Kids explain... "skin"

What exactly are 'skins' in video games? Well they are all of those accessories that you can dress your avatar in when you game online to give them a unique look and show off your personality. Skins allow you to express your creativity and make your character look super cool (or super silly if you prefer!). 

Sometimes though, they can cause parents to worry. That's because in some games you might have to use real money to pay for them. While they can be fun, they're not always essential to enjoying a game and can lead to spending a lot of money. So it's always worth thinking about whether these add-ons are worth it. 

If you are tempted to buy skins, it's always better to talk to your parents or a trusted adult who can help you understand the difference between in-game currency and real money. 

If you are worried about spending money in games, talk to a trusted adult and have a look at this article on why you should be careful