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Need help? Visit our Support Portal for answers to frequently asked questions about connecting to Tor, circumventing censorship, using onion services, and more.

Chat with us on OFTC IRC

#tor - Ask questions about using Tor.

#tor-dev - Discuss Tor-related coding and protocols. Ideas are welcome.

#tor-l10n - Get in touch with other translators

#tor-meeting - Watch or join publicly logged team meetings.

#tor-project - Discuss organization and community related topics: meetups and outreach.

#tor-relays - Discuss running a Tor relay.

#tor-south - Talk with Tor's global south community.

#tor-www - Talk with us about improvements on our websites.

#tor-ux - Discuss UX related ideas.

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Volunteer with Tor

Our teams collaborate in open channels, including email lists, you are welcome to join. If you have a question for a specific team not answered on our support portal, you can ask the appropriate list. You're welcome to subscribe and just watch, too :)

Report a bug or give feedback.

Tor relies on the support of users and volunteers around the world to help us improve our software and resources, so your feedback is extremely valuable to us (and to all Tor users).

Tell us about a bad relay.

If you find a relay that you think is malicious, misconfigured, or otherwise broken, please check out our wiki page and blog post on how to report it.

Report a security issue.

If you've found a security issue in one of our projects or in our infrastructure, please email [email protected]. If you want to encrypt your mail, you can get the OpenPGP public key for this address from Here is the fingerprint:

835B 4E04 F6F7 4211 04C4 751A 3EF9 EF99 6604 DE41

If you wish to participate in our bug bounty program, please be aware, submitting a security issue to a third-party website carries certain risks that we cannot control, as a result we'd prefer the report directly.

Email us

For questions and comments about Tor the non-profit organization: trademark questions, affiliation and coordination, contract inquiries, etc, please email [email protected]. For donor-related questions, contact [email protected].

Send us Mail

The Tor Project
PO Box 5
Winchester, NH 03470