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Are plant based alternatives to milk REALLY better for you and the environment?

A third of British people choose plant-based alternatives over dairy milk - meaning that supermarket shelves and cafes are now full of options for people who either prefer not to drink cow's milk or can't for health reasons such as allergies. Some have been around for a while - like soy, almond and the current best-seller in the UK, oat - but there are newer additions to consider like hazelnut and even a drink made from dried peas.

Science Journalist and presenter Greg Foot, from Radio 4's Sliced Bread, has a brand-new investigation and is here to explain whether any of these milk alternatives are better for our health, or the environment, compared to cow's milk. Including how oat milk can contain similar levels of calcium but less saturated fat - but these alternatives can often be twice the price of dairy milk.

To watch this with subtitles, go to BBC iPlayer and search for Morning Live from 15/03/24.

Release date:

10 months left to watch


7 minutes