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The West is falling into Putin's trap

His master strategy is to give Nato problems and to deflect its main effort from supporting Ukraine

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko
Russian President Vladimir Putin and Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko

President Putin’s brazen visit to Kaliningrad in the heart of Europe this week was a very clear provocation. Whilst not a direct threat to Nato, it should serve as a wake up call to those who look at the crisis unfolding on the Continent and think this is all business as usual, with Russia now stalled in Ukraine and the war settling into a stalemate. 

Whilst Kaliningrad is formally part of Russian territory, its geography is at a ‘flashpoint’ on the Continent, wedged between several Nato members. If a war with Nato were ever to begin, whether by accident or design, it would do so here. One can almost imagine the Russian despot heard General Patrick Saunders’s call to arms this week and thought the trip a golden chance to turn the knife in on a timid liberal West, where youngsters, he believes, only fight on video games, and would shy away from the real thing if it came to it. Based on reactions from some quarters, he might have reason to believe that.

The fact that Peskov, the Kremlin’s ‘attack dog” was minded to say this visit was not a provocation confirms that is exactly what it was. Indeed, the timing must have been deliberate, as Nato’s huge Exercise Brave Defender, the biggest for many years, involving 90,000 soldiers (with a massive contingent from the UK’s military), is happening in the region.  

The visit also sent a clear message home ahead of his sham election in a few weeks’ time: I am not afraid to travel, despite the arrest warrants placed on me by Western powers, and I won’t forget Russian-speaking peoples wherever they are.

Yet perhaps the most significant role of the visit, and the many other provocative acts of Putin in recent weeks, is to lay a trap for the West - one we are in real danger of falling to. His master strategy is to give Nato many problems to deflect our main effort from supporting Ukraine - the area where his fate will truly be decided. The more that European nations panic, the more they will be inclined to look inward to their own defence rather than giving vital weaponry to Kyiv, thereby buying Putin a crucial window to re-arm to prepare for another assault on the democratic nation later in the year.

As such, while we must expect Putin to probe and provoke, that must not distract us from our core focus: defeating his forces on the ground in Ukraine. Because the fact is, if we divert weapons and ammunition away from Kyiv, then we are actually making a future conflict more likely - if not with Russia, then with other nations who would benefit from a world where it becomes permissible for nations to seize territory by force.

Russia is on a total war footing, the whole economy and industry dedicated to the war effort. Some European and Nato countries cannot even spend 2% of GDP on defence. The Kremlin knows the ammunition bunkers in the West are in a perilous state and most politicians do not seem to believe the state of our military will affect their re-election chances this year. But quite frankly, if we get this wrong everything else vexing us today could become horrifically irrelevant tomorrow.

Much has been made of General Patrick Saunders’s remark that, “regular army’s start wars and citizens’ armies win wars”. He is right: our 70,000 regulars would very quickly become exhausted - one must never disavow conscription in extreme conditions. Even the Russian regular force was ‘spent’ by the end of 2022 and the vast majority of the 600,000 Russian soldiers in Ukraine are now conscripts. They are barely trained and dying at First World War levels of attrition. We must not make Putin’s mistake. We must begin preparations now in the light of Moscow’s and Iran’s aggressive signals. Tyrants only respect strength, and we are in danger of giving Putin the whip hand by not increasing the size of our conventional forces and planning for a worst case scenario.

Those shouting that the youth of today do not have the stomach for the fight are, in my view, disingenuous. Britons have marched to the sound of the drums since time immemorial and vanquished our enemies. I see no dimming of the British fighting spirit, and though they might require a bit more physical conditioning than yesteryear, I’m convinced they would charge the ramparts when required, if the cause was just.

Putin, in short, must be made to know we are up for this fight. But the best way to do that is not by panicking, but to invest in our long-term military capacity and, in the shorter, more urgent, term, give Ukraine everything it needs to win. 

Col Hamish de Bretton-Gordon Former Commanding Officer 1st Royal Tank Regiment

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