems and devices

exFAT supports interoperability with a very wide range of operating systems, avoiding the need to constantly reformat files and media.

Enables fast transfer speeds

With modern storage allocation techniques, file saves can achieve their full speeds.

Our exFAT licensees

More than 100 companies license exFAT, including some of the world’s best-known and most innovative OEMs. exFAT is used by the Secure Digital (SD) Card Association for high-capacity, high-speed SDXC and SDUC cards.

Direct license with exFAT implementation

Microsoft has agreements with several industry leaders that allow them to provide exFAT implementations directly to customers along with a direct license from Microsoft. These leaders can offer highly tuned implementations to provide the best end-customer experience and include warranty and support. This offering is available through the following companies:

Intellectual property

Innovation is at the heart of Microsoft as a company.

Contact us

For the best experience with exFAT, we recommend contacting the companies listed above. For customers wanting only a patent license, contact us to learn more about the exFAT licensing program and request a pricing proposal.

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