Online hacks tried and tested: Rhys tries a stain-busting tea hack!

Always make sure you have adult supervision and permission to try out any internet hack that you’ve seen online, because things are not always the way they seem.

In fact, Rhys thought that this tea-bags hack was going to remove the stain he had on his T-shirt, but it turned out he ruined the whole thing! That’s the problem with internet hack videos, some of them want to trick you into clicking on them, sending them to your friends or sharing them and getting more and more likes, and ultimately money from advertising.

When it comes to easy solutions to your problems you should always be suspicious and critical. Do some research before you try any hacks you've seen online and if you still want to give it a go, then ask an adult to help you out. 

Want to see other internet hacks debunked? Then check out Jamie Campbell trying the multicoloured candy popcorn hack.

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