Oz Katerji

Oz Katerji is a British Lebanese freelance journalist focusing on conflict, human rights, and the Middle East.

Articles by Oz Katerji
A soldier wearing a hat and face covering over his lower face and camouflage combat gear holds an artillery shell about the length of his forearm. He stands in a low, log-roofed bunker with boxes of ammunition stacked on either side.
A soldier wearing a hat and face covering over his lower face and camouflage combat gear holds an artillery shell about the length of his forearm. He stands in a low, log-roofed bunker with boxes of ammunition stacked on either side.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky gestures with an open hand while speaking during a TV news interview. Zelensky is dressed in his typical black t-shirt and is seated at a desk in front of a bright blue wall.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky gestures with an open hand while speaking during a TV news interview. Zelensky is dressed in his typical black t-shirt and is seated at a desk in front of a bright blue wall.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky speaks during a joint press conference with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen following their talks in Kyiv.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky speaks during a joint press conference with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen following their talks in Kyiv.
A satellite image shows smoke billowing from the headquarters of the Russian Black Sea Fleet after a Ukrainian missile strike in Sevastopol, Crimea.
A satellite image shows smoke billowing from the headquarters of the Russian Black Sea Fleet after a Ukrainian missile strike in Sevastopol, Crimea.
A picture taken on July 17 shows a Russian warship sailing near the Kerch Bridge, linking the Russian mainland to Crimea, following an attack claimed by Ukrainian forces.
A picture taken on July 17 shows a Russian warship sailing near the Kerch Bridge, linking the Russian mainland to Crimea, following an attack claimed by Ukrainian forces.
A tail section of a 300 mm rocket, which appears to contain cluster bombs, is embedded in the ground in eastern Ukraine.
A tail section of a 300 mm rocket, which appears to contain cluster bombs, is embedded in the ground in eastern Ukraine.
A woman hugs her soldier friend in Kherson, Ukraine.
A woman hugs her soldier friend in Kherson, Ukraine.
A member of Lebanon’s Hezbollah movement fires his gun.
A member of Lebanon’s Hezbollah movement fires his gun.
A man rides a motorcycle past destroyed buildings in an opposition-held neighborhood of the southern Syrian city of Daraa on Oct. 2, 2018.
A man rides a motorcycle past destroyed buildings in an opposition-held neighborhood of the southern Syrian city of Daraa on Oct. 2, 2018.
Destruction from heavy fighting and pro-regime airstrikes in Idlib, Syria.
Destruction from heavy fighting and pro-regime airstrikes in Idlib, Syria.
A man mourns the death of seven members of a family in Syria
A man mourns the death of seven members of a family in Syria
Then-Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn arrives at Trafalgar Square to speak at an anti-war rally in London on Jan. 11.
Then-Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn arrives at Trafalgar Square to speak at an anti-war rally in London on Jan. 11.
Coffins of three of the seven bodyguards of Lebanon's murdered prime minister Rafiq Hariri are carried through the crowd during a mass funeral in central Beirut  on 16 February 2005. Hariri and his bodyguards were buried after his coffin was caught in a crush of frenzied mourners outside a Beirut mosque. AFP PHOTO/JOSEPH BARRAK.
Coffins of three of the seven bodyguards of Lebanon's murdered prime minister Rafiq Hariri are carried through the crowd during a mass funeral in central Beirut on 16 February 2005. Hariri and his bodyguards were buried after his coffin was caught in a crush of frenzied mourners outside a Beirut mosque. AFP PHOTO/JOSEPH BARRAK.
A Lebanese couple inspect the damage to their house in an area overlooking the destroyed Beirut Port on Aug. 5, in the aftermath of a pair of massive explosions in the Lebanese capital.
A Lebanese couple inspect the damage to their house in an area overlooking the destroyed Beirut Port on Aug. 5, in the aftermath of a pair of massive explosions in the Lebanese capital.