Lord Ashcroft demands apology from Sir Keir Starmer after Labour leader 'abused' parliamentary privilege to claim the 'billionaire peer smeared working-class woman Angela Rayner' over her tax affairs

Lord Ashcroft has demanded an apology from Sir Keir Starmer after the Labour leader accused him of 'smearing' Angela Rayner over her tax affairs.

The Conservative donor, whose recent book about the deputy leader has led to questions about her former living arrangements, hit back after Sir Keir's jibe during this week's Prime Minister's Questions.

Sir Keir told the Commons on Wednesday: 'We have a billionaire Prime Minister and a billionaire peer, both of whose families have used schemes to avoid millions of pounds of tax, smearing a working-class woman.'

Yesterday, Lord Ashcroft said: 'I am shocked that a former director of public prosecutions could abuse parliamentary privilege by accusing me of smearing Angela Rayner over tax allegations. 

'If he reads my book, which I would suggest is an essential precursor for offering a critical view about its contents, he will discover that I make no allegations whatsoever about any impropriety on the part of his deputy. I think an apology might be in order.'

Angela Rayner has ducked media questions after police began an investigation into her 'two homes'

Lord Ashcroft has demanded an apology from Sir Keir Starmer after the Labour leader accused him of 'smearing' Ms Rayner

Parliamentary privilege allows MPs to make statements in the Commons that are exempt from defamation law. So Lord Ashcroft is unable to sue Sir Keir.

In response, a spokesman for the Labour Party said: 'Lord Ashcroft has got more front than Blackpool.'

Yesterday, Ms Rayner ducked media questions again after police began an investigation into her 'two homes'.

She and Sir Keir put on a show of solidarity as she made her second visit to a housing project in four days.

Ms Rayner, who is also the shadow housing secretary, launched a housebuilding policy. She did not take any questions from the media and also sent one of her deputies to do the morning round of interviews with broadcasters.

She is facing intense scrutiny about which of two homes she was living in nearly a decade ago. Both she and Sir Keir have been unwilling to disclose legal advice, which Labour says puts her in the clear.

Questions continue over whether Ms Rayner was liable for capital gains tax on the sale of her right-to-buy home in Stockport, Greater Manchester, and if she told the truth on official forms. She has said she will quit if she is found to have done anything wrong.

Sir Keir said: 'We have a billionaire Prime Minister and a billionaire peer, both of whose families have used schemes to avoid millions of pounds of tax, smearing a working-class woman'

Yesterday, Sir Keir posted a video of Ms Rayner quizzing him about what he most liked about his childhood home. 

They also donned hard hats and hi-vis jackets to visit the housing project in Derby. 

Sir Keir said: 'I have said I am absolutely pleased to be out with Angela today, and that is the focus that she has, that is the focus that I have had.'

But Rishi Sunak said: 'The question is for Keir Starmer as to why he is refusing to himself read the advice that seems to exist, why it's not been published, and make a decision on this and I think that just displays a lack of leadership and weakness on his part. There clearly are questions to answer.'