A brave mother-of-two has issued a rallying cry for the public to stand up to criminals, after she risked life and limb capturing a thief who tried to steal her motorcycle, even though police arrived too late to arrest him.

The woman, who wishes to remain anonymous, was caught on CCTV and mobile phone footage launching herself through the air to stop the criminal - who remains on the run - as he tried to make a getaway with the bike in Luton, Beds.

Little did the gang know that that the 31-year-old single mother has a black belt in Taekwondo, and was able to wrestle the crook to the ground as easily as someone double her size.

While she pinned him to the floor, another of the cowardly thieves kicked her in the back from his moped as the gang deserted their colleague, but this did not deter her citizen's arrest, in Hatters Way Retail Park on Monday.

A gang of thieves on mopeds at first knock over the bike then appear to have given up on it

But the unlucky wrongdoer then darts back and hauls the bike back up onto its wheels

He tries to make a hasty getaway, pushing it out of the carpark with an escort of mopeds

But the woman tears out of a shop and springs on to his back, taking him down in a bear hug

But while the woman, who has been practising Taekwondo since the age of seven, was successful in defending her property, the slow police response meant she was reluctantly forced to let the thief go.

She described the daylight incident, saying: 'I am still in a bit of shock but I held my ground for my belongings, my bike.

'I am a single mother of two children and I will protect what's mine at all costs.

'I ran outside the store the moment I realised that they were taking my bike. I couldn't believe that what I watch on TV would happen to me. They were clearly using stolen mopeds for the attack as they didn’t have number plates. 

'I jumped on his back and was trying to take his balaclava off to expose his face and record it... [I was] screaming to people around to record and call the police. Two of the guys drove off in the end and left one. 

'I was fighting the guy for almost ten minutes before he started crying. I felt sorry for him and he was saying he was told to do it.

In a brief melee, one of the gang members gives her a kick before they abandon their friend

Members of the public step in to help and drag the thief out of the road, waiting for police

A small crowd gathers to witness justice being served

A police car on another call apparently ignored the scrap and arrived some 15 mins later

'The police arrived 15 minutes after the incident. I couldn't keep the thief on the floor for so long, and he was begging for his life and crying. I just tried to protect my property that I have worked hard for.'

She eventually had to let the thief go, explaining: 'I was running out of strength and I felt sorry for him. If the police would have come quicker, they would have definitely arrested the suspect.  

'A police car was passing by and they didn't stop because they were on another call, as they returned later and apologised. 

'The police needs to become stronger on this and raise the force on how they deal with these things. I was lucky these thieves weren't carrying weapons.

'I felt vulnerable, and I got a kick on my back as one of the scooter thieves was passing while I grabbed his friend and they left him to fight alone.'

She went on to criticise the police's sluggish response, saying that they 'never turned up with blue lights while a woman is in full danger in the streets of England'.

'I felt alone, and I had to fight to protect my motorbike. Everyone was standing watching but I am grateful for the two men that helped me hold him and demobilise the disgusting thief', she added.

The hero keeps the weeping criminal on the ground with a firm knee to his chest

Other members of the public came to her aid after hearing her calls for some extra help

But help was hardly needed after the pathetic thief began 'begging for his life and crying'

The hero said the damage to her bike would cost up to £1,000 for a broken steering lock and scratches to the bodywork. 

In a final passionate rallying call, she said: 'I want to say to everyone: stand up to these thieves!

'Make sure everyone fights for their belongings and expose their faces. 

'Crime right now in the UK is getting out of hand. They are weak, and if we all come together we can stop them. I hope I inspired people to stand up for themselves, from this day on!'

Bedfordshire Police said: 'The vehicle was recovered by the owner; however damage was caused to the vehicle.

'Three people, who were described at teenage boys in masks, made off from the scene, two of which were on mopeds.

'Police have carried out several lines of enquiry, including CCTV reviews and an investigation is ongoing.

'We are appealing for any witnesses, and if anyone has any information or video footage, to please call 101 and quote reference 40/34683/24.'

They added: 'In the last month the force has arrested five people in connection to these types of offences, as we continue to relentlessly pursue those involved in this type of criminal activity.'