Online hacks tried and tested: Jamie tries making microwave treats

We don't really recommend giving this one a go - but if you are tempted then make sure that you have adult supervision and permission.

When you see a hack online, they always seem super easy and quick, but have you ever tried them out to see if they're as good as they seem? Jamie has, and isn't really surprised when he sees that his results look nothing like the videos he saw on social media.

Sometimes as a viewer you don’t really know what goes on behind the scenes with so-called hack videos. Some are misleading because they want you to click and share them with your friends and make money through advertising as they get so many views.

Before you share anything online, ask yourself, does it seem too good to be true?

Why don’t you check out this quiz to find out if you can really spot fake news? And watch this video to learn what fake news is and how you can tell facts from rumours.

When it comes to internet hacks remember to think critically about what the person who made it could be trying to achieve and if you want to give it a go, ask an adult to help you out.

If you want more tips on internet hacks, then check out Jamie's attempt at the multicoloured candy popcorn hack.

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