A packed boat race captured by drone and tender Jude Bellingham

Times photographers Marc Aspland and Bradley Ormesher pick their favourite pictures of the week, with a special introduction from Roger Watt and guest contribution from Roesie Percy

Marc Aspland
The Times

Introduction by Roger Watt of Vancouver, Canada: The honour of being asked to write the intro for this week’s Unseen gallery is tempered by a certain trepidation because, well, this is The Times and because I have my suspicions that several of my fellow Unseen family members (you know who you are!) could do a better job.

That said, having spent my last fifty plus years on both sides of the desk in the creative industry, I’m delighted to be able to share my thoughts on Marc and Brad’s work which has made Tuesday the most eagerly awaited edition of The Times for me — and, from the evidence of the comments section, for so many others. Indeed, it must be the website’s only feature