Emotional ties with entrepreneur and reality TV star Caroline Stanbury

The founder and CEO of The Gift Library on being cool in her children's eyes, wedding memories and why it's tricky to buy her a gift

It's hard to get my four-year-old twin sons Zack [left] and Aaron smiling in a picture together, so I love their most recent school photograph.


Right now the boys think Mummy is the coolest person on the planet, which I’m obviously enjoying. I frame as many of their drawings and paintings as possible and hang them in the nursery. This is my daughter Yasmine ‘graduating’ from nursery aged four. She’s now eight and adores the boys – she wasn’t so keen when they were ‘boring’ babies.

This year my husband Cem and I celebrated our tenth wedding anniversary. We married over three days in Istanbul with more than 700 guests. I wore a classic Neil Cunningham gown as I wanted something I could look back on and still love. My beautiful diamond and ruby ring was a gift from Cem. Owning a luxury gift company I guess I am pretty tricky to buy for, but we’ve been together so long he’s learnt!

Zack and Aaron were born two months prematurely, so were absolutely tiny. It’s hard to believe they were so small, but these glass casts of their feet remind us. I spotted this doll in the window of Chanel on Bond Street; I was smitten. She wasn’t for sale but I badgered Chanel until they gave her to me a few years ago. I love her elegant outfit and my daughter Yasmine likes to play with her, too.


My secretary Rania has been with me for five years and I couldn’t live without her. I know I am tough to work with and I’m sure she hates me at times, which is why we have this dartboard of my face in the office.

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