5 top tips to help leave gaming arguments behind

Headsets on, it’s game time! You’re up to date with your homework, so it’s your chance to catch up with your mates after being in the classroom all day. The game starts and it’s going well, but soon you and your friend are disagreeing about the ‘right’ way to take on a challenge. Uh-oh, it gets a bit heated. 

Disagreements are normal, but this one seems a bit… different. It seems like they’re pretty upset, and actually, you are too. And you’re due to see them tomorrow in school, so you don’t want things to be awkward.

How do you put things right? 

Take a breath

Sometimes in the peak of an argument, your emotions can get in the way of reality. By taking a moment, you can put the argument into perspective. Let’s look at the bigger picture here. Are you going to be worried about this next month? What about next year? Will you even remember it next week!?

When you've taken a step back, how do you bring yourself back to the present? Well, one way of doing so is by taking lots of deep, calming breaths. Focussing on the here and now through controlled breathing will help you to realise that you are in control of your emotions, and not the other way around.

Be sure to check out our meditation videos if you need a bit of help!

Leave it at the door

Games can sometimes feel high-pressure and things could get a bit intense.

However, when you’re in school, it’s not cool to carry any negative energy, whether you’ve received bad comments or been frustrated at a friend’s play. You’re in the best place to learn in the day, so why not try finding ways in school that you can work well together? You may be able to bring those experiences into your gaming world, too!

Remember what makes them great!

You and your friends are exactly that - friends! And you're mates for a reason, too.

If you’re upset at someone in a game and you see them at school the next day, remind yourself what it is that you like about them. Maybe you could give them a compliment to break the ice, and you might even make their day!

It's just a game!

While it’s great fun to play with your mates online, remember that it is only a game. People have different skills in different areas, and it’s OKAY to be different.

In fact, some games even require you and your friends to combine your skills and work together - let your differences pull you together and remember that what really counts is the real life connection between you

Think, don't fight!

When you’re in your lessons together after an online argument, it’s a time to be in the moment and cool off. Try and focus on the work you’re doing, and you might find that by break time, you’re actually not as angry as you were before.

Think about whether it’s time to apologise to your friend for your part in the fallout too – chances are you might have upset them and it’s a great chance to smooth things over.

Remember, you can always talk to a trusted adult if you’re unsure how to solve things. Gaming is meant to be fun, so go out there and just remember to enjoy it.

Article created with the help of Childnet.