'The shampoo worked so well, someone thought I was five years younger than my twin brother!' One man's fight against his grey hair, and what you need to know about the product he swears by

As an identical twin, Ole is used to people confusing him for his sibling, Lars.  

Some twins start to look less alike as they age, but the 47-year-olds had always stayed strikingly similar. 

So when a colleague recently guessed Ole was a whole five years younger than his brother, it really hit home!

The secret to his youthful new look is Alpecin Grey Attack, a new anti-grey shampoo from Germany that he started using after noticing his first grey hairs, while Lars left things as they were. 

Now the twins still look alike in virtually all respects, just Ole is thought to be much younger - despite actually being born 30 minutes earlier!

Ole, 47, (right) feels too young to become a 'silver fox'. And the results after a few weeks of using a new anti-grey sharnpoo prove him right: in direct comparison with his twin brother Lars, his darker hair makes him look younger and fresher

Alpecin Grey Attack turned back the clock for Ole by gradually returning his hair to its previous dark brown colour. 

Ever since, people have been commenting on his new youthful appearance - but notably without making reference to his hair. 

The reason? Unlike with dye, the change brought about by Alpecin Grey Attack looks completely natural rather than the result of a treatment. 

That's why Claudia, Ole's new colleague, couldn't believe that he and Lars were twins when she saw them together for the first time at a barbecue a few weeks ago! 

'I liked that, of course, and it shows that hair colour makes a difference,' says Ole with a laugh.

Small effort, big effect - thanks to Alpecin Grey Attack! With less grey in his hair, Ole (right) is now perceived as being significantly younger than his brother, Lars

A snap survey of the brothers' female friends found similar reactions, with most thinking Ole looked younger... and more attractive! 

'I would never have thought that they were the same age,' says Anne, a 34-year-old graphic designer. 'I just like dark-haired men. My husband has brown curls.'

Katharina, 46, adds: 'I would have guessed Ole was at least four or five years younger.' 

The men saying no to grey hair 

Ole, a teacher, is far from the only man deciding they are too young to embrace the silver look. 

In a recent global survey, more than half out of the 2,000 participants said they didn't want grey hair or thought it made them appear older.  

And out of 500 men who had already gone grey, 58 per cent said they would like to do something about it. 

How does the shampoo actually work?

This graphic shows how the shampoo gradually makes your hair darker every time you use it. Once your hair reaches a shade you like, you can start using it less 

How to get the best results with Alpecin Grey Attack  

1. Leave it in for two to five minutes daily

Use the shampoo daily at first until you reach your desired shade, leaving it in for at least two minutes - but preferably five - before rinsing. 

2. Be patient 

It will take between two and four weeks before you see your hair gradually start to become darker, so persevere! 

3. Let your hair grow a little longer

The colour effect will be more visible with longer hair, so consider delaying your next cut! 

4. Use the product for longer if your hair is thicker 

The colour change happens faster in thinner hair, so if yours is thick you may need to use the product for longer.  

5. Close the bottle tightly

To protect the colour performance, the bottle cap should always be closed after use. And once you've opened the bottle, use it within three months.

Alpecin Grey Attack turns your hair gradually darker with each wash - leading to a more youthful appearance - thanks to some clever German technology. 

The shampoo is designed to emulate the natural process of hair colour formation by using an active ingredient, 5,6-dihydoxyindole (DHI), that is the precursor of the pigment which makes hair brown or black. 

 'When you apply the shampoo, the active ingredient reacts with oxygen in the air to form colour pigment,' says Dr. Erik Schulze zur Wiesche, Head of Research and Development at Alpecin. 

'Over time and with regular use, more and more dye accumulates and a permanent hair colour develops.'

Ole began to notice results after just three weeks of using the shampoo during his daily shower. 

'My grey strands gradually darkened again - turning my hair a richer colour,' he says.

'At the start I used the shampoo every day but now I've reached a colour intensity I like, I only use it once every second or third day.' 

Ole's twin Lars - a car mechanic - was fairly relaxed when he started to notice his first grey hairs. 

All real? Yes! Twin brother Lars was a little skeptical at first, but he's been convinced by the natural colour effect 

But he's now having second thoughts, especially after seeing how much women like Ole's new look! 

'I didn't really care about my increasingly grey hair, but when you compare it to Ole's the difference is already quite noticeable,' he says with a laugh. 

Asked if he'd consider trying Alpecin Grey Attack, Lars says: 'Sure, the natural effect convinces me. It doesn't look artificial at all.' 

The simple solution to grey hair 

Dying your hair doesn't only risk creating a look that is noticeably artificial - it's also messy and fiddly. 

By contrast, you can easily incorporate Alpecin Grey Attack into your daily routine by using it like a normal shampoo, and no other product is needed. 

Unlike dye, you don't have to go through the time consuming process of reapplying every time the colour fades, and it's also free of any harsh chemicals like ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. 

The shampoo has already sold more than 800,000 bottles after launching in Germany last year. 

Alpecin Grey Attack launched in Germany in 2023 and sold 800,000 bottles in just 10 months 

Since arriving in the UK, sales have skyrocketed by an astonishing 2000%, with bottles flying off the shelves at Boots, Superdrug, and Amazon. In fact, demand has been so high that extra supplies have had to urgently be brought in to keep up with demand. 

Here are three reasons why Alpecin Grey Attack should be your first choice for fighting grey hair and achieving a younger look -  

1. It phases out grey hair without your friends noticing: With each application, the shampoo gradually and inconspicuously increases the amount of dark pigment in your hair.

2. It provides a powerful caffeine boost: Alpecin's well-known caffeine complex comprising caffeine, zinc, and niacin delivers a daily dose of caffeine directly to your hair roots and scalp.

3. Quick and easy: With most men using shampoo daily, incorporating Alpecin Grey Attack into your routine is effortless. Just leave it in for two to five minutes for effective cleansing and enjoy the appealing scent it leaves behind

Would YOU like to look younger too? Click here to buy Alpecin Grey Attack on Amazon TODAY!