Uber driver who caused teenage girl to lose her toe when he ran over her foot is ordered to pay her £3,000 in compensation

  • Driver Mohamed Omararbab, 54, was handed a six month suspended sentence

An Uber driver has been ordered to pay a teenage girl £3,000 compensation after causing her to lose a toe when he ran over her foot.

Mohamed Omararbab, 54, of Swansea, ignored a red light when he drove straight over the girl's foot at a pedestrian crossing.

A court heard the youngster fell to the ground in pain and was taken to hospital for injuries to two toes on her right foot. She underwent an operation to try and save her toes but one had to be amputated.

Prosecutor Georgia Donohue said the girl had been waiting at a crossing in Neath Abbey, Neath, and entered the road after the green man was illuminated.

But Omararbab, who was working for Uber and on his way to deliver a takeaway meal at the time, 'wasn't paying attention' to what was in front of him.

He admitted causing serious injury by careless driving and driving without insurance.

Uber driver Mohamed Omararbab was handed a six month suspended sentence and banned from driving for 12 months [Stock picture]

A victim personal statement from the girl said she was 'very conscious that she has a missing toe' and now avoids crossing roads.

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Hywel Davies, defending, said Omararbab had not been speeding at the time and had made efforts to apologise to the victim.

Judge Geraint Walters told the defendant: 'Going over a pedestrian crossing and hitting a pedestrian is plainly dangerous driving, not merely careless.

'You were carrying out some work as an Uber driver delivering food. You had a delivery to make. You obviously were not paying attention as you should have been.

'You caused her significant injury. You drove over her foot which ultimately led to a surgery team having to remove her toe.'

Omararbab was handed a six month suspended sentence and banned from driving for 12 months.

He was ordered to undertake 250 hours unpaid work and pay the compensation in monthly instalments of £40.