Gold Coast mum who was caught drink driving twice within three hours by the same police officer has been banned from getting behind the wheel of her Tesla.

Tina Kristine Regecova, 50, pleaded guilty to two counts of driving under the influence of liquor and one of driving while suspended when she appeared in Southport Local Court on Wednesday.

The Tamborine Mountain was first pulled over in her white Tesla SUV around midday on April 12 near Mount Nathan on the Gold Coast hinterland when she failed a roadside breath test.

Regecova was taken to Coomera police station, were she returned a blood alcohol reading of 0.199, almost four times the legal limit.

Her licence was suspended on the spot but was back behind the wheel less than three hours later.

Tina Kristine Regecova, 50, (pictured outside court on Wednesday)  had insomnia and drank alcohol to help her sleep

The Gold Coast mum was nearly four times over the legal limit, recording 0.199 the first time she pulled over and 0.183 the second time

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She was pulled over again by the same policeman, who can be heard saying as he approached the Tesla: 'I told you not to drive'.

Regecova told police that she didn't know she was not permitted to get behind the wheel. She was taken back to the police station where she recorded a blood alcohol reading of 0.183.

The court heard on Wednesday that Regecova had been struggling with insomnia and had other health concerns after returning from overseas. 

She had also been fasting when she decided to have some drinks on top of her prescribed Melatonin to help her sleep, The Gold Coast Bulletin reported. 

Regecova said she did not feel 'impaired' the next morning and when she was first pulled over by the police, she had been driving to pick up her son. 

During her sentencing, Regecova was told drinking and driving twice was 'serious misconduct', 

But the judge accepted it had been out of character and acknowledged that Regecova had since completed several programs.  

She was fined $750 and disqualified from driving for at least two years.

No conviction was recorded.

At the time of Regecova's arrest, Queensland Police announced a crackdown on bad and illegal driver behaviour on the Pacific Motorway and across the Gold Coast hinterland. 

The Tesla driver (pictured being pulled over a second time within three hours) was fined $750, disqualified from driving for at least two years. N no conviction recorded

'We're sending a clear message that risky driving behaviours will not be tolerated,' Inspector Kayleen James said.

'Whether it's speed, intoxication, or improper load securing – these are choices that can have deadly consequences.

'This operation is part of our commitment to reducing the road toll and making our roads safer for everyone.'

Regecova (right) told police that she didn't know she wasn't permitted to drive after her first reading